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Course Name : CHAR6014-CB: Civics

Year : 2017

Session 7

Diversity and Social Conflict

What is diversity

• According to R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr., president of the American

Institute for Managing Diversity, diversity is “dealing with the collective
mixture of difference and similarities along a given dimension……
(it) extends to age, personal and corporate background, education,
function, and personality.

• It includes lifestyle, sexual orientation, geographic origin, tenure with

an organization, physical and mental disability, exempt or nonexempt
status, and management or non management.

• Each state has different coverage in accepting diversity. For example

Indonesia is not legally recognize same-sex relationships
The social dimensions of diversity in Indonesia

1. Religion

2. Race

3. Ethnic

4. Gender

5. Political Organizations
Barriers to accepting diversity

• Prejudice
• Ethnocentrism
• Stereotypes
• Blaming the victim
• Discrimination
• Harassment
• Sexual harassment
• Backlash
• What is Conflict

• Conflict is any situation in which there are incompatible goals,

cognitions, or emotions within or between individuals or groups
that lead to opposing needs, wishes, ideas, interests, or people.
• Conflict is a normal part of life. In every organization, family,
relationship, and community, there are conflicts of idea,
values, thought, and actions. Conflict is a given.
Two types of Conflict
1) Positive Conflict
• Positive conflict is
functional and supports
or benefits the
organizations of
person’s main objective.
Conflict is viewed as
positive when it result
• increased involvement,
increased cohesion,
increased innovation
and creativity, positive
personal growth and
change, clarification of
key issues, values
2). Negative conflict
• Negative conflict is
dysfunctional and hinders the
organization’s or the person’s
performance or ability to attain
goals or objectives. Conflict is
viewed as negative when it
results in;
• Unresolved anger, personal
clashes, low self-esteem or self-
confidence, unclear or opposing
views on who is or should be
responsible for what, problem of
efficiency and unfinished
Conflict Management Strategies

• Avoiding
• Accommodating
• Compromising
• Competing
• Collaborating
Diversity Training

 Self-awareness of
personal prejudices and
 Individual differences
and how they
 Valuing difference
 Maximizing each person’s
strength and capabilities to
the advantages of the
 Understanding and reducing
 Legal guideline for dealing
with issues such as sexual
 Cross-training and cross-
functional team training

Modul CB Kewarganegaraan

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