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Welcome to the Daily Office

Wednesday 14th October

This interactive daily office is
taken from the Iona Abbey
Worship Book

All material from the

worship book is used with
permission (

If you wish to purchase or download the book, links are available on the
Iona Community website (see details at the end of this presentation)
Core OS1 1
Welcome to the Daily Office – what you will need
Please note that the slides will advance automatically,
but you can also move them on yourselves by pressing
‘Enter’ or ‘Page down’.
The Leader’s words for the Opening Responses, Call to
Prayer, Response of Faith etc. are shown in ordinary type;
your responses are in blue font: join in with others as
they respond.
We have left two minutes for you to read and reflect
on your own bible reading. If you require longer, simply
pause the presentation and proceed when you are
Thanks to Karin Schmid, Andrew
Symon and David Coleman for If you already have your own copy of the worship book,
permission to use photos; and to
we begin on page 63 (4A Morning Service).
Core OS2

Alison Adam for producing the 2

song slides, including photos.
Opening Responses

The world belongs to God

The earth and all its people
How good it is, how wonderful
To live together in unity
Love and faith come together
Justice and peace join hands
If Christ's disciples keep silent 
These stones would shout aloud
Open our lips, O God
And our mouths shall proclaim your praise
Core OR1

How can I keep from

From the collection, I will not sing alone.

Words and melody by Robert Lowry (1826 –
99). Arrangement and recording copyright ©
&  2005, WGRG, Iona Community,
Glasgow, Scotland.
Used by permission
Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear that music ringing.
My life flows on in endless song It finds an echo in my soul.
above earth’s lamentation. How can I keep from singing?
I catch the sweet, though far off hymn
that hails a new creation. What though my joys and comforts die?
  The Lord my Saviour liveth.
No storm can shake my inmost calm What though the darkness round me close?
while to that rock I’m clinging. Songs in the night he giveth.
Since love is Lord of heaven and earth,
how can I keep from singing? The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
a fountain ever springing.
All things are mine since I am his!
How can I keep from singing?
Call to Prayer

Move among us, God; give us life

Let your people rejoice in you
Give us again the joy of your help
With your spirit of freedom sustain us
God, make our hearts clean
Restore us in body, mind and spirit

Let us pray.

Core CTP1 6
Prayer of Confession
Trusting in God’s forgiveness,
Let us in silence confess our failings
And acknowledge our part in the pain of the world


Before God,
With the people of God,
I confess to turning away from God
In the ways I wound my life, the lives of others
And the life of the world
May God forgive you, Christ renew you, and the
Spirit enable you to grow in love
Core POC1 7
Before God,
With the people of God,
we confess to turning away from God
In the ways we wound our lives, the lives of others
And the life of the world

May God forgive you, Christ renew you,

and the Spirit enable you to grow in love

Core POC2

The Lord’s Prayer
So now, as Jesus taught us, we say
Please feel free to use whatever
Our Father in heaven
form of words you usually use
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread;
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us in the time of trial
And deliver us from evil;
For the kingdom, the power
And the glory are yours,
Now and forever.
Core LP1 9
Response of faith
With the whole church
We affirm that we are made in God’s image
Befriended by Christ, empowered by the Spirit

With people everywhere

We affirm God’s goodness at the heart of humanity
Planted more deeply than all that is wrong

With all creation

We celebrate the miracle and wonder of life
The unfolding purposes of God
For ever at work in ourselves and the world
Core ROF1 10
Psalm 71

Leader: My security rests in you, O God; let As long as I can remember, I have put my
me never be put to shame. trust in you

All: By your saving power deliver me, hear I have leaned on you since birth, when
me and keep me safe you brought me out of the womb.

