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Leron Leron Sinta

Margrette Dolores R. Lopez

Grade 7- Maalalahanin
Leron, Leron sinta or "My Dear, Little Leron," is a popular Filipino folk song from the Tagalog region. It is
traditionally a work song, representing those who work in the fields harvesting fruits, though the origin is
unclear due to the lack of scholarly literature that examines Philippine folk music.

Some sources also refer to it as a courtship song. It tells the story of a couple walking among papaya trees.
Papaya is a staple of the Filipino diet. One person climbs to the very top of a papaya tree to gather fruit, but on
the way up one of the branches snaps and they fall. The other person, rather than being upset, decides they’ll
just find a new person.
The end
Water Cycle


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