Assistive Technology

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Assistive Technology

Jorge Bravo Martinez

Phonetic Spelling Softwares

Phonetic Spelling Softwares are programs where students with learning

disabilities such as dyslexia or new language learners get help to overcome their
difficult time learning. Examples of these programs are… Ticket To Read Writer,
WordQ, and Write Assist word prediction programs.
How Students use it
These Phonetic Spelling Softwares automatically convert student’s misspelled
words into Words students intended to type and correcting them. Students also
have alternative reading options, students can always look at audiobooks,
students can follow along in their text and overcome their hard time of learning.
Step by step students will be able become better readers and writers making them
do better in school.
1. Schools provide such programs making them free for students.
2. Programs like Ticket to read are fun for some students making it more of their
3. Students don’t have to try to read or anything they can’t do well as the
program will do it for them.
4. Specifically designed for students learning disabilities.
5. Students can also access the programs from home for extra help.
1. Not everyone is computer literate.
2. Learning from a computer could be harder than from an actual person.
3. Teachers will pay less attention to students as they think the program will be
doing everything.
The Technology
Work cited page
Evmenova, A., Graff, H., Jerome, M., & Behrmann, M. (2010, November 29).
Word Prediction Programs with Phonetic Spelling Support: Performance
Comparisons and Impact on Journal Writing for Students with Writing

Arnold, A. (2017, August 17). Ticket to Read: Engaging and Fun Online Reading

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