Human Performances in Aviation

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performances in

Stoica Raluca
Table of
1 Introduction

2 What?

3 Why?

4 How?

5 Conclusion
1 Introduction

Accident Incidence

Road Transportations Marine Transportation Air Transportation

2 What?

 The human element is the most flexible, adaptable and valuable part of the
aeronautical environment, while being the most vulnerable.
 Because most aviation incidents and accidents are the result of decreased
human performance, there is a tendency to attribute the causes of these
mishaps to human error.
-Fatigue -Fatigue -Fatigue
-Influence of drugs or -Understaffing -Time pressure
alcohol -Inadequate training -Complexities of
-Confusion when using -Failure to issue safety required tasks
automated flight alerts or warnings -Use of outdated
systems -Incorrectly guiding manuals
-Lack of proper training pilots -Improper equipment or
-Insufficient -Poor coordination part installation
communication between air traffic -Incorrectly followed
controllers maintenance

Pilots or flight crew Air traffic controllers Aircraft maintenance

3 Why?

 1977- B-747s –Tenerife

 1974- a B-727-Washington
An engine failure

What do you think is

more dangerous for
the safety of the

An one hour night sleep

4 How?

 Causes of errors:
o lack of attention
o negligence
o faulty design of equipment
o reactions of a person in a given situation
o perceptual process
Control of human error

1. The need to reduce the frequency of errors:

 high level of competence
 checklists
 manuals
2. The need to reduce the consequences of persistent human error
 cross-monitoring through cooperation between crew members and designing
 training
 evaluation

“You’ve got to
expect things are
going to go wrong.
And we always
need to prepare
ourselves for
handling the

 Neil Armstrong
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