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*Chelsea Jose
~How to take care of our
respiratory system and
circulatory system?

~Ways of having a healthy

respiratory and circulatory

~What’s the affect of the

Covid-19 pandemic in our
•Stop smoking and stay away
from secondhand smoke.
•Avoid indoor and
outdoor air pollution.
•Avoid exposure to people who
have the flu or other viral
•Exercise regularly.
The respiratory system is a biological •Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
system consisting of specific organs
and structures used for gas exchange in
animals and plants
•Get more exercise.
•Practice good dental hygiene,
especially flossing your teeth
The circulatory system that
contains the heart and the
•Get enough sleep. Don't sit for
blood vessels and moves blood too long at one time. ...
throughout the body. This •Avoid secondhand smoke like
system helps tissues get the plague.
enough oxygen and nutrients,
and it helps them get rid of
waste products.
Allot of small businesses got shut down
because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The government closed small
business for the safety of the
employees that working.
The tourism sector has been
devastated by Covid-19
The United Nations World Tourism
Organization estimated that global
international tourist might decrease by
58% to 78% this year 2020. it might cause
closing all of the tourist destinations such
as museum, amusement parks, and sports
Salute to all the front liners
Risking their lives to be a fighter
Your goal is to make the world better
That is why because of you, all of us feel safer
Thank you for caring and serving the community
And may you always have a high immunity
During these times, you have the biggest responsibility
We always pray to win this fight successfully
Words will not be enough to thank you for all of your sacrifices
I know the world has a high respect to all of you
This pandemic is such a stress but because of you we are all blessed.

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