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Coping with Stress in Middle

and Late Adolescence
Learning outcomes
• Discuss that understanding stress and its
sources during adolescence may help in
identifying ways to cope and have a healthy
• Identify sources of one’s stress and
illustrate the effects of stresson one’s
system; and
• Demonstrate personal ways of coping with
stress for healthful living.
STRESS…. defined
…a reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus
that disturbs the well-being, state of calm or
equilibrium of a person
• Small and sporadic amounts of stress can be
helpful and beneficial to individuals, but
• Excessive amounts of stress sustained over a
lengthy period of time can be destructive to
both physical and mental health
STRESS…. defined

Not only a reaction (response) but may also be seen

• Stimulus – conditions which may be life-
threatening or life-changing, also called stressors
• Stress as a response – release of stress hormone
(adrenaline) which triggers increased heart and
respiratory rate, higher blood pressure
STRESS…. defined
• Relational condition – when a person under stress
assesses the situation and allows reasoning to prevail
• For Filipino high school students, science and math
seem to be the common stressors
• Those who have the genes for positive relevance
overcome the stress
• Those who lack said genes have negative relevance
and will result in further agitation and stress
• End result: the student either gets a low grade in the
subject, or worse, fails in it.
STRESS…. defined

• Healthy stress – when the stress motivates a

person to a necessary action.
• Sports (basketball, athletics), social (performing
in front of an audience) activities pushes a
person to do better
• Bad stress can be transformed into good stress
depending on how the individual assesses the
STRESS…. defined

• School demands and expectations – school

requirements (quizzes, projects, etc) are
common examples of stressors in school
• The fear of not being able to graduate after
senior high school is a prominent stressor in
STRESS…. defined

• Selecting a school, college course or career –

deciding on what course to take in college could
be one of stressors in school
• Taking entrance examinations (UPCAT, USTET,
etc) plus the fees that go with it
• In most cases, the parents decide on what their
wards will take in college.
STRESS…. defined

• Separation anxiety – graduation from high

school poses the possibility of separation from
parents, friends
• Technology may ease the pain since they can
easily get in contact with their family and
friends although there is no substitute for their
physical presence to provide a shoulder to cry
STRESS…. defined
• College life – new school, new teachers, new
• Adjusting to their new environment poses a new
stress to the adolescents
• Family demands and expectations – family ties
could be stressors
• Parents may not be ready to relinquish their
control over their “baby”
STRESS…. defined

• Health concerns – problems may arise from

unhealthy lifestyles the adolescents may adopt
in their new environment
• Health problems, i.e. unwanted pregnancy, STD,
poor eating and sleeping habits
STRESS…. defined

• Demands of social life – to many adolescents, it

is embarrassing to be alone
• There is a feeling of “wanting to belong” to a
certain group or organization (the Greek letter
organizations, remember?)
STRESS…. defined
• Bullying – adolescents who have problems
either at home or with themselves, become
either reclusive or bullies
• They need empathy and understanding
• Anti-bullying policies have been drafted by
• Victims have to report them to the proper
Coping with STRESS

• Sleepless nights, poor appetite may result from

• Coping with it may avoid the damage it may
• There are designated individuals in schools to
help the adolescents cope with these stressors
Coping with STRESS
Coping with STRESS – additional suggestions

• Seek spiritual growth through prayer and meditation

• Have a worthwhile hobby
• Watch a movie with friends
• Have a nice, quiet walk with a member of your family
• Assess stressors as they pose a problem.
• Believe in yourself that you are strong and courageous.
• If you feel you cannot handle it yourself, seek
professional help.
Coping with STRESS

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