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By Jack O’Hara and Luke McCallion


The general idea is that we would like to focus on creative minded people and how they kept
themselves stimulated throughout the period of lockdown. It is known that most people felt
as if they were struggling creatively during this time and we would like to showcase that
throughout our own short film.
We would like to propose the questions:
• How has this changed our lives as students and creatives? 
• How have we dealt with it?

We feel as if this project is needed to show to other creative minded people that it is okay to
sometimes feel as if you can’t produce your best work or also serve as inspiration for others
to progress past that problem. We would like to show that even in times of uncertainty like
we are living in now, you can still get yourself into the creative flow. We think that without
creativity (films, tv shows and music), the world would have fallen apart during lockdown.
Alternatively, it is a great project for us to allow ourselves to get back into creative work by
working on.

Our approach will be more of a cinematic experience, almost like a short film
of different shots of a person at home trying their best to deal with the creative
drought they are going through with narrations of our own experiences that
relate to what’s being shown on screen. These cinematic portions will be split
up with two different interviews that we think will provide a greater
explanation of our topic.
We have decided to shoot the project at the aspect ratio of 1.33:1 (4:3) to make
the audience also feel isolated and 2.39:1 (cinematic widescreen) to show the
element of freedom outside of lockdown. The interviews will be shot in an
ordinary 16:9 (ordinary widescreen) aspect ratio to separate it from the
cinematic elements of our project.

For our project, we would like to include an interview with a student as they
would provide the audience with a somewhat similar opinion to our own. Our
ideal pick for our student would be Benn Anderson as he is beginning his career
in the media space and is building a name for himself off the videography and
photography projects he does. We think that he would be a great addition to our
project as he is very knowledgeable on the media sector.

We would also like to include an interview with an industry creative. We think it

would be a good idea as they will be able to give us their professional insight on
the creative media industry and how it is coping with the restrictions set in place.
Our ideal pick for this role would be Joseph Kennedy. Joseph is one of our collect
lecturers. However, he is a very experienced Director of Photography and would
be able to tell us anything we need to know about the creative media industry and
give us an insight on how things are going from a personal standpoint as he is
currently living through it.

The cinematic portions of our film will be narrated by Luke McCallion, our
Director and Producer. We feel as if he will be a good fit for the role as he has a
background in presenting and would like to have a future in that type of role.
The narration will follow the story of lockdown; about how people were initially
excited for a few weeks off work until they realized how much they benefited
from being outside.
In the end, we hope to show that the creative sector is one of the most important
sectors in life due to how much we depend on it.

1x JVC Camera
1x DSLR camera (prop)
1x Tripod
2x soft box lights
1x LED Light
2x Microphones

Luke McCallion - Director, Producer, Narrator

Jack O’Hara – Director of Photography, Editor
Conor Lees – Main Actor
Benn Anderson – Interview 1
Joseph Kennedy – Interview 2

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