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Living as a People of God


 Eph 4:21-24 You certainly heard about
him, and as his followers you were
taught the truth that is in Jesus: (22) So
get rid of your old self, which made you
live as you used to-the old self that was
being destroyed by its deceitful desires;
(23) Your hearts and desires must be
made completely new , (24) And you
must put in the new self, which is
created in God’s likeness and reveals
itself in the true life that is upright and
A. Personal Reconciliation

1. We should always be at peace with

one another

 1Jn 5:2-3 By this we know that we

love the children of God, when we love
God, and keep his commandments.
(3) For this is the love of God, that we
keep his commandments: and his
commandments are not grievous.
A. Personal Reconciliation
2. If something is wrong in the relationship between
members, go and seek reconciliation

Mat 5:22-24 But now I tell you: whoever is angry

with his brother will be brought to trial, whoever
calls his brother “You good for nothing” will be
brought before the Council, and whoever calls his
brother a worthless fool will be in danger of going
to the fire of hell. (23) So if you are about to offer
your gift to the altar, and there you remember that
your brother has something against you, (24)
Leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once
and make peace with your brother , and then come
back and offer your gift to God.
A. Personal Reconciliation
3. If unable to work out a dispute, seek
judgment from governing authority in CFC

1Co 6:1-7 If one of you has a dispute with a fellow-Christian,

how dare he go before heathen judges instead of letting God’s
people settle the matter? (2) Don’t you know that God’s people
will judge the world? Well then if you are to judge the world,
aren’t you capable of judging the smallest matters? (3) Do you
not know that we shall judge the angels? How much more then
the things of this life? (4) If such matters come up, are you
going to take them to be settled by people who have no standing
in the church? (5) Shame on you! Surely there is at least one
wise person in your fellowship who can settle a dispute between
fellow Christians. (6) Instead, one Christian goes to court against
another and lets unbelievers judge the case! (7) The very fact
that you have legal disputes among yourselves shows that you
have failed completely. Would it not be better for you to be
A. Personal Reconciliation

 4. Be peacemakers at heart.

 Mat 5:8-9 Blessed are the pure in

heart: for they shall see God. (9)
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they
shall be called the children of God.
B. Personal Wrongdoing

1. We are committed to help people out

of personal wrongdoing

2. The basic way is through correction.

B. Personal Wrongdoing
3. Other forms of discipline

 Exclusion
 Mat 18:15-17 If your brother sins against you, go to
him and show him his fault. But do it privately, just
between yourselves. If he listens to you, you have
won your brother back. (16) But if he will not listen
to you, take one or two other persons with you, so
that “every accusation may be upheld by the testimony
of two or more witnesses” as the scripture says. (17)
And if he will not listen to them, then tell the whole
thing into the church. Finally if he will not listen to
the church, treat him as though he were a pagan or
tax collector.
B. Personal Wrongdoing
 1Co 5:1-6 Now, it is actually being said that there is sexual
immorality among you so terrible that not even the heathen
would be guilty of it. I am told that a man is sleeping with
his stepmother. (2) How then can you be proud? On the
contrary, you should be filled with sadness, and the man who
has done such a thing should be expelled from your
fellowship. (3) And even though I am far away from you in
body, still I am there with you in spirit; and though I was there
with you, I have in the name of our Lord Jesus already passed
judgment on the man who has done this terrible thing. As you
meet together , and I meet with you in my spirit, by the power
of our Lord Jesus present with us, (5) you are to hand this
man over to Satan for his body to be destroyed, so that his
spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord. (6) It is not right
for you to be proud! You know the saying, “A little bit of yeast
makes the whole batch of dough rise.”
B. Personal Wrongdoing
 Ostracism
 2Th 3:14-15 It may be that someone there will not
obey the message we send you in this letter. If so,
take note of him and have nothing to do with him,
so that he will be ashamed. (15) But do not treat
him as an enemy; instead warn him as a brother.

 Gentle Warning
 Gal 6:1 My brothers, if someone is caught in any
kind of wrongdoing, those of you who are spiritual
should set him right; but you must do it in a gentle
way. And keep an eye on yourselves, so that you
will not be tempted
B. Personal Wrongdoing

 Termination from CFC

 Gross unfaithfulness to covenant
 Public opposition to CFC teachings and
 Ongoing disruption of good order in
the community
 Any other act that would seriously
undermine the life and mission of CFC
C. Speech and Wrondoing

1. Wrong speech can be destructive

2. Don’t Judge Others

 Mat 7:1-2 Do not judge others, so
that God will not judge you, (2) For
God will judge you in the same way as
you judge
C. Speech and Wrongdoing
 James 4:11-12 Do not criticize one another,
my brothers. Whoever criticizes a Christian
brother or judges him, criticizes the Law and
judges it. If you judge the law, then you are no
longer one who obeys the Law, but one who
judges it. (12) God is the only lawgiver and
judge. He alone can save and destroy. Who do
you think you are, to judge your fellow man?

 1Peter 2:1 Rid yourselves, then, of all evil; no

more lying or hypocrisy or jealousy or insulting
C. Speech and Wrongdoing

3. What do we do if we see wrongdoing

in speech in the body?

4. Other important aspects of speech

 Accusations
 Conduct of service
 Never insult or abuse anyone
D. What Makes it Work

1. Commitment to live lives in holiness

and righteousness

2. Fraternal concern
 Dedication to help one another
 Real love for one another

3. Commitment and desire to move

forward in the mission of CFC

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