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SSATP Progress Report

Urban Transport – Mobility &

Accessibility Cluster
Stakeholders Meeting in Addis Ababa
October 26, 2012
 Objective: to reach a consensus and a
common understanding on urban transport
policy issues related to mobility and
accessibility in sub-Saharan Africa, and to
provide a strategic vision for the proposed
 Policy priorities: (i) Institutional framework;

(ii) Capacity development;

(iii) Financing
Focus on:
Institutional (governance and legal) framework: urban transport
institutions, coordination and integration (shared vision), and the
respective roles of subnational and national governments;
Implementing these strategic orientations require adapting to the level of
readiness of countries to promote urban mobility and adopt appropriate
institutional frameworks.
Levels of readiness:
•Countries which have already made progress in implementing these
•Countries which are aware of urban mobility issues and interested in
taking actions but are uncertain on the way forward;
•Countries which are unwilling to take actions because they are not aware.
Strategies to facilitate development of urban transport policies adapted to
each case of readiness and pilot these strategies in countries as examples
from which other countries could learn to develop their own strategies.
 Dimensions:
 Leadership competence in urban transport
 Technical competence at the municipal level
◦ operationalizing devolution of urban transport
authority to local levels;
◦ five key functions identified as critical, which could
form the basis for a core set of SSATP CD activities in
this area.
 Advocacy and awareness building
◦ six key areas
◦ At national and continental levels, advocate
importance of sustainable urban transport to high
level policy makers;
◦ Use of EST-Africa & academia
 Finance the gaps in the operating cost of public
transport projects;
◦ need to make transparent the distinction between
compensation and subsidy;
◦ possible sources for generating resources to pay the subsidy -
high parking fees, congestion charging and fuel tax,
commercial exploitation of land held by the transport agency;
◦ use of private sector to bring about greater efficiency.
 Finance the cost of the institutions/authorities to be set
up for the coordinated management of urban transport;
 Possible measures
◦ help develop capacity around fiscal framework for urban
◦ develop models of funding mechanisms for urban transport
◦ explore the financing aspects of PPP for urban transport;
educate / sensitize top political leadership to global best
practices in financing public transport.
 We are here to listen to answers, not to
respond to questions
 Is there something that does not belong in

this cluster?
 Is there something critical missing?

◦ Should it be in the specific needs cluster instead?

 Which partners are relevant for this cluster?
 How far should we go along the priorities?
 How should we continue the consultation

 Institutional Framework
 Capacity development
 Finance

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