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Motivating Behavior

 The Walt disney company started out in 1923 as a small

animation studio. In the decades since then the company Grown
to become the largest entertainment business in the world.
 Disney owns and operates eleven theme parks, operates its own
cruise line and owns several television networks, including
ABC, ESPN, and the Disney Channel.

 Thecompany also continues to extend its reach, recently

purchasing such properties as Pixar Animation Studios, Marvel
Comics, and Lucasfil.
 Oneof the Disney’s hallmarks is legendary customer service,
especially at its theme parks and on its cruise ships.
 Theme park employees ara called “cast members” and are
taught that the ultimate goal is guest happiness and that no
matter what role they play, they arr expected to smile, project a
positive image, and be friendly.

 Disney wants to motivate its cast members to provide the

four service basic of:
Projecting a positve image and energy
Being courteous and respectful to all guests
Staying on character and playing the part
Going above and beyond expectations
Motivating Behavior

 It should be ovious that people work for a wide variety of reasons.

 Some people want money, some want a challenge, and some want
 What people in an organization want from work and how they think
they can achieve it plays an instrumental role in determining their
motivation to work.
 Motivation is vital to all organizations.
Motivating Behavior

 The difference between highly effective organizations and less

effective ones often lies in the motivations of their members.
 Managers need to understand the nature of individual motivation,
especially as it applies to work situations.
The Nature of Motivation

N  Is the set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior
rather than some alternative bahavior.

Examples of Motivated
 Student who starts assignments several weeks before they are due
to ensure that their term papers are the best they can do.
The Nature of Motivation

Examples of Motivated
 Salesperson who work on Saturdays to get ahead of others.

 Doctors who make follow-up phone calls to patients to check on

their conditions.

 Businessmans who travel from one place to another just to get deals
The Nature of Motivation

 Every person is different from each other. Therefore, they are all
motivated from different types of situations or happenings in their
lives. Having their own goals especially the long term goals, helps
them to be motivated to work even harder to achieve these goals.

 From the manager’s viewpoint, the objective is to motivate people

to behave in ways that are in the organization’s best interest.
The Importance of Motivation

 Managers strive to motivate people in the organization to perform

at high levels. This means getting them to work hard, to come to
work regularly, and to make positive contributions to the
organization’s mission.
 Jobperformance depends on the ability and evironment as well as
motivation. This relationship can be stated as follows:
The Importance of Motivation

P= M ×A× E

P = Performance M = Motivation
A = Ability E = Environment
The Importance of Motivation

 To reach high levels of performance, an employee must want to do

the job well (motivation); must be able to do the job effectively
(ability); and must have the materials, resources, equipment, nd
information required to do the job (environment).

 A deficiency
in any one of these areas hurts performance. A
manager should thus strive to ensure that all three conditions are
The Importance of Motivation

 Inmost settings, motivation is the most difficult of these factors to

 If an employee lacks the ability to perfor, he or she can be sent to
training programs to learn new job skills.
 If the person cannot learn those skills, he or she can be transferred to
a simpler job and replaced with a more skilled worker.
 Ifan employee lacks materials, resources, equipment, and/or
information, the manager can take steps to provide them.
The Importance of Motivation

 Ifa worker cannot complete a project without sales forcast data

from marketing, the manager can contact marketing and request
that information.

 But if motivation is deficient, the manager faces the more complex

situation of determining what will motivate that employee to work

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