Group 4: Võ Hoàng Khánh Như - Btbciu18 Huyên Nhật Vy - BTBCIU18084 Trần Nguyễn Hồng Phúc - BTBCIU18052

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Group 4

Võ Hoàng Khánh Như -

Huyên Nhật Vy –
Trần Nguyễn Hồng Phúc
– BTBCIU18052
• General information & components
• Procedure
• Health benefits
A traditional Vietnamese
dish, rich in probiotics.

Main ingredients:
glutinous rice and dried
yeast balls.

• No gluten
• No amylose, high amylopectin
=> Fermentation process occurs quickly
• A dried ball of starch, consists fungi, yeasts and bacteria
• Various herbs may be added to boost the growth of microbes and create a special flavor
Aspergillus oryzae
Kingdom: Fungi • Hyphae: hyaline and
Division: Ascomyco septate
Class: Eurotiomy • Conidiophore: ends at a
Order: Eurotiales round-shaped vesicle.
Family: Trichocom • Conodial chains: long
Genus: Aspergillu filaments extend from
the vesicle
• Widely used in miso, soy sauce, sake brewing and other Japanese food
• The primary enzyme is amylase, lends a sweet taste to the food
• Prefer environments: rich in oxygen + 30 - 40oC + adequate moisture
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Kingdom: Fungi
• Widely used in the
Division: Ascomycota
production of bread, beer Class: Saccharomy
or wine Order: Saccharomy
• Unicellular and eukaryotic Family: Saccharomy
Genus: Saccharomy
organism ces
• Considered to be a "model
organism" by scientists
• Two different forms:
haploid or diploid
(The diploid form is
• Reproduce asexually (budding): the daughter cell protrudes off a parent cell. 
• Aerobic and anaerobic conditions
• Convert sugars into ethanol when little or no oxygen (fermentation)
Lactic acid bacteria

Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Firmicutes
Class: Bacilli
Order: Lactobacil

• Common bacteria in yogurt production

• Gram-positive, acid-tolerant, generally nonsporulating, non-respiring, either rod-
shaped (bacilli) or spherical (cocci) 
• Grow optimally of 30-40oC but still can be comfortable about 60oC.
• Usually found in decomposing plants and milk products
• Provide a selective environment favoring fermentative microorganisms (pH) and
produce desirable flavors in various fermented foods
• Glutinous rice 1kg
• Yeast 12 tablets
• Sugar 200gr
• Salt
Making process
Glutinous Rice Rice Rice Rice Mixing Fermentin Fermented
rice processing washing soaking Cooling
cooking well g rice


Rice processing
• Purpose: to get rid of solid impurities (paddy, rice husts)
• Change: insignificant
• Using hands to collect and eliminate impurities
Rice washing
• Purpose: to clean the rice, to eliminate dust on the rice surface
• Change:
• Physical: rice absorbs water → increase in size
• Chemical:
• Increase in humidity
• Rubbing happens when washing rice → losing the thin bran layer with vitamin B1

• Do not use much strength to minimize the loss of vitamin B1

Rice soaking
• Purpose: to make the rice swell → shorten cooking time
• Change:
• Physical:
• rice absorbs water and increase its volume
• changes in the rice structure: the conjunction between its embryo and endosperm loosens →
reduced durability, increased softness & glutinous
• Physical chemistry: starch granules meet water → water interact with hydroxyl
groups in starch via H-bonding → weaken the intermolecular forces among starch
molecules → faster gelatinization
• Biological: fermentation occurs during soaking, mainly lactic fermentation
Rice soaking
- Soaking ratio = 1 rice : 2
- Soak for about 6 hours at
Rice cooking
• Purpose: starch gelatinization, to soften the rice so the microbes can
use starch to produce sugar and ferment the alcohol
• Change:
• Physical: higher temperature & viscosity, rice expansion
• Chemical: the H-bonds are strong → increase heat to break them → more
water absorption
Rice cooking
- adding water to appropriately cover
the rice (ratio 1:1)
- add a bit of salt
- boil at about 100oC
- lower the heat and mix it well until the
water levels down then cover the lid for
the rice to be perfectly cooked
• Purpose: to lower the temperature to optimum for the yeast addition
• Change:
• Physical: reduced temperature
• Chemical: reduced humidity
• Method: cooling to about 30-35oC,
1-2cm thick.
Yeast grounding
& mixing
Purpose: to prepare & well
distribute the yeast for the
Change: microbes in rice develop
Method: grounding and mixing
with sugar before spreading on the
rice → mix the mixture well
• Purpose: glutinous rice  fermented rice
• Method: pour the mixture into a jar for 3 days
until its get the signature smell of fermented
rice (anaerobic)
*Factors affecting the product’s quality
- Temperature: optimum 28-32oC (Sacchromyce). If too high,
activity of yeast reduced + lactic contamination + development of
unwanted yeast.
- pH: optimum pH 4.0-6.0
- Concentration of fermentation fluid:
• high glucose concentration  increase in pressure + imbalance
in physiological state of yeast.
• low glucose concentration  reduces the efficiency of
* Change:
- Physical chemistry: solid → liquid (alcohol) + solid (fermented rice)
- Biochemical: yeast is the mixture of microorganisms including mold, bacteria,… There
are mutual impact on each other during fermentation. When yeast is introduced to
fermentation environment, there is series of process happens:
• Saccharification (starch → sugar)
• Alcoholization (glucose → alcohol)
• Increasing biomass process : the process in which microbes proliferate and improve
their population
• Nutrious food (carbohydrate, vitamins, protein, minerals)
• Provide probiotics for gut flora system, promote digestion
• Enhance appetite, improve metabolism
• Produce Lovastatin  reduce LDLC (in research)
• Brown rice: vitamin B1, iron, magnesium
• A. oryzae: enzyme production
• S. cerevisiae: phytate degradation, mycotoxin degradation, against
Candida species in bowel, folate fortification
• Lactic acid bacteria: control gut infection, improve digestion of lactose
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