Review of The Related Literature

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Literature Review

 Literatures refers to the analysis of textbook and manuscripts

 The literature means that the work that the researcher consulted in
order to understand and investigate the research problem.

 A literature review therefore is account of what has been published on

a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.
Sources of Information
 Books
 Academic articles
 Conference proceedings (research that has not been published).
 Government/corporate reports
 Newspapers (offers information about recent trends, discoveries or
 Specialized magazine
 Theses or dissertation
 Internet (E-books and E-journals)
a) It sharpens and deepens the theoretical foundation of the research.
b) It gives a researcher insight into what has been done in selected field,
pinpointing its strength and weakness.
c) It enables the researcher to know the kind of additional data needed in
the study. This helps avoiding duplication of work.
d) An understand of the previous works helps the researcher to develop
significant problem which will provide further knowledge in the field of
the study.
e) Wide reading exposes the researcher to a variety of approaches dealing
with research issue. This contributes to a well-designed methodology.
Importance of literature review…

 Ithelps in developing an analytical framework or basis

for analyzing and interpreting data.
Writing the LR

 Immediately document and cite source you took the information

 Bookmark online sources.
 Bookmark “hard copy.” Use post-it notes to mark pages with
relevant information.
 Keep track of page numbers or online locations of paraphrases and
 If information comes from a class lecture, interview, or
conference, note details immediately.
Guidelines in formulating an effective
literature review
 Identify the key issues to be addressed by the Lit review
 Decide on the scope of your review
-How many studies you need to look at? How comprehensive should it be?, How many years
should it cover? How many sources are required?
 Analyze critically the articles identified
-Has a author formulated a problem/issue? Is it clearly defined? Is it significance clearly
-Has the author evaluate the literature relevant to the problem?
-Is there an objective basis on the reasoning or is the author merely proving what he or she already
-How does the author structure the arguments?
-How does the book or article relate to the specific objectives researcher is attempting to study?
Guidelines in formulating an effective
literature review…
 Classify and code the article
-Taking notes and paraphrasing relevant materials
-code the notes for easy retrieval
-The details of the sources should be indicated (author, title, date of publication
and the publisher should be indicated)
 Create an outline for the review
-by identifying the main points
 Synthesize the information gathered
-analyze each reference in terms of research variables
Guidelines in formulating an effective
literature review…
 Write the review of related literature
-Select studies that are related most directly to the problem at hand
-Tie together the results of the studied so that their relevance is clear.
-Indicate that the extension area are reviewed is incomplete or required
-Organize the review along major points relevant to the problem.
-Give the reader some indication of the relevant importance of the
results from studies reviewed.
Qualities of an effective Literature
 It is critical, organized and analytical in orientation.
LR is used to analyze issues such as:
-Whether the hypotheses in the studies reviewed were logically formulated.
-The methodology used in the studies and quality of interpretation of the findings
are also analyzed.
-Sampling procedures adopted and their appropriateness for the study.
- Examine the interpretation of data particularly on whether is based on logical
deduction of findings.
- The applicability of the research findings to a wide population is discussed
Qualities of an effective Literature
 It justifies the need of the study.
-by identifying the gap
-its also points out how the current study will contribute positively towards the
fillings the identified gaps.
 It highlights the relationship between the past and the current study.
 It puts the research problem into perspective.
-by quoting analyzing various studies related to selected topic, it helps to define the
research problem
-its also acts as a guideline in assessment of the research questions/objectives
Challenges faced in the formulation of
literature review
 Failure to connect the reviewed studies with the current study
 Poor presentation
 Large quantities of studies to review
 Lack of documentation
-reading articles without writing until you have finished, is resulted
to forget or omit important points.
A researcher should note down important points during the course
of reading.
Challenges faced in the formulation of
literature review…
 Lack of referencing
-Researcher should always put references into writings otherwise you will
spend a lot of time in the library tracking down the references to all source you
have quoted
 Lack of critique
-blindly accept research findings and interpretation without critically
examining all aspect of research design and analysis.
 Failure to review current studies.
-the researcher should make attempts to analyze studies carried out less than
five years ago in relation to his/her study
Revising the LR: Questions to Ask Yourself

 Have I accurately represented the author’s views?

 Is source material research current and relevant to thesis topic?
 Are all major theorists, scholars, or studies represented?
 Have I shown relationships between sources?
 Is there a clear connection between thesis topic and the LR?
 Are all sources documented accurately?
 Have I used effective transitions from idea to idea, source to source,
paragraph to paragraph?
 Is my analysis of sources well developed?
 Have I represented all conflicts or argumentative sides fairly?

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