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Soul Winning Outline

I. Greetings
II. Introduction:
- Ask:
- Do you believe in the Bible?
- Do you believe that we are all sinners?
- Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
- Picture yourself
- Lead the person to a story. The situation is for example, “You are travelling with you friends or
parents to have a vacation in another country. Now you are riding on a plane, and
unfortunately, the plane crash. The report on the news came that there were no survivors on
the plane crash. Now, we do not want to be in that situation, we do not want to die in that kind
of way. But if it is the time for us, do you know where you are going? Where will your soul go
after you die?
- Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
- We are all appointed to have our last day here on Earth. There is no forever here. We will face
the reality that we will be separated from our loved ones. We will leave everything here on
Earth and we will have our judgment.
- What is judgment? Have you witness a court hearing. The judge will soon tell if a person is
guilty or not? We will face our own judgment and now in our conversation today, we will see if
we are guilty or not.
The Human Condition
I. Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned, and come short of
the glory of God;”
I. Illustration – The three fingers (Index, Middle and Ring)
Each of the fingers represent something. The INDEX FINGER represents
us. The sinful nature of man. The sin we inherit from Adam and Eve. Next
the MIDDLE FINGER that represents sin. We have this thing called
“Inherited Sin” from Adam and Eve and that separates us from God which
II. Every sin has a consequence
I. When you disobey the law, you have punishment or even if we do
not follow our parents, surely there will be an equivalent
consequence. Now, this sin that we inherited has its own
II. Ask: Do you want to know the consequence?
The Consequence
I. Romans 6: 23A – “For the wages of sin is death;”
- Please take note of the word death. Death is inevitable. You
cannot escape death. Also, we do not know when death will
- We all want assurance. That is why some people are preparing in
case that they will die; all their riches and properties are properly
taken care of.
- We have two (2) kinds of death:
- Physical Death – what people are mourning for. The body will be led to
the cemetery.
- Spiritual Death – where our soul will go. Heaven or Hell
- Revelation 20:14-15 – “(14)And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This
is the second death. (15) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life
was cast into the lake of fire.
- Imagine, a sea that is full of fire instead of water. Describe to them what hell is. Let
them know the suffering that they will face.
The Redemption
I. Romans 5:8 – “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
I. Tell them how Christ suffered in the Cross of Calvary. How He showed His love
toward us (sinners)
II. Romans 6:23b – “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
I. Illustration: The GIFT – Jesus Christ is the wrapper of the gift and the gift inside is
eternal life.
III. How can we have eternal life?
I. Explain what eternal life is. It is not being invincible here on Earth. It is about the
eternal life that we can have in heaven together with the Lord.
II. Ephesians 2:8-9 : (8) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: (9) Not of works, lest any man should boast.
IV. Ask: Do you want to have an eternal life in heaven with the Lord?
I. Illustration: Acceptance of Gift
I. If someone will handover a gift on your birthday, what will you do? Accept.
II. You will receive the gift of God (eternal life) if we will ACCEPT Him as our personal Lord and
Savior that if we will die, we can have assurance that we will go to heaven.
Leading to Sinner’s Prayer
I. Let them know that this prayer is between them and
God. That it is in their heart if they will truly accept
Christ as their personal Lord and Savior
II. Example
I. Lord, thank you for this day that you have given for me to
know your word about Salvation. I admit that I am a sinner. I
am asking for your forgiveness and cleansing of my sin. I am
accepting you wholeheartedly as my personal Lord and
Savior. That if in case my life ends here on Earth, I have the
assurance that I will go to your kingdom. Now, I want to
trust and obey your will as your child. In Jesus’ name, we
pray, Amen!
Our new condition
I. John 1:12 – “But as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of God, even to
them that believe on his name:”
I. We are given the opportunity to become the children of God
and you are now belong to the family of the Lord.
II. What will you do now since you are in the family of God? –
Trust and Obey God and His Word. Live in the newness of
II. Physical Birth and Spiritual Birth
I. Physical Birth – The day we were born. Date and time
written in our Birth Certificate.
II. Spiritual Birth – The date and time we accepted Christ as our
Personal Lord and Savior.

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