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What is Quality

of life ?
-Francisco Orozoo
Main points :

1. In some countries , people base their quality of life on

the amount of material goods and see their welfare

on the accumulation of money goods and services.

2. In other countries , material prosperity has secondary

role in quality of life . People judge their traditions,

recognitions, rites and rituals, race and religion,
culture and education and social relations are the
most important qualities in life
3. The quality life lies in fulfilling both material and
spiritual needs .
People with spiritual practices are more peace loving ,
peaceful and enjoy leisure time for themselves and for
-slower progress and poor development.
-No money even for building and construction for
Standard living:
-Everything starts and ends up with monetary transactions.
 Idiosyncratic . Personal growth is important.
 Digital approach/ modern luxuries; heater, refrigerator,
washing machine, Air condition facility, induction stoves
and kitchen appliances.
- Unemployment / Inflation/ crimes and criminalities in the
opulent countries.
People of the poor countries are much
more secured
 Inherited handicraft from ancestors .

 Hear musicians in the streets.

 Trading what they did not need in their day to day life.

 Smiling on their faces rather than stress and rush in their faces

 Mothers care their children on and off school, see homework.

 The most interesting thing is that they are happy despite their

material poverty.
 This culture has been passed on generation to generation.
 Traditional societies are more stable than societies
governed by money and goods .
We should not forget that development does not start with

goods rather it starts with people and their education, with

organization and with discipline.
Quality of life depends on balance between spiritual and

material prosperity which imparts social welfare.

Social welfare is the goal of every society and foundation of

development and prosperity.

Modern society and the Quest for
Human Happiness
-The Dalai Lama

Materialism + Spiritualism
Development , Democracy And
The Village Telephone
-Sam (Satyan) Pitroda
1. Technology is essential for Development and
2. Technology is the basic need for social change and
social equality.
3. It is the foundation for democratization.
What is Quality of life ?
-Francisco Orozoo
1. Integration of Physical, social,
psychological and financial
2. Quality of work life + Work life
balance .
3. Balance between material
prosperity and social welfare.
What is quality of life ? How can
we keep balance between
material prosperity and spiritual
wellbeing ?

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