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What is the ORGANIZATION ?

 The Grand Strategy.

 A Constant Interaction Between People,

Structure and Technology.

 Complexity of Human Behaviour

 Investigates the impact that Individuals,
groups, and structure have on Behaviour
within organization.

 Studies and understands how people behave in

organizational environment.

 Studies what people THINK, FEEL, and DO in and

around organizations.
Need For Studying O.B. :-

 To handle it Properly.

 To Predict it.

 To Understand it.
Definitions :-
 Fred Luthans :-
“ understanding, predicting, controlling human
behaviour at work. ”

 Keith Davis :-
“ Organisational Behaviour is the study and
application of knowledge about the human
behaviour in the Organisation as it relates to
other system of elements such as structure,
technology and external social system.”
Definitions :-
 Stephen Robbins

“ Field of study that investigate the impact that

individuals, groups and structure have on
behaviour in organisations, for purpose of applying
such knowledge towards improving an
organisation’s effectiveness. ”
Historical Development :-
 Developed from the studies conducted by
behavioural scientists.

 Based on empirical studies.

 Complimentary to Human Relations.

 Related to organisation as
a Socio- Economical- technical system.
The Predecessors of O.B. :-

 Industrial Psychology.

 Scientific Management Movement.

 Human Relations Movement.

Industrial Psychology :-
 Science of Human Behaviour.

 Application of Psychological Facts.

Contributors To Industrial Psychology
 Walter Dill Scot.

 Edward K. Strong.

 Hugo Munsterberg.
Scientific Management Movement :-
 F.W. Taylor

 Created the interest in workers.

Human Relations Movement :-
 Elton Mayo :

 The Great Depression.

 The Rise of Trade Unionism.

 Hawthorne Experiments.
The Great Depression :-
 Financial Crash of 1929.

 Realiased the importance of Marketing,

Finance etc.

 Aftermath of Depression.

 Realiased Human Problems.

The Rise of Trade Unionism :-
 Organised Labour Movement.

 Wagner Act 1935.

 The Impact of Trade Unions.

Hawthorne Experiments :-
 Introduction.

 Reasons for Conducting Experiments.

 A Research Program guided by Elton Mayo.

Broad Segments :-
 Illuminations Experiment.

 Relay Room Experiment.

 Mass Interviewing Program.

 Bank Wiring Room.

Illumination Experiment :-
 Study : Effects of changed Illuminations.

 Experiment :
 Control Group and Experimental group.
 Illuminations kept on changing.

 Result :
 Productivity Increased.
 Something more important than wages, hours of
work, working conditions, etc.
Relay Room Experiment :-
 Study : Effect of changes like rest pauses, etc.

 Experiment :
 Set up Test Room and Selected to girls.
 Recorded Events and Listened their advice and

 Result :
 Productivity Increased.
 Change in Girls’ attitude sense of belonging,
freedom of movement, self discipline, etc.
Mass Interviewing Program :-
 Study : Explore information to improve
Supervisory training.

 Experiment :
 21000 interviews by direct or indirect questioning.
 Listen instead of talk, argue, advice, etc.

 Result :
 Giving Opportunity to talk had a positive impact.
 Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction depending upon their
social status.
Bank Wiring Room :-
 Study : An observational analysis of the
work group.
 Experiment :
 Small group emerged with informal leader.
 Prevailed and unwritten code of conduct and had
influenced over the group.
 Result :
 Group Norms were important than any financial
Some of the Important

 Definitions :
Perception :

“ perception is a process by which individuals

organise and interprets their sensory
impressions in order to give meaning to their
environments ”.
Personality :

 Salvatore Maddi

 “ personality is the set of characteristics and

tendencies that determine the commonalities
and differences in the psychological behaviour
of people that have continuity in time and that
may not be easily understood as the sole
results of social and biological pressures of the
moments ”.
Attitude :
 Stephen Robbins :

 “ attitude mean evalutor statements and

judgements concerning people, objects and

 “ attitude is the tendency to react positively or

negatively with regard to an object ”.
Motivation :
 Zedeck and Blood 2

 “ motivation is a predisposition to act in a

specific goal directed way”.
Morale :
 Keith Davis :

 “ an attitude of employees and groups towards

their work environment and voluntory co-
operation to the full extent of their ability in
the best interests of the organisation”.
Learning :
 Hulse, Deese J and Egeth H

 “learning is a relatively permanent change in

behaviour or behavioural potential that results
from direct or indirect experience”.
Brief Summary of the Session :
 Major contributor to the development of O.B. are Industrial
Psychology, Scientific Management Movement and Human
Relations Movement.

 Industrial Psychology focused its attention on the development

of tests for the recruitment of employees.

 Scientific Management Movement sought to improve

productivity by rationalizing the work by introduction of
various wages and incentives plans.

 Contributors to Human Relations Movement are : The Great

Depression, The Rise of Trade Unionism and Hawthorne
Session Conducted By :




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