Friday The 13-TH

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The word SUPERSTITION has many
different meanings, but one of those
meanings is belief in bad luck.
That means that sometimes no matter
what you do or tell , the bad things will
happen to you.
The most popular story about bad luck
is story of Friday The 13-th.
There are many explanations about
why is that day connected with
misfortune. Some of them are
Christian stories about 13 people at
Last supper of Christ and also about
the Friday when Jesus died. Many
historical events happened on that day
and because those events were full of
death and suffer, some people say it`s
bad luck on Friday The 13-th.
Here is a story about what happened
to Uroš and Nikola on that day.
Nikola`s story
It was a bright sunny day, the
end of a school week. The
classes were over and nothing
bad happened even though
my school mates were talking
about Friday The 13-th all day.
I was very happy because
there were no bad marks, no
homework at all and my best
friend Uroš and I had plan to
spend all afternoon at park
playing football.
The cursed soccer ball
Than bad things started

While I was crossing the street,

suddenly my soccer ball fell out from
my hands. The ball was rolling very
fast down the hill.
I was chasing my ball when I ran to
the moving car and a driver stopped
at the last moment to avoid the
He was scared and furious. He was
shouting at me while I was standing
there with tears in my eyes.
When he left, I finally found my ball
and continued my walk to the park.
I was thinking that ball was cursed.
• Someone put a spell on me
Someone put a spell on me!
-So maybe this Bad luck day stories
aren`t so untrue after all – I was
thinking while I was walking to the
As I was thinking about that, I
suddenly fell down and hurt my
There was a huge hole on the
sidewalk which I haven`t noticed.
There were some people around me
at that moment. They were talking to
me and asking if I was all right.
I was so embarrassed and I said I was
fine even though my foot was hurt.
When they gone, I stood up and I was
walking very slowly.
~ Oh, my God, someone put a spell on
me! – I thought. What will happen
This day is so bad!
This day is so bad!
When I finaly reached Uroš`s
building, I realised that no one is
there. – Hey, what happened to my
best friend? – I was asking my self.
I was so late and he wasn`t there.
I reached to my pocket to phone him,
but my mobile wasn`t there.
First I thought that I lost it, but then I
remembered that I left it at home.
- Argh ! I will try to ring his door
bell- I said to myself.
I was ringing and ringing but no one
- Ah, damn Friday The 13-th! – I
yelled !
I was about to leave when my best
friend finaly came out with a sad face.
I asked him what happened and here
is his story.

It was a lovely sunny day. I Had a very

good day at school. The geography
teacher said nice things about me and
my team won a basketball match on
My friends at school were talking
about Friday The 13-TH all day long.
My best friend Nikola and I didn`t
believe in that silly stories and we
made a deal to spend all day in park
playing football.
Something went wrong…
Something went wrong
I was at my home alone.
My mom went to visit my
grandmother. She told me
that I may go to park and left
me clothes to wear .
Anyway, I wanted to wear
something else: my brand
new Partizan jersey I won for
my birthday. I knew my mom
wouldn`t like that because
she wanted to save it for
special occasions.
I put it on and I wanted to
have a cup of juice before I
went out. And then I spill it on
my new jersey. I was terrified!
• Bad luck, witch craft or
Bad luck, witch craft or
something else? something else?
-Oh, no! What will my mom tell me
when she get back home? – I thought.
I needed to remove that dirty spot as
soon as could.
I took a sponge and a liquid soap and
started to rub the dirty spot. While I
was cleaning, I noticed that the spot
wasn’t vanishing. It became bigger.
I didn`t know what to do. I put it in a
bath tab filled with water.
I started to cry. Then I remembered
that it was to late for me to meet
Nikola. I put on the other T-shirt and
went out very sad.
-This Friday The 13-TH stories seems
to be true.- I was thinking.
• Bad luck went to park with
Bad luck went to park
with us… us…
While we were talking about bad
things that happened to us during
that day, one big dog came and
caught Nikola`s ball and destroyed it
with his sharp teeth and strong jaws.
We couldn`t believe what happened
to us.
- I wish this is only a bad dream!-
said Nikola.
We decided to come back to my
home. My mother was waiting for us
when we came back.
She was little angry with me, but she
listened to our stories and put some
ice on Nikola`s hurt ancle.
There is no bad luck!
When my mother listened to us, she
said that all these things did not
happen because of Friday The 13-TH.
They happened because we were
doing things in a hurry and without
Nikola dropped his ball because he
didn`t hold it right, and he almost
died in a traffic accident because he
didn`t run on the side walk. He hurt
his foot because he didn`t look
where he was going, I spilt juice over
my new T-shirt because I didn`t drink
slowly and I shouldn`t have tried to
clean the dirt by my self. The dog took
our ball because we weren`t
watching over it . It could happen any
other day!

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