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Definition of writing:

 It means putting letters or symbols on any surface.

 In any communication writing have a very remarkable place.
 Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and
 Writing is a creative skill as other skills proficiency comes with practice same
case in writing.
Writing as skill

 Writing is a one of important skills in communication.

 Writing skills are highly essentials because organization needs
professional writers.
 Some people develop writing skills as career like poets ,
writers ,
novelist and historian etc.
 Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with
clarity and ease to a far larger audience to understand.
Types of Writing:

 E-mails
 Letters and Memos
 Free writing
 Easy writing
 Independent writing
 Narrative writing
 Expository writing
 Persuasive writing

 E-mail is fast, convenient and easy

 Email is now the dominant method of communicating in business.
 Convenient for communicating with people in different places and
different time zones.
 Easier to communicate with people who understand written English but
don’t speak it well.
 Excellent mechanism for follow-up or action items after a meeting
Letters and Memos:

 Letters and memos are the basic vehicles of business communication.

 They should be brief and make a single point (no more than 2 pages)
 Letters are for external communications.
 Memos are for internal communications.
Free Writing:

 Free writing is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously

for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic. It
produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of
apathy and self-criticism.
Easy writing:
•Sentences containing verbal’s.
•Sentences using present and past participles (in phrases)
•Appositive construction
•Sentences using semicolons for more intricate formats
•Sentences containing relative clauses
•Sentences using subordinate clauses
•Reproducible worksheets
Principles of good writing.

 purpose
 Use clear language.
 Be objective.
 Structure.
 Choice of words.
 Punctuation.
 Grammatically correct.
 Proofread.
 style

 First of all you must know why you are writing.

 The writing process is like a building. On the skeleton of purpose the building
is constructed.
 There are many purpose of writing like good news , bad news , message of
inquiry etc.
Use clear language:
 Use the sort of words you would use in conversation.
 Use a level of language that is accessible to your readers.
 Avoid overuse of clichés, similes and worn out phrases.
 Write short sentences so that your reader get the basic or theme point of ur

Be objective:
 Present the information objectively.
 Your conclusions should arise logically from the information presented,
and be based on the facts and evidence you have collected, rather than your
own opinion or what you would like to happen.
 A clear beginning, middle and an end.
 It is more challenging to understand the chain of thought in
written communication than when it is expressed verbally.
 The blue print of your thoughts in your mind will decide the
structure of your

Choice of words:
 The words that you use determine your style.
 Your writing could be easy and based on simple words so that your reader gets
the main point.
 Words can convey positive, negative, strong or weak messages
depending on what you choose to express yourself.
 Its have a large effect.
 In speaking we don’t need to have any commas , full stop ,question mark etc.
 But if u don’t use the commas , full stop etc. In your writing phrase
the reader can get difficulty to read and understand.
 A writer should have a best knowledge to use these things.

Grammatically correct:
 No grammatical mistakes.
 In writing grammar have a larger effect…if u write correct grammar the
reader understand context easily.
 Proofread as many times as it is required to get it perfect.
 This thing helps send out errors all the time.
 After you finish writing, read and re-read and check for typos and
grammar errors.
 Check for concision and cut out every single word.

 Style is the main every writer owns his own style.
 An easy style has a quick impact.
 The message should be understood on first reading.
What is the writing process?
 Every writer follows his or her own writing process.
 Here are five steps towards creating or identifying your personal
writing process:
i. Prewriting
ii. Writing
iii. Revision
iv. Editing
v. Publishing
 Prewriting identifies everything you need to do before you sit down to
start your rough draft.

 Find Your Idea:

Ideas are all around you. You might draw inspiration from a routine, an
everyday situation or a childhood memory.

 Build On Your Idea:

Two of the most popular methods of fleshing out your idea are free writing
and brainstorming. Free writing means writing every idea that comes into
your head.

 Plan and Structure:

Piecing the puzzle together comes next. It's time to sort through your ideas
and choose which ones you will use to form your story.

 Now you have your plan and you’re ready to start writing.
 Forget about word count and grammar. Don’t worry if you stray off topic in
places; even the greatest writers produce multiple drafts before they produce
their finished manuscript.
 Identify the best time and location to write and eliminate potential
 Make writing a regular part of your day.
 Your story can change a great deal during this stage. When revising their
work, many writers naturally adopt the A.R.R.R. approach

 Have you given your readers all the information they need to make
sense of your story?
 If not, go back to your notebook that you kept for additional scenes and any
additional details.

 Consider the flow, pacing and sequencing of your story. Would the plot be
better served if some of the events occur in a different order?
 After making additions to your story, how is your word count now? Are
your readers experiencing information overload? You may need to
eliminate passages that don’t quite fit.

 The most effective way to revise your work is to ask for a second
opinion. Do you need more vivid details to help clarify your work?
 You have overhauled your story. It’s time to fine tune your manuscript line by
 Check for repetition, clarity, grammar, spelling and punctuation. Editing is an
extremely detailed process and its best when performed by a professional.
 Nobody wants to read a book that is full of mistakes, and they certainly won’t
buy a book that is riddled with them.

 Publication may extend to a multimedia presentation or lead to a public

 The Presentation Trait is emphasized during this phase of the writing process
as the writer works to make the piece appealing and inviting to the audience.
Barriers of writing skills

 Noise
 Lack of effective tools
 Training for writing
 Scope of motivation
 Writers block

 Its very common problem that we feel in our work station.

 A writer require a complete silent place.
 When any one involved in writing his thoughts travel in a coded message
to his mind. If any one interrupts the flow of thoughts is disturbed then he
became disturbed.
 But a writer should be used to the noise factor because he cannot come
across a place that is filled with utmost silence expect occasionally.
 He should concentrate in his work deeply.
Lack of effective tools:

 Writer requires many tools for writing.

 Todays writer require internet to gather information.
 Everybody is not lucky enough to own a PC and buy an internet
connection at home.
 If he lacks digital facilities, then he can gather information from the books.
He should store books that he buys or uses for academic purposes.
 A writer should also learn to make effective use of his tools. Even if he has an
internet connection at home, he must know the techniques to search the
desired results.
Training for writing:

 Everybody is not lucky enough to imbibe training for effective writing.

 If a writer belongs to a wealthy background, his parents can assist and finance
for him to learn various courses for writing.
 But even if he is not able to acquire any training he should train himself.
 He can gather information from various sources such as internet,
books, libraries, friends etc.
Scope of motivation:

 Sometimes a person may feel the urge to write something, but the people
around him may not encourage him. They may tell him that he is not a good
 In such situation, he should not follow the words of others but he should
follow his own path. If he is urged he should take a step ahead.
 If he has not developed the necessary skills he can learn a lot by watching the
other writers in the forum. He can learn the skills that are necessary for a
Writers block:

 A writer consistently needs to think and ponder to write something.

 At a point of time when he or she is continuously delivering thoughts to pin
down, he may come to a point where his mind becomes saturated. At this
time, he cannot think further as his mind becomes blocked.
 To refresh his mind and start writing again he can use different techniques.
He should quietly sit down in a room and read something that absorbs his
How we can improve writing skills?

 USE STRAIGHTFORWARD LANGUAGE. The most fundamental way to simplify

writing is to use simpler words. ...

 Utilize full potential of written communication

 Use frequent e-mails as per your requirement
 What you write will ultimately define you as a professional to your colleagues
and superiors
 Match the appropriate communication method to the recipient
 Eliminating excessive or unnecessary communication will improve your
 Mastering these skills will improve your ability and enhance your career

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