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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Management Functions

Miss Samah Ishtieh

Getting things done
through others.”
“All of the activities and tasks
undertaken by one or more
persons for the purpose of
planning and controlling the
activities of others in order to
achieve an objective or
complete an activity that could
not be achieved by the others
acting independently.”

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Getting things done through others.”
“All of the activities and tasks undertaken by one
or more persons for the purpose of planning and
controlling the activities of others in order to
achieve an objective or complete an activity that
could not be achieved by the others acting

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Management also define …….. (2013, para 1) defines
management as “the act or manner of guiding or
taking charge” or “handling, direction, or control.”
Both definitions imply that management is the
process of leading and directing all or part of an
organization, often a business, through the
deployment and manipulation of resources.

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The Importance of Management

Management –
planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, & controlling

Achieving objectives requires skilled

The Importance of Management


Process designed to achieve an organization’s

objectives by using its resources effectively &
efficiently in a changing environment.
Traditional management function

In 1916, French industrialist Henri Fayol

first described the functions of management
as planning, organizing, directing, and
These are still relevant today, however, the
complexity of today’s health care systems
make these functions more difficult and less
certain (Clancy, 2008).
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There are two basic types of work in any
organization: Non managerial work \ Managerial

A manager is a person who works through other people

(subordinates), and "brings together" their efforts to
accomplish goals.

Management can mean the process of managing, a

collection of managers, or an area of study.

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Managers then typically:
• Have an assigned position within the formal organization.
• Have a legitimate source of power due to the delegated
authority that accompanies their position.
• Are expected to carry out specific functions, duties, and
• Emphasize control, decision making, decision analysis, and
• Manipulate people, the environment, money, time, and other
resources to achieve organizational goals.
• Have a greater formal responsibility and accountability for
rationality and control than leaders.
• Direct willing and unwilling subordinates.

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Management Concepts

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Management process
It is called a process because the work of attaining
objectives through a series of interrelated and
interdependent activities and these activities each one
is considered a process in itself.

The management process always begins by planning

and ends by controlling. Traditionally management
process consisted of four elements: Planning,
Organizing leading (Directing),
(Directing) and controlling.

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What Managers Do

Make decisions – utilization of resources – achieve

• Planning
• Organizing
• Staffing
• Directing
• Controlling
Miss Samah Ishtieh
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Management Functions
Management Functions
The process of selecting and developing the
best course of action to accomplish an

Keystone of all other

management functions

Process of determining the organization’s

objectives and deciding how to accomplish
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Management Functions
Follows planning and
reflects how the
organization tries to
accomplish the plan and
objectives efficiently &
Involves the assignment
of tasks, grouping of tasks
into departments, and
allocation of resources.

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Management Functions
Directing (Leading)
The use of influence to motivate
employees to achieve the
organization's goals.

Creating a shared culture and

values, communicating goals
to employees throughout the
organization, and infusing
employees to perform at a high
Miss Samah Ishtieh
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Management Functions

Monitoring employees'
activities, determining if
the organization is on
target toward its goals,
and making corrections
as necessary.

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A manager is someone
who plans, organizes,
leads, and controls the
people and the work of
the organization in such
a way that the
organization achieve its

Miss Samah Ishtieh

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Nursing Management
Nursing management is the
process by which nurse
managers practice their
Is the process of working
through nursing members to
achieve organizational

Miss Samah Ishtieh

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Who Needs Nursing
All types of health-care
organizations, including nursing
homes, hospitals, home health-care
agencies, ambulatory care centers,
student infirmaries, and many
others, need nursing management.

Miss Samah Ishtieh

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Organizational Hierarchy

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Organizational Hierarchy


Middle Management


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Organizational System
According to Katz and Kahn

Inputs Process Outputs
)Recourses( )Managerial Function( ) Products Services(

Miss Samah Ishtieh

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Management in the Organization
Hierarchy: Types of management
Levels of Management:
Operative/Lower management:
First-Line Management
• Supervise workers
• Oversee daily operations
• Directing and controlling primary
• Close to the actual processes
• Short time range of planning
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-The lowest level of management
comprising the management personnel,
such as shop floor supervisors and

-They look after day-to-day operations

and develop short-range plans referred
to as operational plans for controlling
day-to-day operations.

