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l problems
Chapter-6 Std-
1.Area of a copper plate and a steel plate at 10 °C is 9 m2each.After applying heat,
temperature becomes 50 °C and due to this the area of steel body becomes 9.01202
m2. (C0-efficient of superficial expansion of copper is 22 x 10-6/K).
a) Determine the coefficient of volume expansion of copper.
b) By increasing the temperature is it possible to place the copper plate on the steel plate
equally? Express your opinion mathematically.
Given, C0-efficient of superficial expansion of copper is β =22 x 10-6/K
Co-efficient volume expansion of copper, γ=?
We know, α= β/2=22 x 10-6/2=11x10-6/k
Again γ=3 α
=3.3 x10-5/k
b) The initial area of copper plate, A1=9 m2
initial temperature of copper plate ϴ1=10°C =283 K
If the copper plate has to be placed on steel plate at 50 C then its final area will
be A2=9.012024 m2
C0-efficient of superficial expansion of copper is 22 x 10-6/K
β= (A2 -A1)/ A1(ϴ1 -ϴ2)
ϴ1 -ϴ2=(A2 -A1)/ A1 β
ϴ2= ϴ1+ (A2 -A1)/ A1 β
=(9.012024-9)/(9x22x10-6) +283
= 343.73 K
= 70.73 °C

In the above figure, the length and breadth of the rectangular metal piece are
respectively 4000mm and 3000mm.The surface area of the figure is increased
by 0.1 m2for the rise of temperature 30°C.
a) Find the coefficient of linear expansion of the metal piece.
b) What will be the increase in temperature to increase the surface area of
that metal by 5 %? Analyze mathematically.
Answer: length of metallic piece, L=4000 mm =4 m
Width of metallic piece, B=3000 mm= 3 m
Temperature increase ∆ ϴ=30 C= 30 K
Area increase, ∆ A= 0.1 m2
A1=L x B =4 x 3 m2
=12 m2
Coefficient of area expansion,
β= ∆ A/( A1 x ∆ ϴ)
=0.1/(12 x 30)
= 2.77 x 10-4 /K
If the coefficient of linear expansion of the metallic piece is α,
β= 2 α
α= β/2
=(2.77 x 10-4 )/2
= 1.39 x 10-4 /K
b) From (a),
Initial area of the metallic piece A1=12 m2
Coefficient of area expansion, β=2.77 x 10-4 /k
According to the question, area increase,
∆ A= A1 x5 % =12m2 x 5/100=0.6 m2
If temperature increase is ∆ ϴ,
β = ∆ A/(A1 x ∆ ϴ)
∆ ϴ = ∆ A/(A1 xβ)
=0.6 m2/(12 x 2.77 x 10-4/K)
= 180.5 °C
Therefore, temperature is needed to be increased by 180.5 °C to increase the
1. The distance between two
electric poles is 30m. A copper
wire with a length of 30.01m was
connected to those two pillars in
a day when temperature was
30°C. Coefficient of linear
expansion of copper is 1.67 10-
6K-1. The wire tore in a winter
day when the temperature of the
air was 4°C.
a) Express the temperature of air in
Fahrenheit scale.
b) b) Explain the cause for the wire
to tear with mathematical logic.


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