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Raquel S. Dela Cruz and Hazel T. Militante

Prof. Annie Cu Gallardo, Ed.D.

Importance of Related
Literature and Studies
þ It assists the writer in searching
for a research topic;
þ It guides the researcher in the
formulation of conceptual
framework and in preparation of
design, methodology, sampling
techniques, instrumentation and
statistical analysis;
þ It provides information that may
support and strenghten the
findings of the study on hand.
Ouidelines in doing the Review
þ aearch for existing literature in the library and
on the web;
þ Prepare a working bibliography. Record all vital
details concerning the books or research you are
including in your bibliography (look at APA style
‡ Write in 3x5 index cards; group together
references from
a. books
b. journals and periodicals
c. unpublished material
þ Examine each material, then decide which ones
will actually be included in your review
`haracteristics of a Oood
þ Rhe text of the review should be brief
and to the point.
þ Have a plan on how you are to present
the review.
þ Emphasize relatedness
þ Review the literature, don·t reproduce
ëriting the Review
þ `hronological
a. Introduction
b. Recent literature and atudies
c. Least recent literature and studies
d. aynthesis of the review

þ Rhematic
a. Introduction
b. Literature and atudies on variable 1
c. Literature and atudies on variable 2
d. aynthesis of the review

þ `ountry of origin
a. Introduction
b. Foreign literature and studies
c. Local Literature and studies
d. aynthesis of the review
—urpose of the Review of
Related Literature

þthe review of literature can

broaden the researcher·s knowledge
base in research area;
þ it is a means of ensuring originality
in the conduct of one·s research;
þ it is a way of ensuring clarity and
focus on one·s study;
!dditional —ointers

þA literature search involves reviewing all

readily available materials
þRalking with people is a good way to get
information during initial stages of
research project.
þA focus group is used to explore people·s
ideas and attitudes
þPersonal interviews
þRelephone surveys
þMail surveys
þE-mail and internet surveys
—urpose of the Review of
Related Literature

þit can also provide the researcher

insights on the weaknesses and
strengths of previous studies;
þ it can provide findings and
conclusions of past studies, which a
researcher can use in relating to his
own study;
þit can help the researcher in
formulating the theoretical and
conceptual framework for his
research problem.

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