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Deficiencies &

 Organic molecules needed in small

quantities for normal metabolism and
other biochemical functions, such as
growth or repair of tissue
 Attach to enzymes or coenzymes and
help them activate anabolic (tissue-
building) processes

 Essential part of enzymatic reactions

 Natural sources from both plants and
 Insufficient amounts result in various
Vitamins (cont'd)

 Vitamin K and vitamin B complex

vitamins obtained by synthesis in the
small intestine
 Vitamin D can be synthesized by the
skin when exposed to sunlight
Water-Soluble Vitamins

 B-complex group and vitamin C

 Can be dissolved in water
 Cannot be stored by the body in large
 Daily intake required to prevent
Fat-Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamins A, D, E, K
 Present in both plant and animal foods
 Stored in the liver and fatty tissues
 Daily intake not required
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
 Deficiency occurs only after prolonged
 Can become toxic if excessive amounts
are consumed
Vitamins: Other Issues

 Nutrient mega dosing

 Toxic hypervitaminosis
Vitamin A
 Fat soluble
 Vitamin A (retinol) derived from animal
fats (butter and milk), eggs, meat,
liver, fish liver oils
 The vitamin A in animal tissues is
derived from carotenes, which are
found in plants (green and yellow
vegetables and yellow fruits)
Vitamin A

 Required for growth and development

of bones and teeth
 Necessary for other processes
– Reproduction
– Integrity of mucosal and epithelial
– Cholesterol and steroid synthesis
– Essential for night vision
Vitamin A: Deficiency states

 Hyperkeratosis of the skin

 Night blindness
 Skin conditions
– Acne, psoriasis, keratosis follicularis
Vitamin A: Toxicity

 Ingestion of excessive amounts causes

– Irritability, drowsiness, vertigo, delirium,
other symptoms
– Increased intracranial pressure in infants
– Generalized peeling of the skin and
erythema over several weeks

 Abnormalities of dark adaptation are

strongly suggestive of vitamin
deficiency .Serum level below the
normal range of 30-65mg/dl are
commonly seen in advance deficiency.

 Orally: DOSE 30,000 iu of vit A daily

for 1 week.
 Advance deficiency with corneal
damage -20,000 ius/kg orally for 5
Vitamin D

 Fat soluble
 “Sunshine vitamin”
 Responsible for proper utilization of
calcium and phosphorus
 Actually a group of analog steroid
Vitamin D (Fat Soluble)
 Different chemicals, produce same
 Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
– Plant vitamin D
– Obtained through dietary sources
 Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
– Produced in the skin by ultraviolet
irradiation (sunshine)
Vitamin D (cont'd)

 Vitamin D2-containing foods

– Fish oils, salmon, sardines, herring
– Fortified milk, breads, cereals
– Animal livers, tuna fish, eggs, butter
 Endogenous synthesis in the skin
Vitamin D: Function

 Regulates absorption of and use of

calcium and phosphorus
 Necessary for normal calcification of
bone and teeth
Vitamin D: Indications

 Dietary supplement
 Treatment of vitamin D deficiency
 Treatment and correction of conditions
related to long-term deficiency:
rickets, tetany, osteomalacia
 Prevention of osteoporosis
Vitamin D: Deficiency States

 Vitamin D deficiency generally results from

an inadequate dietary intake of vitamin D,
or too little exposure to sunlight.
 The vitamin D deficiency has also been
found to occur in overcrowded urban areas.
 The absence of sunlight or smog limitations
inhibit the absorption of the D vitamin.
Vitamin D: Toxicity

 Long-term ingestion of excessive

amounts causes toxicity
– Hypertension, weakness, fatigue,
headache, many others
– GI tract effects
– CNS effects
Forms of Vitamin D

 calcifediol
 calcitriol
 dihydrotachysterol
 ergocalciferol

 Serum 25(OH)D and PTH level.

 Alkaline phosphatase level elevated.
 Serum calcium and phosphate low.
 Treatment
 250-1000microgram daily for 3-4
month, than decrease the dose 10-20
microgram or stop the therapy.
Vitamin E

 Fat soluble
 Tocopherols
 Dietary plant sources
– Fruits, grains, cereals, vegetables, oils,
wheat germ
 Animal sources
– Eggs, chicken, meats, fish
Vitamin E: Function

 Exact biologic function of vitamin E is

 Believed to act as an antioxidant
Vitamin E: Deficiencies
 The Vitamin E deficiency is commonly found
in infants and usually results from them
having consumed formulas high in
polyunsaturated fatty acids that are fortified
with iron but not vitamin E.
 Also, because vitamin E is a fat-soluble
vitamin, a deficiency also develops in
conditions associated with fat
malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis. 
Vitamin E: Indications

 Dietary supplement
 Antioxidant
 Treatment of deficiency
– Highest risk of deficiency in premature

