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Empowerment Technologies

Lesson 3: Online Research

Instructor: Mr. Em Gongora Jr.
Contextualized Online Search
and Research Skills
Contextual Search
It is an attempt to be more precise in providing the list of
documents according to the words used by the user to
search the Internet.
Steps to make contextualized online
1. Identify your topic
Topic is not provided:
Choose the content, choose something you are interested in,
new ideas, things, or areas.

Topic is provided:
Make an initial search of subject.
2. Topic definition
With the help of Internet and other resources you are able to
define your topic or task.
3. Identify methods of search
Perform experiments, explore or get a survey.
4. Identify resources of your research
A list of magazines, books, journals, websites and other
resources can be found there that you can also use.
5. Research Strategies
List down all the keywords or specific topics to be search on
the Internet.
6. Compiling the research results
Strategies of handling large data for you to be able to shift
through them for your final analysis.
7. Evaluate the
results of research
Go through the materials you have researched and check
them for usefulness, relevance, reliability and accuracy.
8. Create a list of
your references
for citation
It is a good practice to keep your sources updated for your
footnotes and bibliography.
research skills
1. Critical thinking
It means the ability to digest, reflect, and conclude from the
information researched.
2. Analytical skill
It requires the ability to look, verbalize, conceptualize and
gather data attuned to the context of the subject.
3. Problem solving capability
Is the ability to present solutions or solve problems by
presenting a decision based on the given information. People
with this ability are able to define and identify the latitude of
the problem and present all possible solutions.
4. Organized
data mining
Is a well-planned design of the database of all the research
materials either inside the computer or hard copies.
5. Research presentation
Part of a good research skills, the ability to present the ideas
and draw conclusions from the research, be able to explain in
writing the purpose, steps, goals and objective.
6. Creativity and developed imagination
Is the ability to look for alternative solutions to the problems
needed to solve in the research and thinking out not only
within the context but also beyond the usual approaches to
the research objectives.
7. Computer literacy
Knowledge of the various computer applications

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