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World’s most beautiful


Group no - VIII
The world we live in is a fantastic and an amazingly
beautiful place. We are all in such a hurry so much of the
time that we often forget to stop and admire the natural
beauty all around us. At the same time few of us will
explore farther a field to find those particular scenes that
stand out as true testaments to the beauty of nature - not
for lack of ability, but often because we simply don't know
what's out there. There is nothing more breathtaking and
nothing as able to put your life in perspective as seeing
some of the world's most beautiful scenes. Here we will
look at what some of the world's most beautiful scenes are,
what they entail, and how you can find them for yourself.
Northern Lights
1. The northern lights must be one of the world's most
beautiful scenes and are all the more fantastic for the
fact that they are not seen in many parts of the world.

2. These lights, which can be seen from the North pole,

Scotland, and other regions during the right times,
spread amazingly vivid colours across the sky and
interact with the stars to provide one of the most truly
breathtaking sights and surely one of the world's most
beautiful scenes.
3. It is caused by the collision of charged particles
directed by the Earth's magnetic field.

4. It is also referred to as a polar aurora or, collectively,

as polar lights, Aurora.

5. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, the auroras were

commonly believed a sign from God.

6. The ultimate energy source of the aurora is the solar

wind flowing past the Earth.
Grand Canyon
1. The grand canyon is one of those things that feels
like it shouldn't exist.
2. It's so huge, so sparse, and so dwarfing, that any of
us feel small standing at the top.
3. The new sky walk now also allows you to stand on a
glass over hang and look directly down which is
enough to make most people instantly dizzy.
4. One of the world's most beautiful scenes, and so
near to civilization too.
5. The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the
Colorado River in the United States in the state of

6. It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National

Park, one of the first national parks in the United States.

7. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18

miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile
(1.83 km) (6000 feet).

8. The Grand Canyon is known for its visually

overwhelming size and its intricate and colorful
The Stars
1. Okay so there's nothing unusual about the stars and
you can find them no matter where you are in the
world by just looking up at night.
2. However there are few sights more wonderful than
a sky full of  shimmering stars which in reality are
millions of light years away.
3. For one of the most beautiful scenes on Earth, all
you have to do is look up.
Cape Town
1. Cape town is sometimes referred to as 'heaven on
Earth' due to its innate beauty, and one can easily
see why.
2. A small quaint town in South Africa, it is surrounded
by huge looming mountains, and looks incredible
when lit up at night.
3. A perfect merging of man made city lights and
natural rock formations and mountains to create
another of the world's most beautiful scenes.
Iguazu Falls
• Brazil: Waterfalls are beautiful in any case and seeing
water crashing down the side of a mountain is a
wondrous demonstration of nature's destructive
• The Iguaza waterfalls however are renowned as the
most beautiful in the world due to the surrounding
scenery, the great panoramas, and their size and
number making this a shoe in for  any list of the
world's most beautiful scenes.
• Legend has it that a god planned to marry a beautiful
woman named Naipí, who fled with her mortal lover
Tarobá in a canoe. In rage the god sliced the river,
creating the waterfalls and condemning the lovers to
an eternal fall.

• The waterfall system consists of 275 falls along

2.7 kilometres (1.7 mi) of the Iguazu River. Some of
the individual falls are up to 82 metres (269 ft) in
height, though the majority are about 64 metres
(210 ft).

• Two-thirds of the falls are within Argentine territory

Grand Prismatic Spring
• In Yellowstone park the grand prismatic spring is as colourful and
spectacular as its name suggests.

• Visit during the summer when the chlorophyll is low and the mats
surrounding the steaming azure blue springs appears completely
orange as though surrounded by lava. Beautiful and compelling.

• It is the largest hot spring in the United States, and the third
largest in the world, next to those in New Zealand.

• It is located in the Midway Geyser Basin.

• The first records of the spring are from early European
explorers and surveyors.

• In 1839, a group of fur trappers from the American Fur

Company crossed the Midway Geyser Basin and made
note of a "boiling lake", most likely the Grand Prismatic
Spring, with a diameter of 300 feet (90 m).

• In 1870 the Washburn-Langford-Doane Expedition

visited the spring, noting a 50-foot (15 m) geyser nearby
(later named Excelsior).
Spotted Lake
• A site in Columbia which has a high concentration of various
minerals that create a 'spotted' appearance.

• During the summer the water evaporates making the lake appear
as hundreds of 'spots' rather than one large mass of water.

• It is one of the world's most beautiful scenes and also one of the
most alien.

• Spotted Lake is a saline endorheic alkali lake located northwest of

Osoyoos in British Columbia.
• Spotted Lake is very highly concentrated with
numerous different minerals.

• It contains some of the highest quantities (in

the world) of magnesium sulfate, calcium and
sodium sulphates.

• It also contains extremely high concentrations

of 8 other minerals as well as some small
doses of four others such as silver and
Waitomo Glow Worm Cave
• A cave in New Zealand filled with thousands of tiny
glow worms that fill the dark caves like tiny neon

• Sailing through the caves feels like sailing through

space and it's a truly breathtaking and almost
unbelievable experience.

• The Waitomo Glowworm Cave is a cave on the North

Island of New Zealand, known for its population of
glowworms, Arachnocampa luminosa.
• These glowworms are found exclusively in New Zealand and
around the size of an average mosquito. This cave is part of
the Waitomo Caves system that includes the Ruakuri Cave
and the Aranui Cave.

• The guided tour through the Glowworm Cave brings the

visitor through three different levels and begins at the top
level of the cave and the Catacombs.

• The levels are linked by the Tomo, which is a 16 m vertical

shaft made of limestone.

• The second level is called the Banquet Chamber. This level is

where early visitors stopped to eat and there is evidence of
this in the smoke on the ceiling of the chamber.
• From here it may be possible to link back to the
upper level to see the largest formation called the
Pipe Organ but on busy days this area is closed to
the public because the build-up of carbon
monoxide may be hazardous.

• The third and final level goes down into the

Cathedral, demonstration platform, and the jetty.

• The Cathedral is an enclosed area with rough

surfaces and is about 18 m high making for great

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