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Basic Concepts
• Variable Declaration

I • Name

• Set Up

II • Uses command “void setup ( )”

• Instructions

III • Inserted between “void loop ( )” command

Used to store data. 

int = integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3)

float = floating point (1.2, 2.33, 4.567)

Variables! boolean =  true or false ( e.g. Do u love Arduino?)

char  = a single character (e.g. a, b, c)

string = used to store more characters (e.g. names, words)

Setup Versus Loop
void setup ( ) void loop ( )

• Commands in this bracket will run • Commands in this bracket will run
once at startup. again and again.

 Sensors,  LED,

 Push buttons,  RGB LED

 Potentiometers  Motor
Pin Mode • For input setup,

“ pinMode(port number/ name, INPUT); "

• For output setup,

“ pinMode(port number/ name, OUTPUT); "

Digital Versus Analog
Digital Analog
 Digital input may provide  Analog input may provide
if the water is hot or not. how hot the water is or how cold the water is.
 Digital pins can be used to write HIGH or  Pulse Width Modulation (or PWM) pins are
LOW. used to write analog signals.
 Its output is either maximum voltage or  They can be used to write a voltage level
minimum voltage. anywhere between the maximum and
minimum voltage.
What is PWM?
• Imagine u have a ceiling fan.
• If u turn it on, it will spin at full speed.
• Now imagine what will happen
- if u repeat turning it on and off for 2 seconds.
- or on for 3 seconds and off for 1 second.

• PWM is similar. But it happens in milliseconds.

Digital Read/ Write
Input Output
 Digitally Read  Digitally Write
 digitalRead (pinNumber/ name);  digitalWrite (pinNumber/ name , State);
 State may be (HIGH/ LOW) , (1/0)
 Eg: digitalRead (2);  Eg : digitalWrite (9 , HIGH);
Digital Output

1 2 3 4
Open Arduino Go to File > Upload the LED on the
IDE. Example > program. board will start
Basics > Blink. blinking.
1. Write "pinMode(5, INPUT);" in setup bracket.

2. Now Arduino is ready to read data from pin

number 5.

Input 3. But we need to know if it is on or off.

4. Write "pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);"

in setup bracket.

5. Now LED on arduino is ready to light up.

Digital Output
• Breadboard
• Arduino Board
• USB Cable
• 1 x 220 Ohm Resistor
• 1 x LED
• 4 x jumper wire
Set it up as shown in Figure!
6. Write

      if (digitalRead(5) == HIGH) {

          digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);


      else {

          digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);


    in loop bracket. 

7. Upload the code.

Pull up / Pull
• For digital input, you need to set
up pull down or pull up resistor.
• They are used to make digital
pins stable.
Circuit Design with Push Buttons (Pull DOWN)
Circuit Design with Push Buttons (Pull UP)
Analog Read/ Write
Input Output
 Analog Read  Analog Write
 analogRead (pinNumber/ name);  analogWrite (pinNumber/ name , State);
 Input State is between 0 ~ 1023.  Output State is between 0 ~ 255.

 Eg: analogRead (2);  Eg : analogWrite (9 , State);

• Let's alter led fade with a potentiometer.

Analog 1. Write "pinMode(A0, INPUT);" in setup

Input 2.

Now Arduino is ready to read data from

analog pin number A0.
Potentiometer Analog Output
• Breadboard
• Arduino Board
• USB Cable
• 1 x 220 Ohm Resistor
• 10k Ohm Resistor
• 1 x LED
Ground • 1 x Potentiometer
• 7 x jumper wire

Set it up as shown in Figure!

Circuit Design with Potentiometer
Let's talk to Arduino!
• We can receive data and send data using serial commuincation.

• To use serial commuincation, we have to use

• Serial.begin, Serial.println and commands.

• First we have to set up the speed(Baud Rate) between communication. Write "Serial.begin(9600);"
in setup bracket.

• Then, write "Serial.println("Mingalarbar");"

• Upload the code and open Serial Monitor.

Let's talk to Arduino!
Serial Port
 The way the boards “talk” to the computer is through something called
a serial port.
 Serial ports can be used to exchange fairly complicated data with the

 Instead of the digital or analog signals, you can send or receive text.
 The serial port uses the digital pins 0 and 1:
 Pin 0: RX or receiver. Receives data to the board.
 Pin 1: TX or transmitter. Sends data from the board.
 digitalRead ( ) and digitalWrite ( ) on these pins cannot be used while using
serial communication.
 The sender and receiver are communicating in the
same speed.
 The speed is called baud rate and measures bits per
 The most common speed is 9600 bits per second.
Sending to computer
 To send a message from the control board to the computer,
“ Serial.begin ( ) and Serial.println ( ) or Serial.print ( )”
commands are used.

 Serial.begin( speed ): Initializes serial communication.

The baud rate, or bits per second, is set with speed.

 Serial.println( "message" ): Prints message to the serial port.

The next message printed will start on a new line.

 Serial.print( "message" ): Prints message to the serial port.

The next message will start right after the previous one, on the same line.
Set Up

1. Set up board and computer.

2. Open the serial monitor by clicking this icon

in the IDE.

 In setup( ), the serial communication is initialized with

the speed 9600 bits per second.
 In loop( ), the message “Hello World” is printed to the
serial port.
 The program pauses for 1000 milliseconds
 loop( ) continues to loop.
• Now let's make Arduino listen to what
we say and repeat it.

• We have to use "" command.


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