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Algorithm & Data Structure


University of Sialkot

Algorithms & Data Structures

Abstract Data Type and Data Structure

Abstract Data Types (ADTs) stores data and allow various
operations on the data to access and change it.
A mathematical model, together with various operations
defined on the model
An ADT is a collection of data and associated operations for
manipulating that data
Data Structures
Physical implementation of an ADT
data structures used in implementations are provided in a
language (primitive or built-in) or are built from the language
constructs (user-defined)
Each operation associated with the ADT is implemented
by one or more subroutines in the implementation
Abstract Data Type

ADTs support abstraction, encapsulation, and information


Abstraction is the structuring of a problem into well-

defined entities by defining their data and operations.

The principle of hiding the used data structure and to only

provide a well-defined interface is known as
The Core Operations of ADT

Every Collection ADT should provide a way to:

add an item
remove an item
find, retrieve, or access an item

Many, many more possibilities

is the collection empty
make the collection empty
give me a sub set of the collection
The LIST Data Structure
 The List is among the most generic of data

 Real life:

a. shopping list,
b. groceries list,
c. list of people to invite to dinner
d. List of presents to get

Algorithm March 13,

 A list is collection of items that are all of the
same type (grocery items, integers,

 The items, or elements of the list, are stored in

some particular order

 It is possible to insert new elements into

various positions in the list and remove any
element of the list

Algorithms & Data Structures

 List is a set of elements in a linear order.
For example, data values a1, a2, a3, a4 can be
arranged in a list:
(a3, a1, a2, a4)
In this list, a3, is the first element, a1 is the
second element, and so on

 The order is important here; this is not just a

random collection of elements, it is an ordered

Algorithms & Data Structures

 List is a set of elements in a linear order.
For example, data values a1, a2, a3, a4 can be
arranged in a list:
(a3, a1, a2, a4)
In this list, a3, is the first element, a1 is the
second element, and so on

 The order is important here; this is not just a

random collection of elements, it is an ordered

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Operations
Useful operations
 createList(): create a new list (presumably empty)
 copy(): set one list to be a copy of another
 clear(); clear a list (remove all elments)
 insert(X, ?): Insert element X at a particular position
in the list
 remove(?): Remove element at some position in
the list
 get(?): Get element at a given
 update(X, ?): replace the element at
a given position
with X
 find(X): determine if the element X is
in the list
Algorithms & Data Structures
List Operations
 We need to decide what is meant by
“particular position”; we have used “?” for this.

 There are two possibilities:

1. Use the actual index of element: insert after element

3, get element number 6. This approach is taken by
2. Use a “current” marker or pointer to refer to
a particular position in the list.

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Operations
 We need to decide what is meant by
“particular position”; we have used “?” for this.

 There are two possibilities:

1. Use the actual index of element: insert after element

3, get element number 6. This approach is taken by
2. Use a “current” marker or pointer to refer to
a particular position in the list.

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Operations
 If we use the “current” marker, the
following four methods would be useful:

 start(): moves the “current” pointer to the first

 tail(): moves the “current” pointer to the
last element.
 next(): move the current position forward one
 back(): move the current position backward one

Algorithms & Data Structures

Implementing Lists
 We have designed the interface for the List; we
now must consider how to implement that

Algorithms & Data Structures

Implementing Lists
 We have designed the interface for the List; we
now must consider how to implement that
 Implementing Lists using an array: for example,
the list of integers (2, 6, 8, 7, 1) could be
represented as:

current size
A 2 6 8 7 1
3 5
1 2 3 4 5

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Implementation
 add(9); current position is 3. The new list would thus
be: (2, 6, 8, 9, 7, 1)
 We will need to shift everything to the right of 8 one
place to the right to make place for the new
element „9‟.
step 1: A 2 6 8 7 1
size 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
step 2: A current
2 6 8 9 7 1
size 4
1 2 3 4 5 6
notice: current points
to new element
Algorithms & Data Structures
Implementing Lists
 next():
current size
A 2 6 8 9 7 1
1 2 3 4 5 6

Algorithms & Data Structures

Implementing Lists
 remove(): removes the element at the current
Step 1: A 2 6 8 9 1
size 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5

Step 2: A 2 6 8 9 1
size 5
1 2 3 4 5

Algorithms & Data Structures

Implementing Lists
 remove(): removes the element at the current
Step 1: A 2 6 8 9 1
size 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5

Step 2: A 2 6 8 9 1
size 5
1 2 3 4 5
 We fill the blank spot left by the removal of 7 by
shifting the values to the right of position 5
over to the left one space.
Algorithms & Data Structures
Implementing Lists
find(X): traverse the array until X is located.
int find(int X)
int j;
for(j=1; j < size+1; j++ )
if( A[j] == X ) break;
if( j < size+1 )
{ // found X
current = j; // current points to where X found
return 1; // 1 for true
return 0; // 0 (false) indicates not
Algorithms & Data Structures
Implementing Lists
 Other operations:

get()  return A[current];

update(X)  A[current] = X;
length()  return size;
back()  current--;
start()  current = 1;
end()  current = size;

Algorithms & Data Structures

Analysis of Array Lists
 add
 we have to move every element to the right of
current to make space for the new element.
 Worst-case is when we insert at the beginning; we
have to move every element right one place.
 Average-case: on average we may have to move
half of the elements

Algorithms & Data Structures

Analysis of Array Lists
 remove
 Worst-case: remove at the beginning, must shift all
remaining elements to the left.
 Average-case: expect to move half of the

 find
 Worst-case: may have to search the entire array
 Average-case: search at most half the array.

 Other operations are one-step.

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Using Linked Memory
 Various cells of memory are not allocated
consecutively in memory.

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Using Linked Memory
 Various cells of memory are not allocated
consecutively in memory.
 With arrays, the second element was right next to
the first element.

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Using Linked Memory
 Various cells of memory are not allocated
consecutively in memory.
 With arrays, the second element was right next to
the first element.
 Now the first element must explicitly tell us where to
look for the second element

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Using Linked Memory
 Various cells of memory are not allocated
consecutively in memory.
 With arrays, the second element was right next to
the first element.
 Now the first element must explicitly tell us where to
look for the second element.
 Do this by holding the memory address of the
second element

Algorithms & Data Structures

List Using Linked Memory
 Various cells of memory are not allocated
consecutively in memory.
 With arrays, the second element was right
next to the first element.
 Now the first element must explicitly tell us
where to look for the second element.
 Do this by holding the memory address of
the second element
 This is what we call Linked List

Algorithms & Data Structures


Algorithms & Data Structures

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