Consumer Behaviour: Psychological Factors, Process and Models

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Consumer Behaviour

Psychological factors, process

and models
• The decision process and physical activity
individuals engage in when evaluating,
acquiring, using, or disposing of goods
and services.
Consumer buyer process
• Stages
1) recognition of an unsatisfied needs
2) search for relevant information
3) evaluation of alternatives
4) purchase decision process
5) post purchase experience and
Psychological factors
Five factors
• Perception
• Attitude
• Learning
• Motivation
• personality
• Traditional models of consumers
1) microeconomic model
. Its developed in the19th century
. It deals with goods and prices
. Consumers are preplanned as per
their income
. Preferable products which give
more satisfaction than price
.with limited budget consumer
want to enjoy
• Consumer prefers to compare quality,
quantity, brand and price

macroeconomic model
• consumers divide their income between
savings and consumption
Behavioral economics

• founded by MR George katona

• this model influenced by psychological

Actual Consumer Economic

Economic sentiment behaviour
Contemporary models,

• Nicosia model
• Howard-Sheth model
• Engel – Kollat – Blackwell model
• Engel – Blackwell - Miniard model
Howard-sheth model
• Model distinguishes three levels
. Extensive problem solving - high
. Limited problem solving – medium
. Habitual buying process – low
Input variables
Significative, symbolic, and
social stimuli
• its actual elements which are referred by
consumers before purchasing products
elements like quality, quantity,
features, price and other benefits
. Are generated by producers representing
their products in symbolic form
( advertisements)
. The social environment including family
groups and reference groups
Output variables
• Attention: attain towards information about
the product or intake
• Comprehension: the buyer grasps
information which is given by store which is
related to particular brand
• Attitude: is it satisfy need
• Intention: decision will be taken in future to
Buy product
• Purchase behaviour
Hypothetical constructs
• Divided in two major groups
perceptual constructs
learning constructs
. Perceptual constructs
it deals with information processing
a) sensitivity to information
b) perceptual bias: distorting or altering
c) search for information
Learning constructs
• which are related to the buyer’s formation of concepts
means buyer try to get all type of information
a) motives
b) brand potential
c) decision mediators are based on the motives
d) predisposition means a preference towards brand
e) inhibitors refers to environmental forces price and time
f) satisfaction
Exogeneous variables
• Number of external variables which
influence buyer decisions
• society
• cultural
• geographical
The Nicosia model
• This model was developed by Mr Francesco Nicosia
• Links between organization and consumers
• If message which was given by company and it suits attitude of
consumer. So he will go for purchase otherwise it will occur reverse

This model explains in four basic areas

• First, firms attribute ( message which is send by firm to market
through advertisement for consumers)
• Second, consumers attributes ( predispositions means what ever
message sent from firm to consumers, here consumer will try to
search and evaluate the information
• Third, purchasing action (decision)
• After consumption ( feedback)
Evaluation and limitation
• the flow of information is not complete.
Neglected various factors internal to
• no predispositions about the various
brands .
• its overlapping between firms attribute
and consumers attribute means in this
model it said consumers attribute
depended on the firms attribute
Engel – Kollat – Blackwell model
• Introduced in 1968
• Its decision making process
• It consisted five categories
a) information input
b) information processing
c) product – evaluation
d) general motivating influences
e) internationalised environment influences
Decision process
• Five stages
a) problem recognition
b) information search
c) alternative evaluation
d) choice
e) outcome
• Information input
marketer dominated
Information processing
• Exposure
• Attention
• Reception
Product brand evaluation
• Evaluation criteria
• Beliefs
• Attitudes
• intention
General motivating influences
• Motives
• Personality life style
• Normative compliance- normal, standard
Internalized environmental
• Cultural norms and values
• Reference group, family
• anticipated circumstances
• Emphasised on the conscious decision
making process
• Understand and flexible
Engel blackwell miniard
• it consists four sections
• input
• information processing
• decision process
• variables influencing decision process

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