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Chapter 2

Basic Principles of
Stock Options

1 © 2004 South-Western Publishing

 What options are and where they come
 Why options are a good idea
 Where and how options trade
 Components of the option premium
 Where profits and losses come from with

What Options Are and Where
They Come From
 Call and put options
 Categories of options
 Standardized option characteristics
 Where options come from
 Opening and closing transactions
 The role of the options clearing corporation

Call and Put Options
 Call Options
– A call option gives its owner the right to buy; it is not a
promise to buy
 For example, a store holding an item for you for a fee is a
call option
 Put Options
– A put option gives its owner the right to sell; it is not a
promise to sell
 For example, a lifetime money back guarantee policy on
items sold by a company is an embedded put option

Categories of Options
 An American option gives its owner the
right to exercise the option anytime prior to
option expiration

 A European option may only be exercised

at expiration

Categories of Options (cont’d)
 Options giving the right to buy or sell
shares of stock (stock options) are the best-
known options
– An option contract is for 100 shares of stock

 The underlying asset of an index option is

some market measure like the S&P 500
– Cash-settled

Standardized Option
 Expiration dates
– The Saturday following the third Friday of certain
designated months for most options
 Striking price
– The predetermined transaction price, in multiples of
$2.50 or $5, depending on current stock price
 Underlying Security
– The security the option gives you the right to buy or sell
– Both puts and calls are based on 100 shares of the
underlying security

Standardized Option
Characteristics (cont’d)

 The option premium is the amount you pay

for the option

 Exchange-traded options are fungible

– For a given company, all options of the same
type with the same expiration and striking price
are identical

Identifying An Option

Expiration (3rd Friday in October) Type of option

Microsoft OCT 80 Call

Underlying asset Strike price

(Microsoft common stock) ($80 per share)

Where Options Come From
 Unlike more familiar securities, there is no
set number of put or call options
– The number in existence changes every day

Opening and Closing
 The first trade someone makes in a
particular option is an opening transaction
for that person

 When the individual subsequently closes

that position out with a second trade, this
latter trade is a closing transaction

Opening and Closing
Transactions (cont’d)
 When someone buys an option as an
opening transaction, the owner of an option
will ultimately do one of three things with it:
– Sell it to someone else
– Let it expire
– Exercise it
 For example, buying a ticket to an athletic

Opening and Closing
Transactions (cont’d)
 When someone sells an option as an
opening transaction, this is called writing
the option
– No matter what the owner of an option does, the
writer of the option keeps the option premium
that he or she received when it was sold

The Role of the Options
Clearing Corporation (OCC)
 The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
contributes substantially to the smooth
operation of the options market
– It positions itself between every buyer and seller
and acts as a guarantor of all option trades
– It sets minimum capital requirements and
provides for the efficient transfer of funds
among members as gains or losses occur

Why Options Are a Good Idea
 Increased risk
 Instantaneous information
 Portfolio risk management
 Risk transfer
 Financial leverage
 Income generation

Where and How Options Trade
 Exchanges
 Over-the-counter options
 Standardized option characteristics
 Other listed options
 Trading mechanics

 Major options exchanges in the U.S.:
– Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
– American Stock Exchange (AMEX)
– Philadelphia Stock Exchange (Philly)
– Pacific Stock Exchange (PSE)
– International Securities Exchange (ISE)
 Foreign options exchanges also exist

Over-the-Counter Options
 With an over-the-counter option:
– Institutions enter into “private” option
arrangements with brokerage firms or other dealers
– The striking price, life of the option, and premium
are negotiated between the parties involved
 Over-the-counter options are subject to
counterparty risk and are generally not

Some Exotic Options

 As-You-Like-It Option
– The owner can decide whether it is a put or a
call by a certain date
 Barrier Option
– Created or cancelled if a prespecified price level
is touched
 Forward Start Option
– Paid for now, with the option becoming effective
at a future date

Other Listed Options
 Long-Term Equity Anticipation Security
– Options similar to ordinary listed options,
except they are longer term
 May have a life up to 39 months
– All LEAPs expire in January
– Presently available on only the most active
underlying securities

Other Listed Options (cont’d)
 FLEX option
– Fundamentally different from an ordinary listed
option in that the terms of the option are flexible
– Advantage of user flexibility while eliminating
counterparty risk
– In general, a FLEX option trade must be for at
least 250 contracts

Trading Mechanics
 Bid Price and Ask Price
– There are two option prices at any given time:
 Bid price: the highest price anyone is willing
to pay for a particular option
 Ask price: the lowest price at which anyone if
willing to sell a particular option

