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7 APRIL 2020

• 1. present tense & past tense

• 2. simple present tense & simple past tense
• 3. present tense & past future tense
• 4. simple present & simple past tense
• 5. simple past tense
• 6. simple present tense & past tense

• 1. boulders : batu besar • 1. The foundation of the building

was helped by boulders
• 2. utilize : memanfaatkan • 2. The building's facade utilizes
• 3. exhibits : pameran bricks as a function of beauty
• 4. severe : parah • 3. Tomorrow I will attend an
exhibits of famous architects
• 4. Due to an error in the foundation,
the building is now severe
14 APRIL 2020
• Engages : Terlibat
• Undergoes : Mengalami
• Inhabited : Dihuni
• Humankind : manusia
• Consideration : pertimbangan
• Numerous : banyak sekali
• Reside : tinggal
• Revisited : telah ditinjau kembali
• Unimaginable : tak terbayangkan
• Drastic : drastis
• Elsewhere : ditempat lain
• Argue : memperdebatkan
• Escaping : lolos
• Renowned : terkenal
• 1. The results of the investigation turned out he was engages in
this problem
• 2. The doctor said last night, my mother undergoes quite severe
• 3. This city has not been inhabited for a long time
• 4. Many humankind are affected by the corona virus today
• 5. In designing a building a lot of considerations an architect
• 6. In designing buildings numerous small things that must be
• 7. Many residents reside in cities cause the appearance of slums
• 8. Environmental issues to be managed have been revisited
• 9. A lot of architectural works that are unimaginable by ordinary
• 10. The Indonesian economy is currently down drastic due to a
virus outbreak
• 11. The price of hand washing in this shop is different from
• 12. Coworkers in the team are argue about the design results to be
• 13. My friend escaping the university entrance selection
• 14. The work of architect zaha hadid is very renowned in the world

• architecture has a big influence on a person's daily life.

Many factors must be considered by an architect like
designing a house. an architect must also be able to vent
his emotions in a building so that people know the place's
function clearly
• architecture has a relevant influence on
• people's lives and decisions
• architecture can easily be
• means of strength. because - we shape our building
• According to blind architect Chris Downey, the role of an
architect is to take into account everyone
• aspects of people's lives, and predict not only what is
suitable for clients or cities. and then,
• not only what is suitable for now. but also what will still be
successful in the long run.
• . the beauty of architecture does not depend on its beauty
• continuous change, striving for perfection, and aiming
• to impress? - Architecture is the path of discovery

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