Be a rock of refuge for me to which I can Keep close when energy fails me as I
always come spend my last years on earth

Keep me safe from the power of the wicked, Let me wait in constant hope and praise
from the grasp of the cruel and unjust you again and again
The bible reading

You are invited to consider

your own short reading

Core B1 12
The bible reading
For the Word of God in scripture
For the Word of God among us
For the Word of God within us

Thanks be to God

Core B2 13
Sent by the Lord am I,
Sent by the Lord my hands are ready now
to make the earth the place
in which the kingdom comes.

The angels cannot change

a world of hurt and pain
into a world of love,
of justice and of peace.
From the collection, Sent by the Lord.
From the oral tradition, translation ©
The task is mine to do,
1991, Jorge Maldonado, used by
permission. This arrangement &
to set it really free.
recording copyright © & 1991, Oh, help me to obey;
WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow,
help me to do your will.
Used by permission
Prayers of gratitude and concern

Members and
Associates of the Iona
Community lead these

On the Fourteenth Day we pray for
Wild Goose Publications Staff: Jane Darroch-
Riley, Sandra Kramer, Neil Paynter.
Coracle and our online communications;
Communication and Fundraising Committee

Suriname, Guyana, French Guyana,

Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia

Members belonging to the Family Group of:

Rachel McCann
Jean Oliver &
Douglas Shaw
Alan Wilkie &
Maire-Colette Wilkie

On the Fourteenth Day of this month we pray for Associates in
Glasgow & Lanarkshire

Holly McGuigan, GLASGOW Susan Ramage, GLASGOW

Alastair McIntosh, GLASGOW Peggy Roberts,
Carole McKay, GLASGOW Mary Robins, CARDROSS
Iain McLarty, GLASGOW Anne Robinson, GLASGOW
Jean McQuaker, GLASGOW Joan Ross, GLASGOW
Alastair Moodie, GLASGOW Angela Rowe, GLASGOW
Dorothy Moodie, GLASGOW Christopher Rowe, GLASGOW
Brett Nicholls, GLASGOW Maggi Sale, GLASGOW
Janet Nicholls, GLASGOW Alastair Sawers, GLASGOW
Frances Nisbet, GLASGOW Carmen Sawers, GLASGOW
Elizabeth Oliver, GLASGOW John McNeil Scott, GLASGOW
Neil Paynter, BIGGAR George Shand, BIGGAR
Muriel Pearson, GLASGOW Michael Shanks, GLASGOW

Walk with them today, O God – And keep us on your way

Assoc14 JAJO
Daily Prayers (Wednesday)
O God, you gave to your servant Columba
gifts of courage, faith and cheerfulness,
and sent out your servants from Iona
to carry your gospel to every creature.
Further in all things the purpose of this community
That hidden things may be revealed to us
And new ways found to touch the hearts of all.
May we preserve with each other sincere charity and peace;
And, if it be your holy will, grant that this place of your abiding
Continue still to be a sanctuary and a light.
Core DP3
Closing responses
This is the day that God has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
We will not offer to God
Offerings that cost us nothing
Go in peace to love and to serve
We will seek peace and pursue it
In the name of the Trinity of Love
God in community, holy and one

Core CR1 19
In Iona of my heart, Iona of my love
Instead of the voice of monks shall be the lowing of cattle
But ere the world comes to an end
Iona shall be as it was

Core ES1 20
The worship book can be purchased and / or downloaded from the
Iona Community website.
Go to ‘Resources’, then ‘Wild Goose publications’ (
Slides collated by Andrew Symon and Karin Schmid with help from: Alison Adam and Martin Coe; Ewan
and Hilary Aitken and family; Annie Benjamin; Elaine Cameron; Alex Clare-Young and Jo; Andrew Dart;
Ros Davies and family; Fiona Fidgin; Elaine and Michael Gisbourne and family; Ursula Glienecke; Jane
and Bob Hodges; Marvyn Mackay; Ali and Peter Marshall; Jacqui Morton; Liz Paterson; Nicki
Pennington; the Schmid family; Peter and Anne Sear; Clare Sibley; Jill Stoner and Simon Evans;21
Symon; Jean and Raymond Young.
Core ES2

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