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This level of management ensures that
the decisions and plans taken by the
other two are carried out.
Lower-level managers' decisions are
generally short-term ones.
They are responsible for operational

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Cont. Level
Middle management and experts
Development of their units and coordination
between other same level units
Plant managers, region managers, business
unit managers
Middle time range of planning
Responsible for tactical planning
Implement general guidelines
established by top management

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-It represents functional managers, such as
production manager, finance manager, marketing
manager, etc.
-These managers are responsible for implementing
the policies of the top management pertaining to
their areas of operation, by identifying, arranging
and allocating resources needed.
-They formulate medium term plan covering a
time span of about one year referred to as tactical
or aggregate planning.

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Mid-level managers have a specialized
understanding of certain managerial

They are responsible for and carrying out

the decisions made by top-level

They are responsible for tactical decisions.

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Top management

strategic planning
overall development and
coordination of organization
long time range of planning
 President
 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
 Chief financial officer (CFO)
 Chief operations officer (COO)
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-The highest level of management comprising of
the Board of Directors, Chief Executive and Head
of Divisions.

-The basic function of the top management is to

set overall organizational policies through long-
term planning referred to as strategic or
conceptual planning.

Top-level managers require an extensive

knowledge of management roles and skills.
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They have to be very aware of external
factors such as markets.

Their decisions are generally of a long-

term nature.
They are responsible for strategic
They have to chalk out the plan and
see that plan may be effective in future

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Management Competencies
Conceptual Skill— the ability to see the
organization as a whole and the relationship
between its parts.

Human Skill— The ability to work with and

through people.

Technical Skill — Mastery of specific

functions and specialized knowledge.
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Technical skills are the manager's ability
to understand and use techniques,
methods, equipment, and procedures-to
under-stand how things" operate.

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Three basic competences,

Level of

Technical skills Interpersonal skills Conceptual skills

human skills
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The Skill Approach
Skills are learned, not inherited
Diagnostic skills
to define problems correctly and find correct

Decision making skills

competence to understand the organization
competence to make decisions when all
information is not available

Time management skills

Miss Samah Ishtieh
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Six Habits of Highly
Effective People
Be proactive
Begin with the end in mind
Put first things first
Think win-win
Seek to understand and then to be
Sharpen the saw

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Manager Roles
Disturbance Handler
Resource Allocator

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Nursing Management
Is the process of working through
nursing members to achieve
organizational objectives.

It is the coordination and integration

of nursing resources by applying the
management process in order to
accomplish care and service, goals and
Successful nursing management must
use managerial functions; planning,
organizing, directing and controlling in
an interrelated form to solve the
problem .
Miss Samah Ishtieh
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The Nurse Manager
The nurse manager is neither genuine, nor
hero, but rather he/she is persistent, tough-
minded, hard worker, intelligent and have
analytical ability. He/she is the key person
who coordinate the work through
management levels.

Miss Samah Ishtieh

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Leadership vs. Management
Leadership is an influence relationship among
leaders and followers who intend real changes that
reflect their shared purposes.

Management is the attainment of organizational

goals in an effective and efficient manner through
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
organizational resources.

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Functions of Management
Versus Leadership
Management produces Leadership produces
Order and Consistency Change and Movement
Planning / Budgeting Establishing Direction
Establish agendas Create a vision
Set time tables Clarify big picture
Allocate resources Set strategies
Organizing / Staffing Aligning People
Provide structure Communicate goals
Make job placements Seek commitment
Establish rules and Build teams and
procedures coalitions

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Management Leadership
Controlling / Motivating and
Problem Solving Inspiring
Develop Inspire and
incentives energize
Generate creative Empower
solutions subordinates
Take corrective Satisfy unmet
action needs

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Decision Making
Any question???

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