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Expanding the oral care group in India Group 1

Arindam Animesh
Amaya Kak
Ashutosh Dubey
Divya Giri
Hassan Ahmed
Sujeet Kumar Pal
5C Analysis

Company Customers Competitors

Primarily targeted men and women Major competitors:
Cottle-Taylor is an expanding oral care (Age 20-35) via media advertising
group, founded in 1815 Hinda-Daltan
Customers both in rural and urban Sarindia
Product Lines: Oral care, Home care, regions
Personal care Other:
They targeted the customer segment
"Cottle India" is their Indian to: Entrepreneurs from India, China and
subsidiary, focused exclusively on oral Vietnam
1) Try to brush for the first time( as
more than 50% of Indians did not use
Geographic presence in : North toothbrush to clean their teeth)
America, Europe, Latin America, Others
2) Increase the number of times they 22%
Greater Asia/Africa
Product Lines: Oral care, Home care, Cottle-Taylor
3) Persuade customers to upgrade to 46%
Personal care
mid-range or premium products(as SarIndia
Product Categories: Toothpowder, the majority of Indians wanted to 11%
Toothbrushes, Toothpaste upgrade from home-grown dental
Push Strategy through dentists remedies to inexpensive oral care
products) Hinda-Daltan
21% Market Share: India
5C Analysis

Collaborators Context
Brinda Patel(India Country manager) projected 20% sales
Indian Dental Association & Partners(IDA): provide free growth for 2010
dental checkups, free product samples and promote Michael Lang(VP of Marketing for Greater Asia and Africa)
dental habits insists that the growth potential is much higher with more
investment in marketing
50% of Indians were not concerned about dental problems
Large distributors and supermarket chains: with the help Rural Indians were five times more likely to refrain from using
of National accounts team modern oral care products as compared to Urban Indians

Dentists: Key influencers of group of potential battery Brinda’s prediction Michael's

operated customers Prediction
Low-End 19.03% 16%

Mid-Range 25.11% 120%

Battery-Operated 11.76% 25%

Being the Customer’s First Choice through touching the
VISION lives of every citizen in the country in the mode of various

MISSION value for money services viz ranging from mail, parcel,

money transfer, banking insurance and retail services

• Postal & Mail Operations 

Areas Of • Financial Services

Functions • India Post Payment Bank

• Philately
Patel’s Lang’s
Growth Growth

Segments Projection Projection
Low-end Manual 20% 16%
Mid-Range Manual 25% 120%
Battery Operated 10% 25%
Evaluation of alternatives
Though Patel’s forecast of revenue is short of Lang’s, but final profit of
operation is higher due to higher margins
Evaluation of alternatives

We see a high contribution

margin from 2 products of
medium range

• Go with Patel’s forecast of 20% volume increase and 20%

price increase
• Different weightage should be given to the 3 key messages to
focus more on mid range products as they have higher
contribution margin.

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