Course Orientation: Syllabi - CHN2: Prepared by Prof. Annalisa A. Tells, RN - Ma

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Course Orientation:

Syllabi – CHN2
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COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with concepts,

principles, theories and techniques in the population groups and
communities utilizing community organizing strategies toward health
promotion, disease prevention , restoration and maintenance and
rehabilitation and community development. The learners are
expected to promote safe, appropriate and holistic nursing care to
clients utilizing the community health nursing process.
 CODE: NCM 113
 Course Credit: 2 units lecture; 1 unit clinical -= 51 RLE hours
 Level Outcome:
 At the end of the third year, given individuals, families,
populations groups and communities with physiologic and
psychosocial health problems and maladaptive patterns of
behavior in varied health care settings, the learners
demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the
nursing process and applying research and evidence-based
Learning Environment

 Flexible Learning Environment

 Independent Study: Use of learner’s time spent for
self-directed learning using available resources
(actual and on-line resources) equivalent to 20-
30% of the hours.
Learning resources

Print,Non-print materials, and electronic

materials, equipment (laptop and Audio-
visual) and supplies, case studies/scenarios
Course Requirements
 Periodical Examination (Preliminary, Midterm and Final
 Class Standing:
 Knowledge: Quizzes (short/long), assignment; journal/case
study presentations/reporting/recitations/research work
 Skills: Teaching demonstration/ skills demonstration-return
 Attitude: Behavior (act of beginning
professional)/attendance/courteousness/UCU Core Values/Nobility
 Final Grade is computed as follows:
 FG = (PG + MG + TFG)/3
 where:
 • FG refers to the Final Grade
 • PG refers to the Prelim Grade
 • MG refers to the Midterm Grade
 • TFG refers to the Tentative Final Grade
 The Prelim Grade is computed as (1st CS) + (Prelim Exam)
 The Midterm Grade is computed as (2nd CS) + (Midterm Exam)
 The Tentative Grade is computed as (3rd CS) + (Final Exam)
 • CS refers to Class Standing which is 60% composed of Review Questions, Quizzes, and
Critical Thinking Activities
 • Recitation includes participation in discussion prompts for online classes and discussion
activities for offline classes.
 • Major Exams = 40%
Course Policies and Standards
 All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying, and other
forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of
cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive
an F or failure in the course requirement or in the course. Cheating refers to securing
help in a test; copying test, assignments, reports or term papers; collaborating with
other students during an examination or in preparing academic work that has not
been designated as collaborative activity; signing another student’s name on an
attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.
Course Policies and Standards
 1. In view of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic on the
educational landscape, the university is modifying its policy on attendance for this
 2. Every student is required to attend his classes for every week of the course.
 3. For online-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based
on learner’s participation in an interactive online study group or discussion prompt,
student’s submission of outputs (assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a
documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a
question about an academic subject related to the course.
 4. For correspondence-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be
monitored based on learner’s accomplishment of outputs (assignments, activities, exams
and quizzes), or a documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a
faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject related to the course.
What to expect?

 This subject is consist of 10 chapters. You are expected to

study on your own. So it is self-pace learning meaning
you can study at your own time and convenience. But you
need finish and submit outputs and requirements on due
 Now to give you an idea for the Preliminary Period you
need to finish 3 chapters which consists of the following
Week 1 September 21-26, 2020
 Chapter 1 – Fundamental Concepts of Community Health Nursing
 A. Definition
 B. Philosophy and Principles
 C. Features of Community Health Nursing
 D. Theoretical Models/ Approaches
 1. Health Belief Model (HBM)
 2. Millio’s Framework for Prevention
 3. Nola Pender’s Health Promotion
 4. Lawrence Green’s PRECEDE-PROCEED MODEL
 E. Different Fields
 1. School Health Nursing
 2. Occupational Health Nursing
 3. Community Mental Health Nursing
Week 2 September 28-October 3, 2020

 Chapter 2 – Concept of the Community

 A. Types of Communities
 B. Characteristics of a Healthy Community
 C. Components of a Community
 D. Factors Affecting Health of the Community
 E. Roles and Activities of Community Health Nurse
Week 3 – October 5-10, 2020
 Chapter 3 – Health Statistics and Epidemiology
 A. Tools
 1. Demography
 2. Health indicators
 B. Philippine Health Situation
 1. Demographic Profile
 2. Health Profile
 C. Epidemiology and the Nurse
 1. Definitions and Related Terms
 2. Natural Life History of Disease
 3. Epidemiological Triangle
 4. Epidemiological Process and Investigations
References and Readings
Nursing care of the Community by Zenaida U. Famorca
CHN and Community Health Development
DOH Book
Nursing Practice in the Community by Araceli S. Maglaya
Community Health Nursing: An Approach to Families and Population Groups by Erlinda
S. David
Community Health Nursing: The Basics of Practice by Salvacion G. Bailon-Reyes
The Basic of Community Health Nursing by Monina H. Gesmundo
Any other related books
Accessed any reliable internet sources
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It contains the CHN2 Learning Activities and Assignment.

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