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Ahmad Shah Durani High School (MIS)

Self Introduction

Name: Masjidi Shariq

Reg#: 202-0707024

Mr. Amjad Khan
Proposal Brief

• Ahmad Shah Durani High School is one of the private schools in

• The school has a around 1500+ students and 100 staff.
• They provide education from 1st standard to 12 standard.
Currently their records and transactions or on paper and they are using
Traditional File Processing System.
Problem with the current system
• Unnecessary staff
• Hard to manage the data 
• Update issues
• Security
• Finance issues
• Poor Data storage
• Possibility of Data Duplication
• Time consuming
School Management demand

Ahmad Shah Durani High School management asked us to create

such a database that can fulfill their needs and be a reliable,
productive system.
A system that can cover all the aspects of current school
processing system which they are doing manually today.
School Management demand Contd..

• Students record management

• Finance
• Admission
• Exam
• Reporting
Existing School Problem with their system

• Ahmad Shah Durani High School management systems are operated manually by
group of people (Traditional File Processing System). In such situations many people
involved in the process of managing students’ records, financial records, examination
and etc. all these things have to be carried out manually and it is very hard to
maintain and update them accurately.
• To present the actual problems in bullet points:
• Large number of files which is hard to manage
• Difficult to Add, update and delete the records
• Not accurate reporting method
• Security
Project Scope
•The database covers Student records, teachers’ detail, finance section. More details are as below:
i. Students
ii. Classes
iii. Subjects
iv. Examinations
v. Teachers
vi. Employees
vii. Finance
Project Scope
a. Tasks
1. Meeting with School Administration and survey their old system
2. Gather the requirements and needs of the Administration
3. Present the draft system which comes out after the survey, general overview of the system and again keep the door open for any changes or adding
new things.
4. Generate ERD
a. Budget
5. Database design payment
6. Workstation for Administration office to be used for the database
7. One-week training Fee for the staff

a. Schedule
8. One week for multiple meetings with School Administration personals to get their needs and prepare a conceptual design.
9. 1-month for Database design
10. 30 days for Database configuration and testing on their system
•Total of 67 days.
After Deployment of the Proposed Solution

• They will have a proper and centralized database that can store data of their students,
finance, teachers and other related data; also, they insert, update and delete a
current record easily and generate a proper and accurate report.
Expected Outcomes
• A centralized and modern system that can bring below wide changes to
their work area:

• No data duplication
• No loss of data
• Accurate reporting both Academic and financial.
Thank You

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