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 School is one of the places where emergency awareness
is implemented.
 Aside from the natural calamities, various incidents
also cause danger amongst students.
 As such, schools should always be prepared to handle
these hazards, as well as give students the knowledge
and awareness they need in order to properly deal with
such situations.
 Injuries basically refer to unintentional or
intentional damage to the body caused by various
factors – exposure to thermal, mechanical,
electrical, or chemical energy, absence of heat and
oxygen, and so on.
 Injuries can be classified as intentional or
 are basically a result of violence – meaning that the harm was done on
The following are examples of intentional injuries:
 Self-inflicted injuries: these injuries occur when an individual harms
himself/herself on purpose. Examples would be suicide and parasuicide.
 Assault: this refers to the act of purposely harming another person. This
has various examples as well.
 Domestic violence – this act if assault commonly known to take place at
home. This includes not just physical assault, but sexual and verbal
abuse as well.
 Bullying – this is a form of unwanted and aggressive behavior
repeatedly committed towards a person over time.
 Extortion – this refers to the act of unlawful taking of something
(especially money) by means of force or threats.
 Stalking – this is a form of behavior that makes a victim feel harassed
and in danger. This can be in various forms: calling or texting
repeatedly, following the individual wherever he/she goes, invading
his/her privacy and other actions that are frightening and even deadly.
This is a form of crime that can be extremely dangerous.
 Gang/Youth violence – nowadays a lot of young people are prone to
youth violence. Peer pressure and the feeling of belongingness can
often lure them into joining gangs, who often commit various acts that
are violent, such as joining gang wars.
 are also known as accidents. Simply put, these are unexpected circumstances that
lead to bodily harm. At school, for instance, there are various activities which often
lead to injuries. During physical activities, for instance, people are susceptible to
the following accident-related injuries such as fracture and sprain.
The following are examples of unintentional injuries:
 Fracture – a form of unintentional injury wherein there is a crack or
breaking of bone. This is common in growing bones as they are less dense.
 Dislocation – refers to the partial or complete displacement of the bones.
 Sprain – this occurs when the ligaments of a bone were teared or
 Strain – this is an injury that resulted from improper use of muscles.
 Food poisoning – this is a form of accident caused by consumption of
food or drink that is contaminated with bacteria or viruses. In order to
avoid this, it is best to ensure cleanliness while preparing food.
 Choking – this accident occurs mostly among younger children,
although it can happen to older ones as well. Choking happens when a
foreign object blocks the throat, and without immediate aid, it can be
First Aid
 First aid is an important skill that students and
everyone in the community should know so that they
will be able to learn how to handle common injuries
and wounds.
 The immediate care given to a person/victim who
has suddenly become ill or has been injured.
Role of First Aider
 Bridge the gap between the time of the
accident and the arrival of the physician.
 Ends when medical assistance begins.
 Doesn’t intend to compete with or take place
of the physician.
Objectives of First Aid
 To prolong life
 To alleviate suffering
 To prevent further or added injury
Characteristics of a Good First Aider

 Observant – notice all signs

 Resourceful - make best use of all things
 Gentle – shouldn’t cause pain
 Tactful – shouldn’t be alarming
 Sympathetic – should be comfort
PRICE Principle
 Protect – the injured body part as aggravation will
increase the inflammation.
 Rest – the affected area
 Ice – application or cold compression
 Compression – over the affected area
 Elevation/Elevate – the affected area above the heart
Types of Bandage
 Triangular
 Crape/Elastic
 Gauze/Cotton
 Adhesive
Methods of Applying Bandaging

 Circular Turn – are used chiefly to anchor bandages and to terminate

 Spiral Turn – are used to bandage cylindrical parts of the body that are
fairly uniform in circumference, such as upper arm and upper leg.
 Spiral Reverse Turn – are used to bandage cylindrical parts of the body
that are not uniform in circumference, such as the lower leg of lower fore
 Figure of Eight – Application of bandages on Elbow, Ankle & knee.

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