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American Civilization

Lecture 5
Dr. Nguyễn Huy Cường
March 17, 2020
A real story: post-election trauma
counselling services
Three Branches of US Government
(Tam Quyền Phân Lập)
• Legislative
• Executive
• Judicial
The Capitol--Home of Congress
All 435 voting seats of the current House
shown grouped by state, largest to smallest
   The Senate:
Democratic Party (D): 45 seats    Independent (Caucus-D): 2 seat   
Republican Party (R): 53 seats
The White House
The Supreme Court Building
Supreme Court Justices: Interpreters of US
System of “Checks and Balances”
Nancy Pelosi ripped Trump’s State of the
Union Address
2. Vice President
Mike Pence
3. Speaker of the
House Nancy Pelosi

1. President
Donald Trump
US Political Parties
Red and Blue States
Who is the “lesser of two evils”?
• Elector = Đại cử tri
• Electoral College = Đại cử tri đoàn
• Visit:
Number of electors in each state

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