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The Isles of Scilly

Project made by Student 12-e

Lyceum “Naukova Zmina”
Karpovskyi Daniil
1. The Isles of Scilly are actually a chain of islands known as an
2. Despite the Isles being 45 km off the British
mainland, they are classed as part Cornwall, where you
will find Natural Beauty and Heritage Coast locations.
3. Five of the islands are inhabited all year round.
4. There’s more than 530 wrecks known to be off the coast of the
5. 63% of all people there work in the tourist industry.
6. In total there are 140 rocky islets as well as 5 inhabited islands.
7. Known as ‘The Fortunate Isles’.
8. The Scilly Isles are said to be the final
resting place of King Arthur
9. Some of the Cornish language place names also
appear to reflect past shorelines, and former land areas.
10. Their main industry is exporting daffodils to the
British mainland.

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