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 Judul Karya ilmiah (title)

 Nama dan afiliasi penulis
 Kata kunci/Key words
 Abstrak/Abstract
 Pendahuluan/Introduction
 Materi dan metoda/Material and Method
 Hasil dan Pembahasan/Results and Discussion
 Kesimpulan/Conclusion
 Ucapan terima kasih (Acknowledgement)
 Daftar Pustaka/Reference

 Karya hasil penelitian agar diketahui oleh peneliti dan

pengguna teknologi lain
 Agar tidak terjadi duplikasi penelitian, sehingga dapat
memberikan kontribusi thd perkembangan ipteks
 Memberikan informasi perkembangan penelitian pada topik
 Menjaga agar hasil penelitian tidak diklaim orang lain jika
terjadi hilirisasi



(contoh Jurnal Sainteks)

Writing Guide
General information
1. Articles are original works and are not published in other
journals if there is a violation then they may not publish in
the journal Saintek Fisheries for 4 publications.
2. Articles must be in accordance with the research topic and
objectives as well as scoring the journal Saintek Perikanan.
3. Research Study for a maximum of 4 years.
4. Authors must follow the article content according to the
writing guide before submitting it.
Writing Guide
Fill in the article
1) Title written using 2 languages ​(Indonesian and English)
2) Author's name, institution, address and e-mail are written
as communication references

Molecular Characteristics of Indonesian Isolate Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei Based

on Sequence Analysis of 18S rRNA Genes
Y. Kristiawan Artanto1), 3), S.Budi Prayitno2), Sarjito2), Desrina2), A.C. Haditomo2)
1) Master Students of Science Coastal Resource Management Program - Diponegoro
University Postgraduate Program
2) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University
3) Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency of Semarang, Fish Quarantine and Inspection
Agency, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia
Writing Guide
Fill in the article
3) Abstracts written in Indonesian and English, no more than 250 words
4) Keywords are written at least 3 words and not no more than 5 words
Cases of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) infection in Indonesia have been reported to be detected in cultivated vannamei
shrimp populations in North Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, Lombok and Sulawesi. So far, an
understanding of the condition of natural populations related to the identity and molecular characteristics of EHP species in
Indonesia is not widely known. Clarity of identity and character of EHP is very important to describe the epidemiological
relationship of EHP as a pathogenic organism and used in its utilization for control efforts. This study aims to determine the
identity and character of DNA and the relationship of phylogeny of EHP species originating from several different locations in
Indonesia with specific references based on the 18S rRNA gene.
In the present study, molecular characteristic of EHP in cultured P.vannamei from Lampung (Sumatra); Pangandaran (West
Java); Sidoarjo, Banyuwangi, Probolinggo and Blitar (East Java); Makassar (Southeast Sulawesi) and Lombok (West Nusa
Tenggara) of Indonesia was investigated to characterize this microsporidian by using 18S rRNA gene sequencing for the
randomly selected EHP positive samples. A total 13 EHP isolates were successfully isolated from vannamei shrimp infected
were used for the purposes of the analysis. The problem approach is based on gene analysis of 18S rRNA using bioinformatics
techniques, with genomic comparison to see the profile or character of the Indonesian isolate EHP gene and phylogenetic
analysis to determine its genetic relationship. Taking samples in the form of isolated DNA genomes from vannamei shrimp
population which showed a positive reaction to EHP infection was carried out by purposive sampling. This research is
explorative with a molecular diagnostic method approach which includes PCR using pairs of specific EHP_F and EHP_1R
primers, DNA sequencing, nucleotide sequence homology analysis with reference genes available in the Gen Bank database,
multiple sequence alignment and reconstruction of genetic relationship trees.
DNA sequence homology analysis showed that all samples had 99.89-100% similarity percentage of Enterocytozoon
hepatopenaei India (Accession Number MH259890.1 and MH260592.1). The alignment results illustrate that all EHP
sequences of Indonesian isolates are identical with 100% conserved identity coverage. The resulting phylogenetic tree
topology provides information that all sample accessions are in the same clade and spread evenly.
The conclusions obtained were that the Indonesian isolate EHP species were identical (100% the same) so that they could be
said to be genetically homogeneous.
Keywords : Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei, 18S rRNA gene, Indonesia.
Writing Format
1) Writing Articles using 1.5 spaces, left margin 3 cm right margin 3 cm bottom
margin 3 cm. A4 paper size with Font 12 font type Times New Roman. A
maximum of 11 pages (including tables and images)
2) Article Title is not more than 15 words and describes the contents of the article
followed by the name of the author, institution and office address.
3) Abstract contains a summary of research and a maximum number of words of 250
words, keywords 3-5 words.
4) Introduction explains the research problem, the purpose and importance of
5) Research Methods explain the stages of research and explain the materials used
and equipment used for data collection and analysis. Description of formulas /
formulas written in paragraph form
6) Results explain in detail and the results of the research obtained
7) Discussion of the research discussion must explain the results of the research
obtained and compared with the results of other similar researchers.
8) The table title table is located above and the notes are below. Tables can be
created with the Ms-Excel application or ot
1. Judul :
• Jumlah kata tidak lebih dari 20
• Menggambarkan : hewan uji, parameter,
metoda/cara, lokasi, output
• Menyebutkan maks 5 kata kunci



• Tepung biji karet ????? Fungsi ????

• Pengaruh langsung yang terlihat apa?
• Tergambar atau tidak pada judul?
• Dimana dilakukan?
1. Judul :



• Jumlah kata ???