 Plasma vitamin E levels can be

measured; normal levels are 0.5–0.7
mg/dL or higher. Since vitamin E is
normally transported in lipoproteins,
the serum level should be interpreted
in relation to circulating lipids.
 The potential antioxidant benefits of vitamin
E can be achieved with supplements of 100–
400 IU/d.
Vitamin K

 Fat soluble
 Three types: K1, K2, K3
 Dietary sources of K1
– Green leafy vegetables (cabbage,
spinach), meats, milk
 Vitamin K2 synthesized by intestinal
Vitamin K: Functions

 Essential for synthesis of blood

coagulation factors in the liver
 Vitamin K–dependent clotting factors
– II
– IX
Vitamin K: Indications

 Dietary supplementation
 Treatment of deficiency states (rare)
– Antibiotic therapy
– Newborn infants
– Malabsorption
 Reverse the effects of certain
anticoagulants (warfarin)
Vitamin K: Deficiencies
 The Vitamin K deficiency is commonly found among newborns
within the first few days postpartum. Poor placental transfer
of vitamin K to the infant and also inadequate production of
vitamin K-producing intestinal flora is the main culprit.
 The deficiency can also be caused by a prolonged use of
drugs, such as antibiotics that destroy normal intestinal

 Additionally, other causes are a decreased bile flow to the

small intestine from bile duct obstruction, a malabsorption of
vitamin K due to bowel resection, ulcerative colitis, or chronic
hepatic disease.
 The vitamin K deficiency seldom results from an insufficient
dietary intake of it.
Laboratory Findings

 The prothrombin time (PT) is

prolonged to a greater extent than the
PTT, and with mild vitamin K
deficiency only the PT is defective.
Fibrinogen level, thrombin time, and
platelet count are not affected.

 Vitamin K deficiency responds rapidly

to subcutaneous vitamin K, and a
single dose of 15 mg will completely
correct laboratory abnormalities in 12–
24 hours.
Water-Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin B complex
– thiamine (B1) – pyridoxine (B6)
– riboflavin (B2) – folic acid (B9)
– niacin (B3) – cyanocobalamin (B12)
– pantothenic acid (B5)
 Vitamin C
– ascorbic acid
Water-Soluble Vitamins
 Can dissolve in water
 Excessive amounts excreted in the
urine, not stored in the body
 Toxic reactions are very rare
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

 Water soluble
 Food sources
– Whole grains, liver, beans
 Deficiencies
– Beriberi
– Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
 Beriberi
– Brain lesions, polyneuropathy of
peripheral nerves, serous effusions,
cardiac anatomic changes
 Wernicke’s encephalopathy
– Cerebral beriberi
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):
Causes of Deficiencies
 Poor diet
 Extended fever
 Hyperthyroidism
 Liver disease
 Alcoholism
 Malabsorption
 Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
 Essential for:
– Carbohydrate metabolism
– Many metabolic pathways, including
Krebs’ cycle
 Maintains integrity of:
– Peripheral nervous system
– Cardiovascular system
– GI tract

 Erythrocyte transketolase activity.

Coefficient greater than 15-20%
suggest thiamine deficiency.
 Urinary thiamine excretion.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):
 Treatment of thiamine deficiency
– Beriberi
– Wernicke’s encephalopathy
– Peripheral neuritis associated with
 Metabolic disorders
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):
Indications (cont'd)
 Dietary supplement
– Malabsorption induced by alcoholism,
cirrhosis, GI disease
 Thiamine deficiency is treated with
large parental doses of thiamine .50-
100mg/d .All patients should
simultaneously receive therapeutic
doses of other water soluble vitamins
Other uses
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

 Water soluble
 Food sources
– Leafy green vegetables
– Eggs
– Nuts
– Meats
– Yeast
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Causes of Deficiency
 Alcoholism is a major cause
 Deficiency also caused by:
– Intestinal malabsorption
– Long-term infections
– Liver disease
– Malignancy
– Probenecid therapy
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
 Converted into enzymes essential for
tissue respiration
 Required to activate vitamin B6
 Converts tryptophan into niacin
 Maintains erythrocyte integrity
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
 Deficiency results in:
– Cutaneous, oral, and corneal changes
– Cheilosis
– Seborrheic dermatitis
– Keratitis
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):
 Dietary supplement
 Treatment of deficiency
 Microcytic anemia
 Acne
 Migraine headaches
 Many other uses
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):
Side Effects
 No side effects or toxic effects
 Large doses will discolor urine to a
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

 Water soluble
 Food sources
– Meats, beans, liver, yeast, wheat
 Also synthesized from tryptophan (an
essential amino acid obtained from
protein digestion)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
 Once ingested, converted to
 Nicotinamide is converted to two
 These enzymes are required for:
– Glycogenolysis, tissue respiration
– Lipid, protein, and purine metabolism
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
 Antihyperlipidemic agent
– Lowers serum cholesterol and triglyceride
levels by reducing VLDL synthesis
– Doses required for this effect are higher
than those required for its nutritional and
metabolic effects
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
 Pellagra: niacin deficiency
– Mental: various psychotic symptoms
– Neurologic: neurasthenic syndrome
– Cutaneous: crusting, erythema
– Mucous membrane: oral, vaginal, and
urethral lesions
– GI: diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
Side Effects
 Side effects seen when higher doses
are used in the treatment of
– Flushing
– Pruritus
– GI distress
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

