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XML Sitemap

Google Search Console
Robots.txt file is a text file that can be saved to a website’s
server. It determines if and when the search engine crawlers 
can visit a website’s subpages and include them in their 
index. In doing this, certain subpages can be excluded from
the search results.
How does robots.txt work

There are some predefine Keywords you can Use

1. User agent
2. Allow
3. Disallow
4. Delay- time – 10 mili sec
5. sitemap
Example of Robots.txt

User-agent : * User-agent : *

Disallow : /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/ajax.php
What is XML Sitemap

A sitemap, or XML sitemap, is a list of

different pages on a website. XML is
short for “extensible markup language,”
which is a way to display information on
a site
List of Sitemap Filetypes:
Two type sitemap
• 1. XML Sitemap
• 2. HTML Sitemap –
Tools to Generate XML


Free Sitemap Generator On


Screaming Frog SEO Spider

and Sitemap generator
Creation of
Tags Used in a Sitemap
<urlset> - The Sitemap opens and closes with this tag. It is the current
protocol standard.

<url> - This is the parent tag for each URL entry.

<loc> - This tag contains the absolute URL, or the locator of the page.
<lastmod> - This contains information about the file’s last
modified date. It should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Tags Used in a Sitemap

<changefreq> - This contains information about the frequency with which a

file is changed.

<priority> - This indicates the file’s importance within the site. The value
ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.

<xhtml:link> - In this case, this tag is used to provide details of alternate

URLs offered in other languages.
<sitemapindex xmlns=””>






XML sitemap
in Google
Search Console
Google Search Console

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