EN-eng 11A2 speed-control-configuration-PWM Module-3391600585619819

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Terberg Control Systems


PWM module setup.

This document describes the configuration and setup for a Terberg Control Panel which needs to
control the engine with the additional new PWM module.

Following issues must be verified:

- CAN bus special cable
- Space in panel to mount the PWM module
- PWM signal is going to be connected to GECM
- PWM unit can NOT drive actuator

1. Connections from SBC to PWM unit.

Required supply from SBC to PWM

- + 24Vdc
- - 0 Vdc

Required control signals from SBC to PWM

- CAN connection cable

Required control signals from PWM to speed control (GECM)

- PWM output signal for GECM

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

Terberg Control Systems

PWM device
I/O configuration
Name PWM
I/O TAG Terminal
Power - - 24Vdc (wire 6)
Power + +24Vdc (wire 5)
CAN H CAN 1 H connection (Braun wire)
CAN L CAN 1 L connection (White wire)
End CAN termination resistor selection
Bitrate CAN 1 bitrate (Default 500)
Address Last analogue output card
PWM output PWM signal terminal

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

Terberg Control Systems

2. Configuration of systems.

The PWM module is connected with CAN connection to the SBC. The PWM is treated as an
analogue output card with two (2) analogue outputs. First analogue output is used for the
frequency, second output is used for the duty cycle.

Depending on the location where one place the PWM module in the control panel, the address
dialers and the END dipswitch needs to be setup.

CAN Connection:

The CAN connection of the PWM module needs to be connected to the CAN 1 network. The CAN
network consists of x devices, all connected to the same network in a DAISY CHAIN
configuration (see CAN network.pdf).
Depending on the fact that this device is going to be the last one in the chain, the END
terminator needs to be switch ON and on the former last card, terminator needs to be switch

CAN Address:

Each device has its own ID within its device group. This means that the PWM module needs to
have the address of the current last ANALOGUE OUTPUT card + 1.

Example: In current panel there are two analogue output cards mounted. The PWM device is
going to be added. The existing cards will have address 1 and 2. The PWM module should get
address 3.

PWM output:

The PWM output is a NPN type output. The device where the PWM signal is going to be
connected to needs to supply the line. With standard GECM, the line’s are automatically supplied
with 13Vdc. The polarity of the connection is crucial.

Application setup:

In order to control the PWM signal, two (2) analogue outputs needs to be defined in the
application configuration.

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

Terberg Control Systems

Example Analogue output setup

The first analogue channel needs to be defined on the first analogue channel. The number can
be calculated by :

AO xx.x = Address PWM module - 1

Example : PWM card has address 2. The Analogue Output range will be (2 - 1) = AO1.0 to

With the MMI screen : TREE -> IO -> ANALOGUE OUTPUT EXTENDED one can change the
application configuration.
Note : Do this only with engine in OFF position!

First channel (frequency):

- Change the couple number of output x.00 to 186.
- Change the output type to customized.
- Change MIN boundary to 42.3%
- Change MAX boundary to 100.0%
- Change at description MIN to 0.0%
- Change at description MAX to 100%

This should give an output frequency of 489 Hz on the PWM module. If incorrect please change
the MIN boundary in order to have the correct frequency.
489 Hz is the frequency CATERPILLAR uses on there systems.

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

Terberg Control Systems

Second channel (duty cycle):

- Change the couple number of output x.01 to 122.
- Change the output type to customized.
- Change MIN boundary to 17.0%
- Change MAX boundary to 88.0%
- Change at description MIN to 0.0%
- Change at description MAX to 100%

- Press on the RESET button on the SBC to restart with new configuration.

The boundary is limited because the PWM will produce a DC signal if the input to the duty cycle
is going to be lower then MIN or higher than MAX. The GECM will fail and the engine will
shutdown. There is a few spare if more output is required if full load is not reachable. Be careful
with the limits.

PWM signal

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

Terberg Control Systems

3. Functional test and operation.

The PWM signal can be tested without running the engine. One needs
to connect a multi-meter with the capability to measure frequency
and duty cycle on the PWM output.
Note: If the unit is not connected to the speed controller, one needs
to supply 13Vdc with a resistor of 5.1KOhm in series.

Put the meter in Hz reading and place the pins to the output
terminal. A reading of 489 Hz should be displayed. If the frequency
is lower or higher, adjust the MIN boundary setting on channel xx.0

Place the meter in DUTY CYCLE measurement.

Go to the engine overview page. On the left hand the control buttons
for manual control of voltage and speed are available. These controls
can be used from level 3 password.

Enable the MANUAL SPEED CONTROL by pressing on the button.

After that, the duty cycle can be changed by pressing on the RAISE

Note: The engine does not need to run. Key switch can be in OFF

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

Terberg Control Systems

4. Trouble Shooting

A. Engine is instable and reaction on PID output changes are too heavy.

Place speed control on Terberg panel in manual (Enable manual speed control).
Check stability. In case the engine is still instable, check speed control.
In case the engine is stable, one might to re-adjust PID kW settings. If the numbers
kP, kI and kD are already low, one might need to change the MIN and MAX boundary
settings of the PWM duty cycle analogue output (see page 5).

B. After adding the PWM module to the system and made all changes, no output is measured
on the PWM output. Power LED is on, RUN LED is on but CAN LED is not blinking.

Check CAN connections.

Check Address settings of PWM module.
Check Bitrate settings.
Press RESET button on SBC controller.

Version 1.0 r0 Date: 19-7-2011

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