Advance Spreadsheet Skills: Lesson: Autocorrect Level: Beginner

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Advance Spreadsheet Skills


6 Basic Formulas
16 The Order of Operations
This presentation demonstrates how AutoCorrect
works as you enter text and shows how you can add,
change and remove AutoCorrect rules.
By the end of this presentation you can:

Change AutoCorrect options to add or delete rules

Change AutoCorrect options to add or delete rules

Change AutoCorrect options to add or delete rules

Excel’s AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects common
typos and capitalization errors.
For example, Excel automatically corrects ‘Teh’ to ‘The’.
Excel has a huge inbuilt library of common typos to be changed.
If you want to ignore the AutoCorrection, hit undo immediately
after the correction is made to revert to your original entry.
AutoCorrect will also fix up incorrect capitalizations
(i.e. TEsting -> Testing)
AutoCorrect also checks if you’ve accidentally left caps lock on.
i.e. it changes ‘sAMPLE’ to ‘Sample’ and turns caps lock off.
AutoCorrect also corrects entries which need capitalization.
i.e. tuesday -> Tuesday; or the first letter of each sentence.
AutoCorrect fixes common (but not all) typos and isn’t designed
to pick up all misspellings. For this, use the Spell Check:
Sometimes AutoCorrect makes unwanted or annoying changes!
To turn it off or to adjust its settings: File->Options->Proofing
The AutoCorrect Options allow you to turn on or off particular
types of corrections:
This area lists all the changes that will be automatically
You can turn all of these off or just delete any unwanted
You can also add other corrections, or even enter shorthand codes
to save keystrokes for commonly-entered text.
The ‘Exceptions’ window allows you to adjust capitalization rules
by telling Excel to ignore certain entries.
These other tabs include options that will be covered in later

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