Trading Mechanics (cont’d)
 Types of orders
– A market order expresses a wish to buy or sell
immediately, at the current price
– A limit order specifies a particular price (or
better) beyond which no trade is desired
 Typically require a time limit, such as “for the day” or
“good ‘til canceled (GTC)”

Trading Mechanics (cont’d)
 Trading Floor Systems
– Under the specialist system, there is a single
individual through whom all orders to buy or
sell a particular security must pass
 Used at the AMEX and the Philly
 The specialist keeps an order book with limit order
from all over the country
 The specialist’s job is to maintain a fair and orderly

Trading Mechanics (cont’d)
 Trading Floor Systems (cont’d)
– Under the marketmaker system, the specialist’s
activities are divided among three groups of
 Marketmakers
 Floor brokers
 Order Book Official

The Option Premium
 Intrinsic value and time value
 Option price quotations

Intrinsic Value and Time Value
 Intrinsic value is the amount that an option
is immediately worth given the relation
between the option striking price and the
current stock price
– For a call option, intrinsic value =
stock price – striking price
– For a put option, intrinsic value =
striking price – stock price
– Intrinsic value cannot be < zero

Intrinsic Value and Time Value
 Intrinsic value (cont’d)
– An option with no intrinsic value is out-of-the-
– An option whose striking price is exactly equal
to the price of the underlying security is at-the-
– Options that are “almost” at-the-money are

Intrinsic Value and Time Value
 Time value is equal to the premium minus
the intrinsic value
– As an option moves closer to expiration, its time
value decreases (time value decay)
 An option is a wasting asset

Option Price Quotations
 Every service that reports option prices will
show, at a minimum, the
– Striking price
– Expiration
– Premium

Option Price Quotations  

Intraday Prices from September 15, 2003
Microsoft Stock Price = $28.51
Call Put

Strike Expiration Volume Last Open Interest Volume Last Open Interest

20 SEP 03 8.60 462 0 0 51


20 OCT 0 8.62 3079 0 0 13013

22.50 SEP 0 6.04 781 0 0 5920

22.50 OCT 0 6.06 7050 2 0.05 35024

Profits and Losses With
 Understanding the exercise of an option
 Exercise procedures
 Profit and loss diagrams
 A note on margin requirements

Understanding the Exercise of
an Option
 An American option can be exercised
anytime prior to the expiration of the option
– Exercising an American option early amounts
to abandoning any time value remaining in the
 A European option can only be exercised
at maturity

Exercise Procedures
 Notify your broker
 Broker notifies the Options Clearing
– Selects a contra party to receive the exercise
– Neither the option exerciser nor the option
writer knows the identity of the opposite party

Exercise Procedures (cont’d)
 The option premium is not a down payment
on the purchase of the stock
 The option holder, not the option writer,
decides when and if to exercise
 In general, you should not buy an option
with the intent of exercising it

Profit and Loss Diagrams
 Vertical axis reflects profits or losses on the
expiration day resulting from a particular strategy
 Horizontal axis reflects the stock price on the
expiration day
 Any bend in the diagram occurs at the striking
 By convention, diagrams ignore the effect of
commissions that must be paid

Buying a Call Option (“Going
 Example: buy a Microsoft October 25 call
for $3.70
– Maximum loss is $3.70
– Profit potential is unlimited
– Breakeven is $28.70

Buying a Call Option (cont’d)

Breakeven = $28.70

0 20 40 60 80 100
loss = $3.70

Writing a Call Option (“Short
 Ignoring commissions, the options market
is a zero sum game
– Aggregate gains and losses will always net to
– The most an option writer can make is the
option premium
 Writing a call without owning the underlying
shares is called writing a naked (uncovered)

Writing a Call Option (cont’d)

Breakeven = $28.70

Profit = $3.70
0 20 40 60 80 100

Buying a Put Option (“Going
 Example: buy a Microsoft April 25 put for
– Maximum loss is $1.10
– Maximum profit is $23.90
– Breakeven is $23.90

Buying a Put Option (cont’d)
Breakeven = $23.90

0 20 40 60 80 100

Writing a Put Option (“Short
 The put option writer has the obligation to
buy if the put is exercised by the holder

Writing a Put Option (cont’d)

Breakeven = $23.90


0 20 40 60 80 100


A Note on Margin Requirements
 A margin requirement is analogous to
posting collateral and can be satisfied by a
deposit of cash or other securities into your
brokerage account

 The margin system is to reduce the

likelihood that option writers will be unable
to fulfill their obligations


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