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OSHA’s Respiratory

Protection Standard
29 CFR 1910.134
Major Changes
 Different categories of particulate filters
 End of service life schedule
 Designate a program administrator
 New IDLH requirements
 Voluntary use requirements
 Medical, training, fit testing details
Scope and Dates
 This standard applies to general industry, shipyards, marine terminals,
longshoring, and construction
 The effective date is 4/8/98
 Determination that respirator use is required (paragraph a) to be
completed no later than 9/8/98
 Compliance with all other provisions of this standard must be
completed no later than 10/5/98
 Employers may use the results of training, fit testing, medical
evaluation conducted within 12 months prior to 4/8/98 if they meet the
standard requirements
Other OSHA Specific Standards

 Respirator related provisions of OSHA’s

existing standards are revised to conform to
the revised 1910.134
 All provisions addressing respirator use,
selection, and fit testing are deleted from
OSHA’s specific substance standards
Organization of the Standard
» a) Permissible practice
» b) Definitions
» c) Respirator program
» d) Selection of respirators
» e) Medical evaluation
» f) Fit testing
» g) Use of respirator
» h) Maintenance and care
» i) Breathing air quality and use
» j) Identification of filters, cartridges, and canisters
» k) Training and information
» m) Recordkeeping
» n) Dates
» o) Appendices
» A - Fit test procedures
» B-1 User seal checks
» B-2 Cleaning procedures
» C Medical questionnaire
» D Information for employees wearing respirators when not required
Permissible Practice
 Primary means of control of breathing contaminated air is
through use of feasible engineering controls
 If not feasible or while implementing respirators shall be
 Respirators must be appropriate for use intended
 Employer is responsible for establishment of respirator
program as discussed in paragraph (c)
Respirator Program

 Develop a written program with worksite

specific procedures
 Update program as needed as conditions
 Designate a program administrator who is
 Provide respirators, training, and medical
evaluations at no cost to employees
Voluntary Use

 If voluntary use of dust masks is

permissible, employer must provide
appendix D information
 For other respirator use, must implement
medical evaluation and cleaning, storage,
and maintenance requirements
Program Elements

 Selection
 Medical evaluation
 Fit testing
 Use
 Maintenance and care
 Breathing air quality
 Training
 Program evaluation
Selection of respirators
 Employer must select appropriate respirator based on
respiratory hazards and user factors which affect
performance and reliability
 Select NIOSH certified respirators and use in compliance
with conditions of certification
 Identify and evaluate the respiratory hazards in the
workplace and estimate the employee’s exposure
 If estimate cannot be performed consider atmosphere
 Select from sufficient number of models and sizes
Respirators for IDLH

 Use full facepiece pressure demand SCBA

certified by NIOSH for minimum life of 30
minutes, or
 Combination full facepiece pressure demand
with auxiliary self contained breathing
 All oxygen-deficient atmospheres are
considered IDLH
Respirators for atmospheres not
 Provide an atmosphere supplying respirator, or
 Provide an air purifying respirator, provided that:
- Equipped with and end of service life indicator, or
- Implement a change schedule based on objective information, and
must describe the information and data relied upon for the
For protection against
particulates, provide:
 An atmosphere supplying respirator, or
 An air-purifying respirator with HEPA filter
under NIOSH CFR Part 11 or with filters
certified for particulates under 42 CFR Part
NIOSH Requirements
42 CFR Part 84
 On July 10, 1995, 30 CFR 11 was replaced by 42 CFR 84
 Only certifications for nonpowered, air purifying,
particulate respirators are affected
 Remaining portions of Part 11 incorporated into Part 84
without change
 Permits manufacture and sale of Part 11 respirators until
July 10, 1998
 Distributors and end users may deplete supplies until
inventories are exhausted
Classes of Filters
 Old Part 11 used dust, fume, mist classification
 Part 84 has 3 classes based on characteristics against oil
containing hazards, and 3 classes based on filtering
 Levels of efficiency are 95%, 99%, and 99.97%
 Oil resistance categories are N (not resistant), R (resistant),
and P (oil proof)
 Filters are clearly marked (i.e. N95)
Selection of N, R, or P

 If no oil present, use either N, P, or R

 If oil particles are present, use only R or P
 If oil present and respirator used for more
than 1 shift, use only P
Selection of filter efficiency
 Must consider overall respirator performance needed
 Calculate hazard grade ( exposure/limit)
 Must know protection factor of respirator
 Example
- Half mask with HEPA - protection factor is 10
- Half mask with N95 - protection factor is 100/10 +5 = 6.6
- Full face with N 95 - protection factor is 100/2+5 = 14.2
 N95 with half mask suitable for many conditions with hazard
grade below 6.
Medical Evaluation
 Must be done before fit testing and use to determine users
ability to wear respirator
 Identify a PLHCP (physician or other licensed health care
provider) to perform evaluations using the questionnaire or
other examination which obtains information
 Appendix C Part A questionnaire
 Follow up exam required if positive response to any
question of questions 1-8 in section 2
 Annual review required
Fit Testing

 Before employee uses tight fitting facepiece

 Must pass QLFT or QNFT
 At least annually, or other changes in
physical condition of employee
 QLFT OK if fit factor of 100 or less is
Use of respirators
 Cannot use tight fitting respirators if facial hair or other conditions which may
interfere with seal
 Glasses or goggles must not interfere with seal
 Users must perform a user seal check each time put on per procedures in
Appendix B-1
 Maintain appropriate surveillance of work area conditions and degree of
- Locate one employee outside the IDLH area
- Maintain voice or other communication
- Outside employee must be trained and equipped for emergency rescue
Maintenance and care

 Provide respirator that is clean, sanitary,

and in good working order
 Use procedures in Appendix B-2
 Clean and disinfect:
- as often as needed when used for exclusive use
- before being worn by different employee
- after each use for emergency respirators

 All filters, cartridges, and canisters must be

labeled and color coded with the NIOSH
approval label
Training and information
 Employees must demonstrate knowledge of:
» why respirator is needed
» use in emergency situations
» how to inspect, put on, and check seals
» how to store
» medical signs and symptoms which may limit effective use
» general requirements of the standard
» how to fit test and maintain
 Train prior to use and annually, or when changes occur
 Provide Appendix D to all users
Program Evaluation

 To ensure effective implementation

 Must regularly consult employees to assess

 Medical evaluations retained per 29 CFR

 Fit test records until next fit test
 Written program

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