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The Nervous


A Report done by Group 6


– To determine the functions of the nervous system.

– To know more about the parts and functions of the brain and the spinal cord.
– To determine the parts and the kinds of neuron cells.
– To identify the different diseases associated with the nervous system.
– Steps on how to take care of the nervous system.

Reported By:
The Brain

– Composed of three parts:

– Cerebrum – responsible for intelligence, reasoning, learning and memory.
– Cerebellum – takes care of fine motor coordination, body movement, posture, and
– Medulla Oblongata – involved in the regulation of the heartbeat, breathing, and
blood pressure.
Functions of the Nervous

Reported by:
Nervous System
• Most complex system of the body.

• Determines responses to the body and to changes in

internal and external environments

• Acts as a messenger and coordination system for the body.

• Monitors and controls almost every organ system.

Parts and Kinds of Neuron

Reported By:
Diseases of the Nervous

Reported By:
Care of the Nervous System

Reported By:

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