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Pengendalian Internal pada

Siklus Pengeluaran (The

Expenditure Cycle)
Tujuan Pengendalian- I
 Semua pembelian (purchases) diotorisasi secara
teratur (on a timely basis) ketika dibutuhkan dan
berdasar atas penghitungan Economic Order Quantity
 Semua goods yang diterima diverifikasi untuk
memastikan kuantitas sesuai dengan yang diorder dan
dalam kondisi yang baik
 Semua jasa diotorisasi sebelum dilakukan dan
dimonitor untuk menentukan bahwa jasa tersebut
memang benar-benat telah dilaksanakan dengan baik
Tujuan Pengendalian- II
 Semua invoices dari supplier diverifikasi secara
teratur (on a timely basis) dan disesuaikan
dengan goods yang diterima atau jasa yang
 Semua purchase discounts diidentifikasi sehingga
bisa diambil jika secara ekonomis memang
 Semua purchase returns and allowances
diotorisasi dan dicatat dengan benar berdasar
goods yang benar-benar dikembalikan
Tujuan Pengendalian - III

 Semua cash disbursements dicatat dengan lengkap

dan akurat
 Semua pembelian kredit dan transaksi pengeluaran
cash (credit purchases and cash disbursements
transactions) diposting ke akun supplier yang
benar dalam buku besar pembantu utang dagang
 Semua catatan akuntansi dan merchandise
inventory dijaga
Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - I
Risk Exposure(s)
1) Orders placed for 1) Excessive inventory
unneeded goods or and storage costs
more goods than
Receipt of uncoded 2) Excessive inventory
goods and storage costs
3) No receipt of ordered 3) Losses due to
goods stockouts
4) Fraudulent placement 4) Possibility of inferior
of orders by buyers with or overpriced goods or
suppliers to whom they services
have personal or
financial attachments

Figure 13-20
Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - II
Risk Exposure(s)
5) Creation of fictitious invoices 5) Overstatement of inventory;
and other purchasing losses of cash disbursed
6) Lack of vigilance in writing 6) Overstatement of inventory
down inventory that is aged or
7) Omission of liabilities, such 7) Understatement of liabilities
as material contingencies
8) Overcharges (with respect 8) Excessive purchasing costs
either to unit prices or to
quantities) by suppliers for
goods delivered

Figure 13-20 Continued

Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - III
Risk Exposure(s)
9) Damage to goods 9) Possibility of inferior
enroute to the acquiring goods for use or sale
10) Errors by suppliers 10) Possibility of
in computing amounts overpayment for goods
or invoices received
11) Erroneous or 11) Incorrect balances in
omitted postings of accounts payable and
purchases or purchase general ledger account
returns to supplier’s records
accounts payable
12) Errors in charging 12) Incorrect levels
transaction amounts to (either high or low) for
purchases and expense purchases and expense
accounts accounts

Figure 13-20 Continued

Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - IV
Risk Exposure(s)
13) Lost purchase 13) Excessive purchasing
discounts due to late costs
14) Duplicate payments of 14) Excessive purchasing
invoices from suppliers costs
15) Incorrect 15) Loss of cash and
disbursements of cash, excessive costs for goods
either to improper or and services
fictitious parties or for
greater amounts than

Figure 13-20 Continued

Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - V
Risk Exposure(s)
16) Improper 16) Excessive costs for
disbursement of cash for goods or services
goods or services not
17) Theft of scrap 17) Loss of cash
18) Disbursement of 18) Loss of cash
checks payable to
employees for
unauthorized expenses
or fraudulent claims
19) Fraudulent alteration 19) Loss of cash
and cashing of checks
by employees
20) Kiting of checks by 20) Overstatement of
employees back balances; possible
losses of deposited cash

Figure 13-20 Continued

Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - VI
Risk Exposure(s)
21) Accessing of supplier 21) Loss of security over
records by unauthorized such records, with possible
persons detrimental use made of
data accessed
22) Involvement of cash, 22) Loss of or damage to
merchandise inventory, and assets, including possible
accounts payable record in loss of data needed to
natural or human-made monitor payments of
disasters amounts due to suppliers
within discount periods
23) Interception of data 23) Loss of data or unreliable
transmitted via the Web data resulting in inaccurate
purchase orders
24) Unauthorized purchase 24) Excessive inventory and
requisitions and purchase storage costs
orders initiated via the Web

Figure 13-20 Continued

Risk Exposures Within the
Expenditure Cycle - VII
Risk Exposure(s)
25) Unauthorized 25) Loss of security over
viewing and alteration of data which can be used
a company’s purchase to the detriment of the
records via the Web company
26) Breakdown of the 26) Loss of data and
Web server due to delay in processing
unexpected events purchase orders

