Covid 19

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How does this virus effect different groups?

How does this virus affect children?

Here is the link to this topic's flyer: COVID and Children

This virus affects different groups of children in varying ways. The Hispanic community is getting hit the
hardest with a hospitalization rate of 16.4% per every 100,00 children. The Black community was also hit
hard, with a Hospitalization rate of 10.5% 100,00 children. The White children have the least amount of
Hospitalization rates at 2.1% per every 100,00 children.
Here is a bit of info on how COVID affects people
of color:
 People of color get sick and die of COVID-19 at rates
higher than whites and their percentage of the
How does COVID-19 population.

affect minority  White, non-Hispanic deaths from COVID-19

are lower than their share of the population in 36
groups? states and D.C.
 Blacks continue to be over-represented in deaths in 33
states and territories. 
Here is the link to this topic’s flyer:
COVID and minorities
How does this
virus affect This is this topics poster
different Socioeconomic groups and COVID
How to keep
yourself and
others safe
from COVID-19
Here are some ways to keep yourself
(and others!) safe from COVID:
 Wash your hands often.
 Wear a mask when outside of
your home.
 Stay six feet away from other
 Don’t touch your face-eyes,
mouth, and nose-even to adjust
your mask.
What we  There are the asymptomatic people who

never get sick.
 Coronavirus can also spread from contact
with infected surfaces or objects.

about  The case death risk in the US right now is 2-


COVID-19 40% of virus transmissions are from pre-

symptomatic people, meaning they spread it
before they get sick.
What you can do to pass the time while
at home
 Pull out those board games that are
gathering dust on your shelves.
 Have family movie nights.
 Catch up on books you've been meaning
to read
 Do a family read-aloud every evening.
 Go to bed early and get some extra sleep.
 Finish a puzzle.
 Cook or bake something.
 Exercise.
In short, this virus affects older people,
Hispanics and Blacks, and people with less
money in a negative way. It does not affect
children, White and non-Hispanic people, and
richer people as much. We should all wear a
mask, social distance, and not go to public
spaces in order to keep ourselves and those
around us safe and healthy.

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