 Water soluble
 Sources
– Whole grains, wheat germ, nuts, yeast
– Fish and organ meats
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
 Composed of three compounds
– Pyridoxine
– Pyridoxal
– Pyridoxamine
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
 Necessary for many metabolic
– Protein, lipid, and carbohydrate utilization
– Conversion of tryptophan to niacin
 Necessary for integrity of peripheral
nerves, skin, mucous membranes,
hematopoietic system
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
 Signs and symptoms of deficiency
– Sideroblastic anemia
– Neurologic disturbances
– Seborrheic dermatitis
– Cheilosis (chapped, fissured lips)
– Xanthurenic aciduria (“stones” in the urine)
– Glossitis and stomatitis
– Epileptiform convulsions
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Causes of Deficiency
 Inadequate intake
 Poor absorption
 Uremia, alcoholism, cirrhosis,
hyperthyroidism, malabsorption, heart
 Drug induced (isoniazid, hydralazine,

 Blood pyridoxal phosphate .Normal

level >50ng/ml.
 VITAMIN B6 Dose-10 -20mg/day.
 Sensory neuropathy.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Toxic effects occur with large doses,
especially neurotoxicity
Vitamin B12
 Water soluble
 Synthesized by microorganisms present
in the body
 Food sources
– Liver, kidney, fish, shellfish, meat, dairy
 Contained in minimal amounts in plants
General Considerations

 Vitamin B12 belongs to the family of

cobalamins and serves as a cofactor for two
important reactions in humans . As
methylcobalamin, it is a cofactor for
methionine synthetase in the conversion of
homocysteine to methionine, and as
adenosylcobalamin for the conversion of
methylmalonyl-coenzyme A (CoA) to succinyl-
CoA. All vitamin B12 comes from the diet and
is present in all foods of animal origin. The
daily absorption of vitamin B12 is 5 mcg.
Vitamin B12
(Cyanocobalamin): Function
 Required for many metabolic pathways
– Fat and carbohydrate metabolism
– Protein synthesis
– Growth, cell replication
– Hematopoiesis
– Nucleoprotein and myelin synthesis
Vitamin B12
(Cyanocobalamin): Deficiency
 Deficiency leads to:
– Neurologic damage
– Pernicious anemia
 Deficiency states caused by:
– Malabsorption
– Poor dietary intake (vegetarians)
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin):
Oral Absorption
 Oral absorption of vitamin B12
(extrinsic factor) required presence of
the intrinsic factor
 The intrinsic factor is a glycoprotein
secreted from the gastric parietal cells
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin):
Oral Absorption (cont'd)

The extrinsic and intrinsic factors form a

complex that is then absorbed by the
 Intramuscular injections of 100 mcg of vitamin B12 are
adequate for each dose. Replacement is usually given
daily for the first week, weekly for the first month, and
then monthly for life. It is a lifelong disorder, and if
patients discontinue their monthly therapy the vitamin
deficiency will recur. Oral cobalamin The dose is 1000
mcg/d and must be continued indefinitely.
 Patients respond to therapy with an immediate
improvement in their sense of well-being. A brisk
reticulocytosis occurs in 5–7 days, and the hematologic
picture normalizes in 2 months. Central nervous system
symptoms and signs are reversible if they are of
relatively short duration (less than 6 months) but
become permanent if treatment is not initiated promptly.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
 Water soluble
 Natural sources
– Citrus fruits and juices
– Tomatoes
– Cabbage
– Cherries
– Liver
 Can also be synthesized
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
 Acts in oxidation-reduction reactions
 Required for several metabolic activities
– Collagen synthesis
– Maintenance of connective tissue
– Tissue repair
– Maintenance of bone, teeth, and capillaries
– Folic acid metabolism
– Erythropoiesis
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
Functions (cont'd)
 Enhances absorption of iron
 Required for the synthesis of:
– Lipids
– Proteins
– Steroids
 Aids in cellular respiration
 Aids in resistance to infections
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
 Prolonged deficiency results in scurvy
– Gingivitis and bleeding gums
– Loss of teeth
– Anemia
– Subcutaneous hemorrhage
– Bone lesions
– Delayed healing of soft tissues and bones

 Diagnose on clinical ground.

 Ascorbic acid level below 0.1mg/dl.
 300-1000mg/d of ascorbic acid. Response
occurs within days.
 High intake decrease the risk of cancer, also
protect from against coronary heart disease.
 High doses cause gastric irritation,flatulence,or may also causes false negative test
for faecal occult blood and false positive and
false negative test for urine glucose.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):
 Megadoses may cause:
– Nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal
– Acidified urine, with possible stone
 Discontinuing megadoses may result in
scurvy-like symptoms

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