Heat Transfer: Energy Entropy

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Heat Transfer

Heat transfer – is a phenomena that convey or

transfer of energy and entropy between bodies
under the influence of heat gradient from one
location to another.

Modes or mechanism of heat transfer:

a) Advection
b) Conduction
c) Convection
d) Radiation
Examples Of Convection
Heat transfer Convection heat transfer takes
1. Convection -  involves the place when a pot of water is heated.
transfer of heat through the
movement of the medium’s
As the water molecules closest
particles. This medium must be to the heat source warm, they
a gas or liquid, thereby allowing expand. This expansion lowers
for movement. Convection their density & they begin to rise;
always transfers heat in the this is what causes water in a pot
vertical plane. This movement is
driven by variations in the to boil.
medium’s density and, The atmosphere also provides an
therefore, buoyancy. Heated example of convection heat transfer.
particles expand, causing them When a packet of air is warmed by solar
to decrease in density; these energy, radiation heat transfer — the air
particles become more buoyant packet expands, lowering its density &
than surrounding particles, increases its buoyancy and causes it to
causing them to rise.  rise in the atmosphere. This produces
an unstable atmosphere with a vertical
flow of air.
Heat Transfer The primary example of
2. Advection heat transfer advection heat transfer is the
movement of meteorological
differs from convection in
fronts. These fronts represent air
that the movement of heat is masses of cold or warm air that are
confined to the horizontal moved horizontally over the
plane. This type of heat surface by winds; as these air
transfer is not powered by masses encounter warmer or
variations in density, but cooler air, heat is exchanged
rather requires an outside between the systems.
force, such as wind or currents, Ocean currents are another
to displace the particles of example of advection heat transfer.
the medium. As the particles Rather than vertically, currents
move warm or cold water in
move horizontally into
horizontal directions. As these
systems that are hotter or waters interact with warmer or
colder, heat is transferred. cooler areas of water, heat is
exchanged between them
4.Radiation heat transfer
Heat Transfer involves the transfer of heat by
3. Conduction transfer heat electromagnetic waves of
from one object to another energy. An example of radiation
with no movement; teat is is sunlight; when these waves
transferred from molecule to strike other particles, they
molecule. This type of heat cause them to vibrate, or
transfer only occurs in solids; warm.
the handle of a hot pot is an
Radiation occurs when
example of conduction.
microwaves, infrared radiation,
Conduction is heat transfer visible light, or another form of
through stationary matter by electro-magnetic radiation is
physical contact. (The matter
emitted or absorbed. An
is stationary on a macroscopic
obvious example is the
scale) Heat transferred
warming of the Earth by the
between the electric burner of
Sun. A less obvious example is
a stove and the bottom of a
thermal radiation from the
pan is transferred by
human body.
Steady state thermal
  Basic relation for conduction
1. Thermal conduction
through homogenous wall: heat transfer is known as
“Fourier’ law”
Q = rate of heat transfer
k = thermal conductivity
A = heat transfer area; ft ; m
= 2πrL

of , ;
⍙T = (T
⍙x = thickness of section, ft
Steady state thermal ⍙T
•   = 50 x = 90°F
x = 6 inches
x 0.00413 =
= 117
x 0.01731 =
117 xx
Calculate the energy transfer rate 368.9 or
across 6 inches wall of firebrick x
with a temperature difference 9
across the wall of 50°C. The thermal
conductivity of the fire brick is 0.65
. ⍙T=t
x = 6 inches
Steady state thermal • 3-4  = - AK3-4
⍙T=(T(T) + (T)
Conduction ⍙T= (T=+()+()}
K1 K2 K3
1* * 2 *3 *4 T4 Q=
Q = UA(T1 – T4)

L1 L2 L3
where: U =
Q = - KA Where: U = over-all heat
Q1-2 = - AK1-2 transfer
Q2-3 = - AK2-3
Where: R = thermal
Steady State Thermal •  
A heat exchanger is to be
Conduction designed for the following
With film coefficient and air specifications:
Hot gas temperature – 1145 °C
space conductance:
cold gas temperature - 45 °C
unit surface conductance on
T1* *T2 T3 * T4* T5 * *T6 hot side --------- 230
unit surface conductance o𝐧 the
air cold side -------- 290
fi space fo Find the maximum thickness
x1 x2 of the metal wall between the hot
gas and the cold gas so that the
maximum temperature of the
wall does not exceed 545 °C.
a) 10.115 mm c) 17.115 mm
b) 13.115 mm d) 20.115 mm
Steady State Thermal •  
Conduction 138,000=

138,000 =
TH=1145 °C TC=45
Hot gas 66700 x = 61.141.67- 33350 – 26450
Q X = 0.020115 m
X = 0.020115m x
x x = 20.115 mm
gas Where: hi = surface film conductance
Conduction from fluid to on hot side=
fluid: ho = surface film conductance
Qi = hi A (TH – TC ) = on cold side=
(1145 – 45)
Thank you,
have a nice day!!

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