It Was Signed by Austria and Allied Powers.: Treaty of ST Germain (September 1919)

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Treaty of St Germain [September 1919]

It was signed by Austria and allied powers.

Terms of the treaty of St Germain
 The union of Germany and Austria [Anschluss] was forbidden.
 Austria and Hungary were to be separated.
 She lost Bohemia, part of Silesia, the lower part of Austria and Moravia to Czechoslovakia.
 Bosnia and Herzegovina were given to Serbia.
 Bukovina was given to Romania.
 Galicia was given to Poland.
 South Tyrol, Trentino, Istria, Trieste and Dalmatia were given to Italy.
 Austria was made a republic [Monarch was banned].
 Her army was reduced to 30000 men.
 Austria was to pay reparations.
 Conscription was banned in Austria.
 Austria was made a landlocked country and had to make a 100km journey across Italy to reach the coast.
 Up to 80% of her industries were now under foreign control and mainly under Czech control.
 The best of her agricultural land was placed under Hungary.
 Her population was reduced from about 30 million to 6, 5 million.
The Treaty of Neuilly [November 1919]
It was signed by Bulgaria and the allied powers.

Terms of the Treaty of Neuilly

• -Bulgaria lost Western Thrace to Greece.
• -Bulgaria lost some border areas to Yugoslavia.
• -Bulgaria lost access to the Mediterranean Sea.
• -Bulgaria lost some of her Aegean coastline.
• -Her army was reduced to 20000 men.
• -She had to pay reparations to the allies.
• -Bulgaria had played a relatively small part in the war and was treated les
harshly than its allies.
The Treaty of Trianon [June 1920]
It was signed by Hungary and the allied powers.

Terms of the treaty of Trianon

 Hungary became independent from Austria.
 She lost Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and part of Banet to Yugoslavia.
 She lost Trentino to Italy.
 Burgenland was passed to Austria.
 Transylvania was given to Romania.
 She lost Ruthenia and Slovakia to Czechoslovakia.
 She was to accept and recognise the newly formed states.
 She lost nearly 66% of her pre-war territory to new states.
 Her population was reduced from 22million to 8 million.
 Conscription was banned in Hungary.
 She was to pay a war indemnity [reparations].
 Her army was reduced to 35000 men.
 She was to observe the covenant of the League of Nations. 
The Treaty of Sevres [August 1920]
It was signed by Turkey and the victors.

Terms of the Treaty of Sevres

• Turkey lost Western Thrace and part of Aegean Islands to Greece.
• She lost Syria and Lebanon to France.
• She lost Transjordan and Iraq to Britain.
• Armenia became independent.
• Adalia and Rhodes Islands were given to Italy.
• The States of Arabian peninsula [Saudi Arabia] became independent.
• Palestine was given to Britain.
• Turkish straits were put under the League of Nations. She lost control of the Black Sea.
• The covenant of the League of Nations was to be accepted.
• Anatolia [Smyrna] was given to Greece.
• Her army was reduced.
• She was to pay reparations to the allies.
• Turks were outraged by this treaty. The treaty of Sevres was never ratified and in 1923 it was replaced by the treaty of
Lausanne. The treaty of Sevres became a dead letter when a nationalist revolution led by Mustafa Kemal broke out
against Turkey and received military assistance from Soviet Union. Turkey declared war on Greeks and drove them out
of Smyrna [Anatolia]. The allies made a new treaty of Lausanne.
The Treaty of Lausanne [1923]
-It was signed by Turkey and the victors. It was a revision of the treaty of Sevres.

Terms of the Treaty of Lausanne

• Turkey recovered Anatolia / Smyrna from Greece.
• Eastern Thrace was returned to Turkey.
• The Straits and the Greco-Turkish frontiers were demilitarised.
• Italy kept Dodecanese Islands.
• Britain’s possession of Cyprus was confirmed.
• Rhodes Islands were given to Italy.
• Adalia was given to Italy.
• Turkey was to pay reparations to the allies.
• Her army was reduced.

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