Service Catalogue / IT Dept As A Business Unit: Session 2 (B)

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Service Catalogue / IT dept as

a business unit
: Session 2 (B)
SLA LO1 :Service Catalog

Service Catalog
 Use your customer's language. Avoid technical jargon, and
use terminology corresponding to the relevant business.
 Try to look at things from the customer's point of view and
use that approach to identify relevant information.
 Provide an attractive layout as the IT organization uses this
document to present itself to its customers.
 Ensure that the document is available to the largest
number of potential stakeholders, for example by
publishing it on an Intranet site or on CD-ROM.
SLA LO1 :Service Catalog

Service Catalogue that provides a detailed description

: of the IT services in the customer language
 Specifying Catalogue properties: Title, Version, Last
Revised Date, Introduction and description of purpose,
and description of IT organization .
 Defining the services by specifying: name, description,
support contact point, responsible manager,
customers/users of the services, availability, and
performance standards
LO2: Plan for IT department to operate as a
business unit
 Specifying the advantages of operating the IT department
as a business unit.
 Specifying the required steps to implement to operate the
IT department as a business unit.
LO2: Plan for IT department to operate as a
business unit
 Specifying the advantages of operating the IT department
as a business unit.
Reduced long term costs
Increased confidence in managing budgets
Accurate cost information
More efficient use of IT
 Ensuring funds are available to provide service
Enables the recovery of costs … so on .
LO2: Plan for IT department to operate as a
business unit
 Specifying the required steps to implement to operate the
IT department as a business unit.
-:Step 1
 What the customer's need to do his job in a good way
by using IT services that IT can provided.
 We can know what the customer's need by
questionnaire , notes and interview.
See the formula document for more information  
Session 3 (C)
Service Level Agreements.
Report on the costs (cost structure, and cost break
down) of IT services .
Session 3 (C)
Service Level Agreement
When developing the SLA structure, it is recommended to first
define the general aspects, such as network services for the whole
company and developing a general service-based SLA model,
before the negotiations begin.
The SLAs could have a hierarchical structure, like that of the
customer organization, in the form of a framework agreement with
a number of tiers.
Each tier has its own level of detail.
The top tiers include agreements about general services to be
provided to the organization.
The lower tiers contain information relevant to specific customers.
Session 3 (C)
Service Level Agreement
 The structure of a SLA depends on a number of the
variables such as:
 Cultural aspects:
 Language(s) of the document (for international organizations).
 Relationship between the IT organization and the customer.
 Charging policy.
 Uniformity of the business activities.
 Profit or non-profit organization
Session 3 (C)
Service Level Agreement
Service Level Agreement
 The structure of a SLA depends on a number of the
variables such as:
 Nature of the business activities:
 General terms and conditions.
 Business hours - 5 x 8 hours or 7 x 24 hours.
Session 3 (C)
Service Level Agreement
 Introduction that identifies: the parties involved, Start Date, End
Date, Review Dates, Scope of the agreement, and Description of
the service provided
 Roles and Responsibilities of the parties.

 Specifying: hours of operations, availability, reliability, support,

throughput (response time), security requirements and
consideration, continuity, and costs
 See the models
Session 3 (C)
Report on the costs (cost structure, and cost
. break down) of IT services
 Specifying all the costs related to IT services (cost
structure (
 Break down the costs for each IT service

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