• Hewan Uji ?
• Perlakuan ?
• Variabel yg diamati?
• Adakah yang kurang ????????
Pengaruh penggunaan daun ketapang terhadap
pertumbuhan dan virulensi bakteri aeromonas
pada ikan mas
• Jumlah kata ?
• Jumlah kata ???
• Hewan Uji ?
• Perlakuan ?
• Variabel yg diamati?
• Adakah yang kurang ????????
2. Abstrak dan Abstract
• Font huruf lebih kecil (9 – 10)
• Spasi : 1 spasi
• Jumlah kata < 200 kata (250 kata)
• Isi : 1-2 kalimat pendahuluan
3-4 kalimat metoda penelitian
4-5 kalimat hasil
1-2 kalimat kesimpulan
• Atau : 1 alinea pendahuluan
1 alinea metoda
1 alinea hasil penelitian
1 alinea kesimpulan

Bandeng mempunyai kecenderungan tahan penyakit, hal ini

dikarenakan adanya sistem pertahanan tubuh non spesifik yang
baik yaitu dengan adanya mikroorganisme yang berasosiasi
dengan ikan bandeng.
Penelitian tentang adanya asosiasi bakteri pada ikan bandeng
telah dilakukan, namun identifikasi bakteri dilakukan dengan
menggunakan pendekatan secara uji biokimia. Penelitian lain
tentang asosiasi bakteri pada ikan bandeng dengan pendekatan
biologi molekuler belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh karena itu,
diperlukan pendekatan identifikasi asosiasi bakteri pada ikan
bandeng secara biologi molekuler, dengan penggunaan sekuen
16S rDNA.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bakteri yang berasosiasi

pada organ intestinal ikan bandeng dengan pendekatan
biologi molekuler dengan Rep-PCR ditemukan 6 (enam)
kelompok isolat bakteri yaitu BS 11, BPL 01, BPL 10, BPi
03, BPi 08 dan BPL 06.

Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa isolat BS 11

mempunyai kemiripan dengan Shewanella upenei sebesar
89%, isolat BPL 01 mempunyai kemiripan dengan Basillus sp
sebesar 79% dan isolat BPL 10 mempunyai kemiripan Vibrio
fluvialis sebesar 88%, sehingga isolat BS 11, BPL 01 dan BPL
10 berdasarkan analisa BLAST diduga sebagai spesies atau
genus baru. Sedangkan isolat BPi 03 dan, BPi 08 identik
dengan Shewanella algae, dan BPL 06 identik dengan
Photobacterium ganghwense,karena mempunyai kemiripan
diatas 97%. Berdasarkan zona penghambatan isolat BS 11
Shewanella upenei, BPL 01 Basillus sp dan BPi 08 Shewanella
algae mempunyai potensi kuat sebagai kandidat probiotik.
Kata Kunci: keanekaragaman genetik, asosiasi bakteri, ikan

• piramida terbalik
Memulai dengan statement
memulai kalimat umum
khas sempit, dan di ikuti
dengan statement umum dalam lingkup penelitian
(1-2 kalimat)

• Gunakan kata kunci pada kalimat pertama untuk melanjutkan

kalimat kedua.
• Pendahuluan cukup 3 alinea (statement umum, masalah/kondisi
topik penelitian, tujuan penelitian)
• Buat 2-4 alinea
• Materi penelitian (ikan, ukuran, jumlah, kondisi)
• Metoda penelitian (metoda penelitian, perlakuan,
ulangan, parameter yg diteliti, metoda analisis)

• Jangan menggunakan kalimat perintah

• Gunakan kalimat pasif
• Tidak perlu detail, tapi disebutkan rujukan
yang digunakan sebagai metoda

Ringkas jelas
• Hasil ditampilkan secara berurutan seperti judul dan
• setiap parameter uji satu alinea
• Tampilkan tabel/gambar/grafik
• bahas tabel dan hasil statistiknya
• Diskusikan hasil anda dengan pustaka yg relevan
• Satu alinea satu parameter hasil, alinea lain hasil uji
statistik dan pembahasan
• Urutkan sesuai dengan tujuan
• Jangan gunakan bahasa statistik,
• Gunakan bahasa sesuai dengan tujuan atau
• tampilkan angka

Kesimpulan :
1. Pemberian fermentasi tepung jagung pada pakan
memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap pertumbuhan dan
kelulushidupan ikan mas
2. Pemberian fermentasi tepung jagung pada pakan sebesar
15% memberikan pertumbuhan mutlak (86 gr) dan keluls
hidupan terbaik (89%) dibandingkan kontrol dan penggunaan
5% dan 10%.
Contoh Ucapan terima kasih

The authors would like to thank Diponegoro University
for the research grant through International Publication
(PNBP DIPA Diponegoro University No.
289022/SP2H/LT/DRPM/II/2016), the Fish Quarantine
and Inspection Agency Semarang, Fish Quarantine and
Inspection Agency, Ministry of Marine Affairs and
Fisheries Republic of Indonesia which gave permission
so that this research could be carried out.
Contoh Penulisan Daftar Pustaka

Altschul, S.F., Gish Warren, Miller Webb, Myers, E.W., Lipman,

D. J. 1990. Basic local alignment search tool. Journal
of Molecular Biology, 215 (3): 403–410.
Campbell, N.A., J.B. Reece, L.G. Mitchell. 2010. Biologi. 8th Ed.
Indonesian translation by Manulu, W. Jakarta,
Chayaburakul, K., Nash, G., Pratanpipat, P., Sriurairatana, S.,
Withyachumnarnkul, B. 2004. Multiple pathogens
found in growth-retarded black tiger shrimp Penaeus
monodon cultivated in Thailand. Diseases of Aquatic
Organisms 60 : 89–96.

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