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Compact Digicam

Research Proposal

Presented To: Casio India

The Magic of Minds
Presented By : ADK-Fortune

7th June 2010


 Falling price, ease of operation and addition of new innovative imaging

features driving the growth sales of Compact Digital Cameras in India

 Casio wishes to start advertising campaign to promote their CDSC brand

Casio Exilim

 Before the communication exercise we wish to understand the consumer

pulse, their interaction with the category

 Also we would like to assess keeping competition activities in mind our likely

route to consumer

Research Objectives

 To understand what brand Casio stands for

 To understand the key motivations for photography

 To assess the key influences & drivers while selecting a Compact Digital
 To asses ‘route to consumer’ though testing a few pre-defined concepts
which include but not limited to
• Make up Mode

• No.1 Digital camera in Japan

• Oldest Compact Digital Camera manufacturer

Research Approach

We suggest two pronged approach towards meeting the study objectives to gather holistic view of the
category audience. The two models of research viz. qualitative and quantitative research will run
concurrent to each to answer the study objectives. The study to help us draw clear understanding on the
category behavior and measures factors of critical importance

Provides deeper understanding; Assigns value ‘how much’

obtain “why”, “how” of stated Quantitativ Classifying and clustering of data
views e Structured, defined limit
Fleshed out responses
Fluid, unstructured, open-ended Qualitative Fixed
Verbal, non-verbal

 Study Centre- Delhi

 Sample size – 02 FGDs & 300 Face to face household interviews
Key Information Areas

Perception of Brand Casio

• What Brand Casio stands for… What formed their image of Casio
• Brand SWOT

Category (Digital Photography)Interaction

• Brand & AD awareness of various brands
• At what stage they feel the need to acquire a digital camera
• Why they click images, motivations, occasions & applications in details
• Category knowledge
• Buying process
• Category drivers, features in detail (Good to have, must have etc.)
• Imagery of various brands
• Disposition towards any brand and to explore why. To understand what had earned the
current brands their reputation
• Need-gaps
Cont… Information Areas

Concept Testing

• Evaluation of need of artificial image beatification and their existing practice

towards this aspect

• To record consumer reaction on predefined concepts and eventually quantify


How we achieve these through Qual/Quant are discussed separately..

Module 1 - Qualitative

The Magic of Minds

Role of Qualitative Approach

 To help us draw the image of Casio as a brand. Brand SWOT. Which would enable us

to understand how consumers will see Casio Exilim

 To understand its likely competition set among various manufacturers

 To explore decision making process w.r.t. Purchase of CDSC

 To evaluate their need w.r.t. Beatification of images and leading it to the aspect of

utility of the feature

 To understand their current brand choices and explore why

 To test a few advertising concepts and to understand what clicks with them and why
 In order to meet the objectives of understanding the category consumers in detail two FGDs will be
 One FGD to be conducted amongst male audience and the other with female
 The target respondent to be a mix of recent acquirers (first time buyers) who have purchased a digicam
in the last 6 months and intenders of digicam who intend to buy within 3 months
 The category respondent to reflect socio economic profile A & B1 and fall into the age group of 20 to 25
years who are decision makers / key influencers with respect to purchase of digicam and related
category products in the household
 A mix of students and first time jobbers
 A screening protocol to be adopted on the income profile of household, brand disposition
 Screened individuals to be invited at a specific place and time and a qualified research moderator to
administer the session basis the research guide developed specifically to answer the research
 TheConstruct
construct Gender Profile
In the age group of 20 to 25 years; First time owners(5 to 6); Intenders (2 to 3) ;
FGD1 Male
Students (2 to 3) ; First time jobbers (5 to 6); Equal mix of SEC A and B1
In the age group of 20 to 25 years; First time owners(5 to 6); Intenders (2 to 3) ;
FGD2 Female
Students (2 to 3) ; First time jobbers (5 to 6); Equal mix of SEC A and B1
Module 2 - Quantitative

The Magic of Minds

Role of Quantitative Approach

 Measure of Brand & Advert salience,

 Current disposition

 Brand imagery

 Measuring factors that impact decision making


 A total of 300 samples to be achieved using a structured face to face instrument (carrying

scope to capture some open-ends) at the respondents household

 The respondents to be segregated as males, females, owners, intenders, decision makers

and influencers
 The target respondent to be a mix of recent acquirers (first time buyers) who have

purchased a digicam in the last 6 months and intenders of digicam who intend to buy within
3 months
 The respondent to reflect socio economic profile A & B1 and fall into the age group of 18 to

30 years
 A mix of students and working profile
 A screening protocol to be adopted on the income profile of household, brand disposition

 The construct

Age Age
Category Sample Men Women SEC A SEC B
(18 - 22) (23 - 30)
Owners 150 60 90 100 50 90 60
Intenders 150 60 90 100 50 90 60
Timeline- Gantt Chart

QUALITATIVE Day-1 Day 3 Day 4 Day 6 Day 8 Day 9 Day14 Day 15

Project Commissioning                
Finalising of Draft Research Instrument                
Recruitment and Screening                
Group Activity              
Transcriptions , Data Analysis and Report Writing              

QUANTITATIVE Day- 3 Day 4 Day 4 Day 5 Day 15 Day 18 Day 24 Day 25

Quantitative Initiation                

Finalising of Draft Research Instrument                

Team Briefing                

Data Punching, Analysis and Report Writing              


*If reporting falls on a weekend then the reporting happens on the following Monday
The process days include weekends too


 Screener
 Discussion guide
 Video recordings of the proceedings
 Report in power point


 Screener

 Structured questionnaire

 Data file

 Report in power point


Total Cost

 INR 390000/- ( the cost is exclusive of the Service Tax, which is applicable as per the GOI rules)


 02 FGDs at the rate of INR 37500/ - (the cost includes all expenses including venue hire, equipment
hire, respondent incentives, data analysis, report writing
 Total cost is INR 75000/-


 300 face to face interviews at the CPI of INR 1050 /- (the cost includes all expenses including instrument
design, project execution, logistics, data analysis and report writing
 Total cost is INR 315000/-

The Magic of Minds

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