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The researchers have decided to study the

general impacts of Tax Reform Acceleration and
Inclusion (TRAIN) Law to the senior high school
students of Rizal Technological University.

Furthermore, the results of this study will not only

be a simple interpretation of the researchers.
Instead, it will be the reflection of the general
student's position about the implementation of
the said law with regards on its impacts,
specifically to their financial managing routine.
 Quantitative Research
 The researchers used the rating scale type of
questionnaire method.
 The selected respondents are preferably Senior High
School students inside the Rizal Technological
University. It limits merely to every strand
Survey questionnaire was used to collect and gain
information from a number of respondents.
 The respondents were classified according to parents’
occupational wages, daily allowance and daily
expenses based on their financial status. In addition to
the level of awareness and perception towards TRAIN
Intrepretation on Perception
4 3.50 -4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.50 -3.49 Agree
2 1.50 -2.49 Disagree
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

Interpretation on Awareness
4 3.50 -4.00 Strongly Aware
3 2.50 -3.49 Aware
2 1.50 -2.49 Unaware

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Unaware

This study seeks to answer the following questions
1. What is the profile of the respondents according to their
financial status?
1.1. Monthly Income of the family.
1.2. Daily allowance
1.3. Daily expenses
2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents about
the implementation of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and
Inclusion (TRAIN) Law?
3. How does the respondent percepts the initial impacts of Tax
Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law?
4. Do the perceptions of respondents vary according to their
financial profile?
5. Does the level of awareness of the respondents differ
according to their financial profile?
From 343 respondents, 124 or 36.15% consists the most
students with 10,000 and below monthly income of
the parents while parents with a monthly income of
30000 above compromise the least students with 4
respondents or 1.17%. On the other hand, in terms of
the daily allowances and expenses of the students, Php
121 to 150 is the majority daily allowance of every
student while Php 61 to Php 90 is the majority of the
daily expenses.
 Frequency on the awareness of Senior High Students about
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law
indicates that “Businesses with total annual sales of three
million pesos and below will be exempted from the Value
Added Tax” receives the least awareness from the said
respondents with a weighted mean of 1.53 and a verbal
interpretation of Fairly Aware. On the other hand, the
overall mean about the awareness totals to 2.65 with a
verbal interpretation of Averagely Aware.

 Frequency on the perception of Senior High School

Students about Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion
(TRAIN) Law indicates that majority of the respondents
agree with the Initial Perception of TRAIN Law with a
weighted mean 2.87.
It is clearly stated that majority of the respondents are Aware on the
Implementation of TRAIN Law since According to Mara-Mara
(2018), that President Duterte signed into the TRAIN bill and
allowed it to take effect on January 1, 2018. So it is quite new to the
ears of the public.

It is clearly stated that the excise tax on sweetened beverages,

alcoholic liquors and tobacco products became beneficial to the
public health since based from Dela Paz (2018), that the said
products are not good to the health. It is more over using in such
moderation rather than abusing because over usage of cigarette
smoking, sugar and liquor do bring bad towards our health.

In addition that student is likely to be affected in terms of

budgeting money because of the price hike of specified products
and also in terms of transportation.

As for Dr Tullao (2018), drivers of public transportation vehicles are

forced to increase their fare in order to compensate for the increase
in the price of gasoline.
 Most of the respondents has a family with an income
of less than Php 10 000 a month which means that
they are getting the benefits from the provision of
TRAIN law regarding income tax reduction and
 Most respondents has a daily allowance ranging from
Php 121 to Php 150
 Relative to their allowance, most of respondents’
expenses fell under the range of Php 91 to Php 121
On its one year of provision, the weighted mean for TRAIN
law awareness is average. With that being said, the
respondents are evenly divided between aware and
The family income has no significant effects on the
awareness and perception of the respondents about TRAIN
The daily allowance of the respondents has nothing to do
on how do they percept TRAIN, as well as on how aware
they are about this law.
Having an average score from the respondents, both
awareness and perception about the TRAIN law has no
corresponding effects on how the respondents do their
daily expenses.
Based on the findings and conclusions given by the
researchers are recommended:
Students should learn how to budget their allowance.
Students should know their priorities in spending their
Parents should be informed of the results of this study to be
able for them to understand where their children spend their
Students should be aware on its advantages and
Government should inform more the people about the TRAIN
Students should be educated by this study to enhance their
knowledge about the TRAIN Law.

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