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Why should I study a language?

1) On the list of the most widely spoken languages globally, Russian comes

eighth. It’s spoken in Russia, of course, but also in Belarus, Ukraine,
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Israel. It’s
also a popular second language for much of Eastern Europe.
2) Russia is a mind-bogglingly large country. Fun fact: It’s actually the
biggest country in the world by area.
Why should I study a language?
3) Russia has some of the lowest rates of English proficiency around.
Only about 5% (why?) of Russians have a command of English, and
in the majority of Russian cities, you’ll find almost no signs written
in the Latin alphabet. Not exactly a tourist’s dream. So if you want
to conquer the lands of the old Russian Empire, you can’t get
around without at least a basic knowledge of Russian. It’s
definitely worth tackling the Cyrillic alphabet and learning some
phrases in order to connect with the locals on your trip!
4) In this way, Russian lives up to its hype. It’s one of the 
hardest languages for English speakers to learn, and has a complex
grammatical structure. And the Cyrillic alphabet seems so foreign
that it’s enough to put some people off learning the language —
but it’s actually not nearly as scary as it looks. When you do learn
it, you’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment from the fact that you
can read another alphabet! 
Interesting Facts About Russia
What fact about Russia do you know?

• The matryoshka doll has its roots in Japan

The famous Russian wooden doll, matryoshka, has a link to Japan. The
story goes that Russian artist Sergey Malyutin, who was working on a
design for a Russian wooden doll, was gifted a Japanese daruma doll,
which had other dolls hidden inside it. The first-ever matryoshka,
consisting of eight dolls, was made in the 1890s by wooden doll master
Zvyozdochkin, who used Malyutin’s drawings.
Interesting Facts About Russia

• There no native words that starts with the letter А or

All words in the Russian language begin with А or Ф are
borrowed from other languages. Since the earliest times, native
Russian words almost never start with the letter А. Some notable
exception is азбука( alphabet).
Interesting Facts About Russia
• Sentence structure does not matter.
The order of words not matter in the sentence from a grammatical points of view. You
can choose own order of words in a sentence.
• If you want to be an astronaut, you have to learn Russian!
On April 12th 1961, Yuri Gararin was the first human to journey into outer space
aboard his Vostok spacecraft.
Along with English, Russian is the language of the space. So NASA astronauts have to
learn Russian.

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