Figure 13-20 Continued

General Controls - I
 Organizational Controls
 Documentation Controls
 Asset Accountability Controls
 Management Practices Controls
 Training & Bonding of employees
 Systems development & changes subject to prior
approvals, testing, and sign-off
 Audits on purchases and cash disbursements
 Periodic review and analyses of account activity
and computer-approved transactions
General Controls - II
 Data Center Operations Controls
 Authorization Controls
 Access Controls
 Password khusus untuk mengakses
accounts payable and other supplier-related files
 Komputer dikhususkan untuk pelaksanaan fungsi purchases and
cash disbursement transactions
 Logging of all purchases and cash disbursement transactions
upon their entry into the system
 Frequent dumping of accounts payable and merchandise
inventory master files onto magnetic tape backup
 Gudang dijaga secara fisik
 Logs that monitor all accesses of data stored in files
Application Controls Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Input Controls

 1) Menyiapkan pre-numbered dan dokumen yang

didesain dengan baik untuk purchases, receiving,
payables, dan cash disbursements
 2) Validasi data purchase orders dan receiving
reports dan invoices setiap kali data disiapkan dan
dimasukkan dalam proses
 3) Errors yang terdeteksi segera diperbaiki selama
data entry dan sebelum data diposting ke akun
supplier dan catatan inventory
 4) Pre-compute batch control totals berkaitan
dengan key data pada suppliers’ invoices dan
vouchers due untuk pembayaran

Figure 13-21
Application Controls Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Processing Controls
 1) Pengeluaran purchase requisitions, purchase
orders, disbursement vouchers, checks, dan debit
memoranda dilakukan dengan otorisasi yang
 2) Verifikasi semua elemen data dan perhitungan
dalam purchase requisitions dan purchase orders
 3) Verifikasi semua elemen data dan perhitungan
dalam suppliers’ invoices
 4) Monitor semua open transactions, seperti
pengiriman parsial dan goods yang dikembalikan
 5) Mengeluarkan debit memoranda hanya jika
disetujui oleh purchasing manager atau manajer
yang bersangkutan

Figure 13-21 Continued

Application Controls Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Processing Controls

 6) Rekonsiliasi jumlah dalam accounts payable

subsidiary ledger dan expense ledgers dengan
control accounts dalam general ledger
 7) Verifikasi total posting ke akun accounts payable
sesuai dengan total posting ke general ledger
 8) Monitor syarat discount untuk pembayaran
 9) Review bukti yang mensupport validitas
expenditures dan kebenaran jumlah kas yang
dibayar sebelum menandatangani cek (checks)

Figure 13-21 Continued

Application Control Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Processing Controls
 10) Menggunakan check protectors untuk
melindungi jumlah kas di checks terhadap
kemungkinan diubahnya jumlah nominal kas yang
tertulis di cek sebelum ditandatangani
 11) Checks yang melebihi jumlah tertentu harus
ditandatangani oleh manager kedua atau manager
lain yang berhubungan dengan transaksi
(countersigned by a second manager)
 12) Verifkasi semua inventories on hand dengan
pengecekan fisik (physical counts) sekali setahun,
dan merekonsiliasi dengan kuantitas yang terdapat
dalam inventory records

Figure 13-21 Continued

Application Controls Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Processing Controls
 13) Menggunakan imprest systems untuk
mengganti dana petty-cash, dimana dana itu arus
dicek melalui surprise counts oleh internal
auditors atau designated manager
 14) Menetapkan kebijakan pembelian dengan
melakukan competitive bidding untuk pembelian
besar dan/atau pembelian non-rutin untuk
mencegah conflicts of interest
 15) Errors diperbaiki selama tahapan proses,
seperti perbaikan atas kesalahan posting ke akun
dan menggantinya dengan data yang benar

Figure 13-21 Continued

Application Controls Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Output Controls
 1) Penetapan kebijakan cut-off hutang dan
clear-cut receiving, sehingga inventories dan
accounts payable dinilai dengan benar pada
setiap akhir periode akuntansi
 2) Penetapan budgetary control atas purchases,
dengan review secara periodik untuk actual
purchase costs dan faktor kunci lain seperti
inventory turnover rates
 3) Membandingkan monthly statements dari
suppliers dengan jumlah hutang dalam akun
suppliers di accounts payable

Figure 13-21 Continued

Application Controls Dalam Siklus
Pengeluaran: Output Controls

 4) File Semua copy dokumen berkaitan dengan

purchases dan cash disbursements berurutan
sesuai nomor; termasuk dokumen yang
dibatalkan (voided documents) seperti checks
 5) Print daftar transaksi untuk menyediakan
audit trail yang layak

Figure 13-21 Continued

Programmed Edit Checks Untuk Validasi
Data Transaksi Dalam Expenditure Cycle

 Validity check
 Self-checking digit
 Field check
 Limit check
 Range check
 Relationship check
 Sign check
 Completeness check*
 Echo checks*
* = applicable only to online systems
Web Security Procedures

 Authentication
 Authorization
 Accountability
 Data Transmission
 Disaster Contingency & Recovery Plan

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