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Open and Closed Source Technologies

• Open source software (OSS) is distributed under a

licensing agreement which allows computer code to
be shared, viewed and modified by other users and

• Open source software is available for the general

public to use and modify from its original design
Closed Source Technologies
• Closed source software can be defined as proprietary
software distributed under a licensing agreement to
authorized users with private modification, copying,
and republishing restrictions.

• The source code is not shared with the public for

anyone to look at or change
Differences between Open & Closed
Source Software
• Cost
• Service
• Innovation
• Usability
• Security
• For OSS, the term "free" has • For Closed Source:
less to do with overall cost and Cost includes a base
more to do with freedom from fee for software,
integration and
services and annual
• If in-house capabilities and
technical expertise to maintain
the software, and resources to fees
implement, train and provide
support to staff, then open
source may be most cost-
• Service and support are
• Open source software relies on
probably the greatest
a loyal and engaged online advantages of using
user community to deliver proprietary software
support via forums and blogs, (closed).

• Support includes user

• but this support often fails to manuals and immediate
assistance from
deliver the high level of
companies with experts
response that many consumers
who are intimately
expect familiar with the products
and services
• Generally users consider the
• Open source software
inability to view or change
provides a large amount of
the source code in closed
flexibility and freedom to source software as a
change the software without drawback
restriction • this restriction ensures the
• Concern is whether security and reliability of
customized changes to the software that is fully tested
original source code can and offered to all users
limit the future support and • proprietary software also
growth of the software attracts larger amounts of
• customized software is R&D in order to regularly
available for specific users offer new products and
• For closed or proprietary
• Usability is often a major area
software, usability is a high
of criticism for open source
selling point
software because the
technology is generally not
reviewed by usability experts • User manuals are also
• User guides are not required provided for immediate
reference and quick training,
by law and are therefore
while support services help
often ignored.
to maximize use of the
• When manuals are written, software
they are often filled with
jargon that is difficult to
• Security of open source is • Proprietary or closed
often a concern for large software is generally seen
companies because as more secure because it
software is not always is developed in a
developed in a controlled controlled environment by
environment. a concentrated team with a
common direction.
• there is a lack of continuity
and common direction that
prevents effective
• the software is not always • This team is the only
peer-reviewed or validated, group that can view or edit
a programmer can embed a the source code, it is
Trojan into the software heavily audited and the
risk of backdoor Trojans
or bugs are reduced
• One way to reduce this
potential risk is to adopt a
reputable brand with a
concentrated development
team supported by a strong
online community.
Licensing Types, Licensing Issues
and Agreements, GNU,GPL
What is a License
• A permit from an authority to own or use something, to do a
particular thing

Software License:
A software license is usually an agreement that grants a right
to use software code to someone else.
What does a Software License Cover
• A software license can specify how and where the software
may be distributed and installed and who may use the
• For example, the software license may specify...
– how long the software may be used
– under what conditions or in what systems the software
may be used
– the support for the software (updates, upgrades, or
technical assistance)
– the cost of the rights to use the software
– the warranty terms, if any etc.
Types of Software Licensing
• Adware
– Advertising for other products/services built into it. The
price you pay for the software is having to give up some of
your attention for the advertising.
• Demoware
– allow the user to see what the full version of the program
looks like so that they can be purchased later
• Freeware
– Offered for your use at no cost, monetary or otherwise.
Types of Software Licensing
• Liteware
– Version of the program that normally costs money.
Features are limited.
• Shareware
– Try before you buy that is not a freeware, you have to pay
for it.
– are time limited
• Spyware
– Software that installs on your computer which allows the
companies or other users to access your hard drive or spy
on your surfing habits
Licensing Agreements
• Limited License (LL)
An agreement whereby software is purchased with
limits and/or restrictions on the number of copies
available for installation or use.

• Unlimited Site License (USL)

An agreement whereby software is purchased with
no limit on the number of copies available for
Licensing Agreements
• Volume Purchase Agreement (VPA)
An agreement whereby software is purchased in large
volume at a reduced price. Exp: A formal agreement between
the University and a software manufacturer or vendor.

• End User License Agreement(EULA)

• An EULA is a legal contract between the manufacturer
and/or the author and the end user of an application. This is
mostly used for Proprietary software.
GNU General Public License
• To make a free software, we need to release it
under a free software license. We normally
use the GNU General Public License(GNU GPL)

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